Does your signifigant other notice changes?

Just wondering if anyone has lost weight or toned up and had much said to them from your partner? My husband doesn't say much unless I say something, wondering if it just doesn't matter or if I have been married too long lol!


  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    It means he loves you just the way you are!
  • LOL No not very often...honestly I think it is just such a touchy subject that he stays aways at all costs! no matter what!
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    My husband has always told me that i am sexy....and he tells me everyday how beautiful i am....we have been married for almost 12 years and i never get tired of hearing it :flowerforyou:
  • GymRatRaceRunner
    GymRatRaceRunner Posts: 160 Member
    My ex has noticed, but she's not allowed to have me. Hahaha!
  • inspiration345
    inspiration345 Posts: 218 Member boyfriend doesn't say much either unless I mention myself.I think he is comfortable with me just as I am so it doesn't matter much to him how I look.
  • I sure hope he does! He always tries to compliment my body, especially my insecurities whenever he can though :).
  • Rickie_Raver
    Rickie_Raver Posts: 27 Member
    My husband has been very supportive and often points out my weight loss to others in the family. He says things like "Doesn't she look good? She has been working out." It's cute and makes me feel great.
  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    My husband and I have been together for 19 years and he notices! When he puts his arms around me, he tells me that my sides feel tighter. :love: Thus why I've been married to him for so long LoL :laugh:
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Mine has been very supportive. At first he did not say much, guess he figured it was another failed attempt (smile). But once I had to start buying new clothes he really started being my biggest supporter/cheerleader.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Mine's the same - only ever says anything if I mention it first! We've been married almost 15 years - so I'm putting it down to that!!
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    lol i think a lot of SO's forget to tell us. My fiancee only says, "i'm proud of you, keep going!" because i'm definitely sensitive to hearing things about my weight and looks :/ But the words "i'm proud" mean a lot to me.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Mine says nothing usually.. this weekend though he grabbed my pants and noticed how much room there was and said something.. but usually he says nothing.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has lost weight or toned up and had much said to them from your partner? My husband doesn't say much unless I say something, wondering if it just doesn't matter or if I have been married too long lol!

    He's noticed that my boobs have gone!!!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    My hubby doesn't say anything so I make a point to mention it. I think it's just because we've been married for a long time. LOL
  • My hubby noticed a difference when i hit the 7 pound mark ;0) and he tells me everyday how proud he is because i have never stuck to any other weight loss program and never lost more than a few pounds ! How long have ye been married ?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    because they see you everyday changes over the short term are not noticeable (day to day) if you looked at older pictures when you were larger he would be more likely to notice.
  • sars_68
    sars_68 Posts: 308 Member
    Just wondering if anyone has lost weight or toned up and had much said to them from your partner? My husband doesn't say much unless I say something, wondering if it just doesn't matter or if I have been married too long lol!

    He's noticed that my boobs have gone!!!

    Hahaaha!! :laugh:
  • AdrienneinTO
    AdrienneinTO Posts: 111 Member
    Mine keeps pretending that he can't see me when I turn sideways. He's like, "Hey, where did you go??? You disappeared!"
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    I know my hubby loves me the way I am. When he hugs me, he often says that there's less of me to hug, or notices that I look better in a certain top that used to be too small for me. Been married 6 years, together for 9
  • brandenocs
    brandenocs Posts: 146 Member
    My wife tells me all the time, she finds me sexy. But as far as noticing a difference, since she sees me all the time, it's the same as me... Doesn't see much until you bust out old pictures. Then we both say 'WOW'. It's a good feeling. You're more likely to hear about it from people that don't see you as often because they don't see the gradual change like an S/O would.