Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Snowtrain, we all have bad days. This is why this is a lifestyle change not a diet. Let's be real do you think those skinny chicks have great days every day. They do not. They just make sure the days after that one are good. So pat yourself on the back for doing the 20minute work out and move forward.

    That is a solid kitty cat Heather!

    As for weigh in. I forgot. My ankle is so swollen it is horrible. I do not know why. So my mind is on painting this weekend and how I am going to stand. So just for fun I weighed myself after 2 cups of coffee, breakfast, and the cellphone in my had fully dressed and it had me up 1 pound. I thought that was a good sign that I may have lost weight.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Ok, here's my first check in as a part of this group.

    Calories- under (1323 out of 1460)

    Water- ok, I'm on my 3rd 20oz bottle of water, which is actually good for me. I'm lucky to get in 40oz s day.

    Exercise- none :s

    What I'm proud of- I planned my calories well today. I knew we were having a little potluck at school today, so I ate a very small breakfast to allow room for some of that food at lunch. When I did eat st the potluck, I only took small samples of a couple of my favorite items. I didn't feel deprived at all, and I didn't overindulge at all either.

    A challenge I have set for myself is to increase water to 60oz minimum, and get to the gym at least 3x between now and next Thursday. I can do it!!

    I am proud of you too! I am not sure I would have that kind of will power. By the way welcome to our group:flowerforyou:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    annasgyal 120 calories for UNsweetend tea.:noway: I would have taken the sugar!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I also forgot to weigh in. Mornings are nuts for me right now trying to get back in the swing of getting to work but now with a whooollleee lot more I have to do before I leave the house. :ohwell: Saturdays may have to be my day from now on. We'll see how next week goes.
  • Ready_Today
    IM interested in joining...
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    So my weigh in for this week.....I started on Monday at 236.0 and my current weight in this morning is 234.6.
    Therefore my official percentage weight loss this week is 0.59%
    Quite frankly after the pound gaining episode this week, and the starbucks episode. I will take it. I was almost to 2pounds. Hey the weekend just might get me to that .4 pounds I need to make it two pounds. Not gonna know for sure, because the hotel does not have a scale! In was so tempted to walk with mines....But we will sees how I did when I get back in town on Monday.
  • msmmrobinson
    Weigh in time...I am exactly the same as I was last week. Generally i would be bummed but it is TOM so I am happy that the scale did not go up but stayed the same!!! Hopefully that means next week I will have a big loss.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am losing 2 pounds by next Friday. Just thought I would let you all know...............................At least I better:embarassed:
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    I'm not checking in, I haven't had dinner yet :) Just adding to the conversation. I will also turn 30 in a few months (Feb), looks like there are a few of us! I love reading everyone's posts, they really are motivating and inspiring, and you all can consider me your own personal cheerleader! :) I'll be back after dinner to fill you all in on my day. I weighed myself this morning, 221.6, which hasn't changed since last week. I blame that on the four days I tried "fast 5" and only ate between 5 and 10 pm. Yeah....starving all day then stuffing all my calories into one meal? Not for me.........
  • muriah2
    muriah2 Posts: 143 Member
    Ok, that didn't last long, here's my check in:

    Calories: under (1282 out of 1460)

    Water: getting better! Working on bottle #3!

    Exercise: none, but I did move more today than usual. Was really busy all day at the salon, followed by vigorous cleaning when I got home.

    What I'm proud of: I planned for my lunch today (which was cheap, delicious and nutritious!) and when my boyfriend got me a diet coke out of the fridge to have for dinner, I put it back and filled up that water bottle!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Was soo proud of my self. It was a saturday and i was under my cals !!!!

    Hasn't hapend in a long long time!!

    I went and got 30 day shred and last chance workout , onloy had to pay like 5 for both of them woohoo...

    I did level 1 yestgerday , omg it was a lot tougher than i thouhgt, my knees were hurting but pushed through it and modified what i could a little bit. Still burned like 157 calories so figure that was pretty good,

    Today i know I will be over , going to try to get a workout in.

    THis morning i got on the scale, so i was 1 1/2 lbs down from friday woott.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    Well, my weekend was filled with highs and lows. Lets just say, saturday, I went way over calories! About a thousand. What did me in was dinner! I had a burger with fires, and a chocolate calke. It tasted so good. And I did not even get to exercise on Friday. I was so mad, but actually not as mad as I would have been before. However on Saturday, I got on the ellipitical and the treadmill for a total of a hour, and was within my calorie goal. Then Sunday, came, and I wnt over, this time, not as much as Friday, I went over by 200 calories. I got an extra chicken breast on my salad. I do not have a scale, so the very first thing I will do when I get in, is get on the scale. Next wekk, O plan to lose at least 1-2 pounds. In addition, I so need to work on my water goal.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I am with you annasgyal, I need to work on water too. That is a good goal for this week.

    I set a 2 pound loss for this week and I have hurt my ankle. It has swelled quite a bit. It looks like I am carrying a water balloon on the side of my leg. eww ugly is all I can say. The pain is mild actually so I am thinking of trying the wii fit in intervals 10 mins here 10 there so as to have some exercise but not all at once. The point I am trying to make is I am still shooting for that 2 pounds I don't want to give up on that goal.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Checking in for the weekend:
    Calories: Over
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: None, planned rest day
    Proud: Did not overeat at the potluck.

    Calories: Over?
    Water: 32 oz.
    Exercise: 5k trail run, finished in 33:15.
    Proud: Rocked my first off road run! It felt easier than road racing. Looks like
    Warrior Dash and hiking prepared me well. If the entire course had been trail (1 mile of it was road), I probably would have PR'd. Weird! Looks like there will be more trail runs in my future!

    Calories: Over
    Water: None
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred, Level 1
    Proud: Made fajitas at home for the honey.

    Hope you all had a good weekend!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I ran for one hour this morning on my elliptical which was a huge accomplishment since I hadn't been exercising for a few months now and then I wake up this morning and tell myself I am going to run !! I am going to stay with this momentum
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi gals! I didn't find time to check in over the weekend but I did weigh myself Friday morning and was down a whopping .2 pounds ... oh well, any number heading downward on the scale is good. I didn't have a great weekend foodwise, spent too much time starving and then subsequently binging. I KNOW better. Today is back to balanced eating. I hope I don't have to pay at my weightloss challenge class tonight for gaining any pounds. This morning the scale was up 2 pounds from Friday, but I think I may still be down or at least the same from last Monday .. we'll see.
    p.s. I put my little swimmer back for my profile pic since it was his birthday this past Saturday and he had his first swim meet of the season this past weekend and got 4 personal best times! (although the competition was fierce AND he had to move up to the 11-12 age range since he turned 11 - he was a bit dissapointed with being one of the slowest swimmers in all of his events ... but hopefully he can be happy with his time improvements when the coach talks about their results).
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    So Cute! I am sure the lil'swimming man will do great.
  • BuxomBella3D
    hi ladies! i saw this group & knew instantly i wanted to join :)

    im a 20something roller derby girl & while being heavy has it's advantages in derby, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages :) im just starting out with my fitness pal & starting up this new, healthier, lifestyle. i used to work out & eat well all the time but life gets in the way so now i'm making up for lost time.

    i'll post my check in stuff at the end of the day, along with starting weight & goals, etc.

    thanks for starting a group like this:flowerforyou:
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA! Way to busy. But its def time to get back into the groove. Here is my update for yesterday. (I'll just start fresh)

    Calories: Over - totally under-estimated the bean soup and dumplins!
    Water: No. drank ice tea.
    Exercise: No. Sundays is my off day.

    Proud: I managed to journal everything and did not make it an "eating out" day like most Sundays.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Shelle, there are some of us who would count tea as water. It is mostly water any way. Just ask Melinda (mstahl) she counts tea as water. I personally count crystal light as water too.