C25K ~ Is anyone else starting their 3rd week?



  • Well, I didn't run yesterday because it was raining but went this morning. I was nervous about 8 minutes, but it was fine! I actually felt so good I could have kept going, but I didn't. ;) Feeling a bit better now thinking about that 20 minute run coming up next. Hope you have a great run and a fabulous day!
  • That's awesome!!! You rock!!!!!
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    You all are way ahead of me because I am still on W3. My runs are so spaced out that I end up doing the same week twice before I move on. Was hoping to do a 5k mid November but I definitely won't be ready to run the whole thing by then. May go ahead and sign up just to give it a try and I can always walk when I need to.
  • Exactly!!! You'll probably run more than you think you will as it's a really great motivational environment. You can target people ahead of you to pass... and then another...and another... it makes the time pass quickly :):)
  • Worst run ever.... got through the first 8 minutes but barely... and got through 2 minutes of the second 8 minutes and ran walked the rest of the way.... i am so disappointed. I am obviously going to repeat this one tomorrow. I don't know what was wrong.... I did a lot different so maybe that's the problem

    I always run on an empty stomach and first thing in the morning. Today I ate breakfast, drank a bottle of water, swept the house... watched tv, folded laundry and basically hemmed and hawed my way through the morning.... when i finally got out there to run it was warmer (only 72° though) and the sun was crazy beating down... I dunno I am just really bummed at myself. I haven't had to repeat yet and this one I have to repeat.... oh well... it'll be fine... I am not racing against a time line.

    Going to go back out way early in the am like I usually do and NOT eat, not have sex, not clean the house, and not fold anything and see how it goes. LOL... hope everyone else's day goes great!!!
  • Worst run ever.... got through the first 8 minutes but barely... and got through 2 minutes of the second 8 minutes and ran walked the rest of the way.... i am so disappointed. I am obviously going to repeat this one tomorrow. I don't know what was wrong.... I did a lot different so maybe that's the problem

    I always run on an empty stomach and first thing in the morning. Today I ate breakfast, drank a bottle of water, swept the house... watched tv, folded laundry and basically hemmed and hawed my way through the morning.... when i finally got out there to run it was warmer (only 72° though) and the sun was crazy beating down... I dunno I am just really bummed at myself. I haven't had to repeat yet and this one I have to repeat.... oh well... it'll be fine... I am not racing against a time line.

    Going to go back out way early in the am like I usually do and NOT eat, not have sex, not clean the house, and not fold anything and see how it goes. LOL... hope everyone else's day goes great!!!

    Chin up Katie! We all have good days, and bad days. The best thing you can do is to shake it off and keep moving! Don't get discouraged. :) The two times I ran in the evening (instead of first thing in the am on an empty stomach) I didn't think I was gonna make it either. They were miserable runs! I was really worried, but it got better again when I went back to doing what I know works (even though I HATE 5:30 am!). I'll be running in the morning as well, and will be praying for you.

  • Just got back from Day 3, the dreaded 20 minute run. Not as bad as I had built it up to be in my mind. Made it the whole way running, ran the distance I had wanted to, and took 3 minutes off my route from Thursday.

    Hoping you had a good run, Katie. Am thinking of you, and prayed for you this morning!

  • Meggy247
    Meggy247 Posts: 75 Member
    You are doing great!
    So I just wanted to put this out there, I didn't actually complete my C25K before I ran my first 5K (today!!) and I'm only on W5D2. It can be done! I did around a 12 min mile some walking & running but I'll take it.
    I'd love to keep up with this post and ACTUALLY finish up to W9D3 and hopefully my next 5K I can beat my first time :-)
    Keep it up!
  • You are doing great!
    So I just wanted to put this out there, I didn't actually complete my C25K before I ran my first 5K (today!!) and I'm only on W5D2. It can be done! I did around a 12 min mile some walking & running but I'll take it.
    I'd love to keep up with this post and ACTUALLY finish up to W9D3 and hopefully my next 5K I can beat my first time :-)
    Keep it up!
    Thanks! Way to go on your first 5k! We are in this together, and we CAN do it!!!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    WOW! It's great to read how well everyone is doing.

    I'll be doing week 3 day 3 tomorrow. So far so good but I'm noticing a twinge in my knee the day after.
  • WOW! It's great to read how well everyone is doing.

    I'll be doing week 3 day 3 tomorrow. So far so good but I'm noticing a twinge in my knee the day after.
    I had knee problems too after week 2. I thought maybe it was my shoes or that I had injured myself but it turned out to be good old-fashioned arthritis. :( I took about 10 days off because I was in alot of pain, took ibuprofin and iced my knee 3 times a day. I was pretty scared to go out again, but so far so good. I do take some ibuprofin after I run just as a preventative, but it's been much better!

    Happy running!
  • 40Marbles
    40Marbles Posts: 188 Member
    WOW! It's great to read how well everyone is doing.

    I'll be doing week 3 day 3 tomorrow. So far so good but I'm noticing a twinge in my knee the day after.
    I had knee problems too after week 2. I thought maybe it was my shoes or that I had injured myself but it turned out to be good old-fashioned arthritis. :( I took about 10 days off because I was in alot of pain, took ibuprofin and iced my knee 3 times a day. I was pretty scared to go out again, but so far so good. I do take some ibuprofin after I run just as a preventative, but it's been much better!

    Happy running!

    The ibuprofen is a good thought - I'll have to start doing that. I have existing knee issues so I know that I am pressing my luck a bit by trying to run. But I spent so many years saying "I have bad knees, I can't do that" and all it got me was fat.
  • foxygirlact
    foxygirlact Posts: 98 Member
    You all are way ahead of me because I am still on W3. My runs are so spaced out that I end up doing the same week twice before I move on. Was hoping to do a 5k mid November but I definitely won't be ready to run the whole thing by then. May go ahead and sign up just to give it a try and I can always walk when I need to.

    I did WK3 Day 2 yesterday (due to start wk 4 in 2/3 days) and I am thinking I might have to repeat week 3 as I honestly don't see how I can increase to 5 minutes!

    did anyone else repeat weeks?
  • I'm on W4 D1 and I'm pretty sure I'll repeat W3 because W4 is tough!!
  • You all are way ahead of me because I am still on W3. My runs are so spaced out that I end up doing the same week twice before I move on. Was hoping to do a 5k mid November but I definitely won't be ready to run the whole thing by then. May go ahead and sign up just to give it a try and I can always walk when I need to.

    I did WK3 Day 2 yesterday (due to start wk 4 in 2/3 days) and I am thinking I might have to repeat week 3 as I honestly don't see how I can increase to 5 minutes!

    did anyone else repeat weeks?

    I'm repeating W3, and this will be the first week I have repeated so far. Running for 4 minutes is heck!
  • W6D1. A 5 minute, an 8 minute, and a 5 minute. Not bad. :) Happy running!

    Am thinking of you Katie, how are you doing?
  • hey Jolee....

    We had a stupid crazy weekend and that coupled with not feeling motivated to run yesterday or this morning I am having to do my run tomorrow. I should have just done it this morning, but Michael and I both tossed and turned and by the time I woke up I was like grrrrr so I'm going in the am for sure!!! I am ok with having to repeat it and not really bummed anymore... if I am set back only a week then so be it... it's all good.

    I am sooo proud of you!!! I am so glad your 20 minute went so great. I promise I am not going to be too far behind you. I am going to try to keep it on an every other day schedule until I catch up... but only if I don't kill myself doing it. A few days behind isn't going to be the worst that could happen. I few weeks because I was prideful is a whole different story. So tomorrow I go.

    So how was the big 20???!!! Did you feel weird? Exhausted?? Elated!??? And thank you for the prayers... if you remember throw some down in the am that I kick tail on W5D2. :D
  • You all are way ahead of me because I am still on W3. My runs are so spaced out that I end up doing the same week twice before I move on. Was hoping to do a 5k mid November but I definitely won't be ready to run the whole thing by then. May go ahead and sign up just to give it a try and I can always walk when I need to.

    I did WK3 Day 2 yesterday (due to start wk 4 in 2/3 days) and I am thinking I might have to repeat week 3 as I honestly don't see how I can increase to 5 minutes!

    did anyone else repeat weeks?

    Foxy girl I haven't had to repeat a week yet but I am going to repeat W5D2 because I totally did everything wrong the morning of that run... got through the first 8 minute run and then crapped out on the second. It's all good though... Just repeat as needed until you reach the end of the program. If you would have asked me after W1D1 if it was possible for me to run 5 minutes let alone 8 I would have laughed out loud. But I did the first 8 and was exhausted but I finished it. Now I just have to go back and beat the second 8 minute interval.

    You can do it just keep at it!!!!
  • Just got back from Day 3, the dreaded 20 minute run. Not as bad as I had built it up to be in my mind. Made it the whole way running, ran the distance I had wanted to, and took 3 minutes off my route from Thursday.

    Hoping you had a good run, Katie. Am thinking of you, and prayed for you this morning!


  • hey Jolee....

    We had a stupid crazy weekend and that coupled with not feeling motivated to run yesterday or this morning I am having to do my run tomorrow. I should have just done it this morning, but Michael and I both tossed and turned and by the time I woke up I was like grrrrr so I'm going in the am for sure!!! I am ok with having to repeat it and not really bummed anymore... if I am set back only a week then so be it... it's all good.

    I am sooo proud of you!!! I am so glad your 20 minute went so great. I promise I am not going to be too far behind you. I am going to try to keep it on an every other day schedule until I catch up... but only if I don't kill myself doing it. A few days behind isn't going to be the worst that could happen. I few weeks because I was prideful is a whole different story. So tomorrow I go.

    So how was the big 20???!!! Did you feel weird? Exhausted?? Elated!??? And thank you for the prayers... if you remember throw some down in the am that I kick tail on W5D2. :D
    Will be praying for you in the morning! I felt good on my 20 minute run. And even better when it was done! LOL! It was weird, but good. When I think back to even just a month ago I am amazed that this was even possible! My husband is 2 weeks ahead of me so is at the point where there are no intervals, just straight running after a warm up. He kept going when I took time off to nurse my knees early on. I am excited to get to that point! My daughters are home from college for fall break and it is really nice to have them go for a run with us. I am so surprised at how much I am enjoying this. :)

    Happy running! You can do it!