so... who's the fatty in your relationship?



  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    my man is 6'3 and almost 300lbs...I'm 5'6 and 190...I pray I'm never EVER bigger than him lol

    Same for me- He is 6'3" 300 & I'm 5'6" 179-we are fattys together :laugh: When I started losing weight I realized- What the heck was wrong with me? I used to eat the same portions as him! I guess I'm lucky I didn't get bigger with how much I ate. :laugh:
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Who's the Fatty..

    Well I started at 211.0 and now I'm 187.00. Wife was 85.0 when I married her nine years later she is 85.0.. So I'm da FATTY!!!!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    Definitely me lol my hubby is nothing but lean muscle although he is getting a little softer since he started school and doesnt work out much anymore :P I do weigh less than him but I am way shorter than him lol
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I think from my profile picture, it's pretty obvious. I have outweighed him for quite a while now. It was so weird because one night I rolled over to spoon him and he had become as small as a little boy. (Nah, It was me getting huger, not him shrinking.) It is going to take me a long LONG time to weigh less than him again, but I am looking forward to the day it happens or at least that I get closer to the same weight as him.
    oh goodness I know how u feel, before we had kids my husband would put his arms around me every night and have nothing to rest them on, now... not so much hahaha
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    I can finally say it is him, though I dont think he is fat. he is 5'11" and weighs 193. It use to be me for sure but after losing 85lbs I can finally say I weigh about 20 lbs less then him. He has loved me and supported me though thick and thin . My weight has never bothered him, my weight did bother me and I am glad to have lost alot of it......
  • hollyprovince
    hollyprovince Posts: 26 Member
    we both are :] but i out weigh him a little lol
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I used to weigh more than my husband, and I had a huge complex about that. I hated weighing more than him especially since I am only 5'1 and he is 6'0.

    I have since lost 40 lbs and weigh 42 lbs less than him. Yay for me :) and yep he is finally gaining a lil weight. Prolly won't last long though seeings how he has a fight coming up in a couple weeks.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Always been me :p But he has stayed by my side when I got my heaviest and has been the biggest help throughout tryint to lose it. I can also happily say as of yesterday turns out I only weigh maybe 5lbs more now!!! Always been so much more! lol
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    The fatty in my relationship is Skippy Natural. And she wears the pants unfortunately (I can't resist that creamy goodness for the life of me >_< )

    ME TOO!!! I go through a jar of that every week or two :noway:

    With my two most recent love interests, I was always smaller. Both were probably pushing 300 or more. All I care about is that a guy is tall and treats me well. Weight isn't an issue to me when it comes to the opposite sex but it is an issue with myself.
  • Hattie2879
    I am. I have about 15 lbs on my g/f. When I get down to my goal weight, I'll still weigh more than her, but she has a smaller frame/build than I do. Oh and we're the same height.
  • Nogo
    Nogo Posts: 105 Member
    My Charmer weighs more but I'm the fatty. I think he's a chubby chaser so he's fine with it. On the other hand, he is really excited about my healthy choices so he should be fine with less of me too...
  • kassandra81
    My husband is 6"3' and I'm 5"3', so he's definately got the height advantage. I am 202lbs right now, he's 320lbs right now. I've lost 54lbs, he's lost about 30lbs. I think I'm a bit more hard core for working out and eating well than he is. He's not bothered by losing it very slowly. I need to see results to keep me going.

    Ideally, I'd like to be 135-145, and my husband wants to be 210-230.
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    Unfortunately it is and my hubby are doing this together and of course he has lost 30lbs in about half the time it took me to lose 13lbs...dang men!! So I now weigh about 15lbs more then him and I HATE it. He has always been bigger then me and yes I prefer it that way. I don't want to feel like I'm crushing him if I sit on his lap (even though he is a ton stronger then me) so I know I am not but I feel like a complete fat *kitten*...but that is why we are all here right :)
  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    My 6'2" hubby is naturally thin - and works physically every day vs. my desk job - so he runs anywhere between 175-185. I am 5'4" and at my highest non-pregnant weight 163.5....TOO close for comfort - I should be no where near his weight and it's a big motivator for me to get control of this situation. I tend to watch what I eat and chase him around the house with food LOL. He likes how I look - but I don't...yet!
  • virginiejaubin
    virginiejaubin Posts: 497 Member
    We are pretty much equal...just he has a fat stomach and my fat is elsewhere like my but hips, etc.
  • Purecity
    Purecity Posts: 115 Member
    Both of us lol. I'm changing my eating habits and he is slowly following in my footsteps :)
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Between me and myself...I am not the fatty, and myself is not the fatty either.....But when I get in a relationship, I hope that me or my future guy isn't the fatty. I want us to be healthy :)
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    LOL I'm certainly not "fat" but I'm bigger than him. Actually he weighs what my goal weight is, except he's 7 inches taller. Haha

    I don't care who weighs more, as long as he's stronger than me. :smile:
  • yessiseguy
    Its always been my hubby but he is not fatty. He's not fit, but has a good body and looks good I think! :)
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have been bigger than my husband since we met. He had lost weight since I started mfp.. So I'm catching up but he stilll is 30 lbs less than me.. Better than the 100 lbs gap I used to have... I want do badly to weigh less than him.. I want to borrow my husband sweaters and have them be over sized.. Maybe someday. For now.. I can borrow them and have then fit lol. Did I mention he is 6.4 and only 196 lbs.. The jerk ;p