50+ with 50+ To Lose Group



  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    Yesterday was a successful food day! This is major for me since I haven't even been willing to TRY to stay on my plan for a long time now. I came in a few calories under, even though my swim turned out to be very short due to some pain, and I didn't have the cushion of very many exercise calories.

    Breakfast, usual cheerios and fruit
    Lunch, left over ham loaf, broc, orange
    Dinner, hope to make a cabbage roll casserole from allrecipes and maybe some low fat sausage with that
    4th meal, always depends on my mood. Will try to get in bed to help avoid extended snacking.

    I WILL be under on calories.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Hi Swimmer looks like you are doing great.:flowerforyou: Hope the whole week goes well too. I just came back from my second weight training for the week and yesterday did my interval walk/run. :smile: The week gets busier from here on out. The pool is open now but Saturday morning is too busy for me to get back to my Aquafit class.:grumble: I did well with water yesterday and trying to keep it up today:drinker: I have been better making food at home but not sure about the rest of the week. Tomorrow is my daughters open house/curriculum night. Friday my sister comes in from France. But that is why I have concentrated on making food early in the week. Now we have some health leftovers.:happy:

    How is everyone doing this week?
  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    Tuesday was a successful food day and so was today, Wednesday. Tomorrow might get hectic on me so my food plan isn't firm. However, if I am unable to cook, I plan to take something out of the freezer.

    After being off track for so long, it is helping me to write here and commit to staying in line with my plan. I was afraid I wouldn't/couldn't get back in control. Mary O.
  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    For most of my "dieting" years, I have been a 20 pounder. Lose 20 pounds, lose interest, and eventually gain it back. I've been thinking about what it would take to actually lose a significant amount of weight and KEEP IT OFF. I'm not sure yet, but Bob Greene, Oprah's trainer, always says that daily re-committment is necessary. And I think that's true. So, MFP, and this group specifically, are helping me with re-committing to the process daily. When I was about to do my usual thing of losing interest and re-gaining, MFP, the group, and all the supportive people here eventually reigned me back in. And I'm really grateful for that.

    Menu planning always seems like a hassle to me. I keep wondering why I'm reinventing the wheel every week. It takes a lot of time looking through cookbooks and recipe sites to settle on a plan for the week. And, of course, actually getting it cooked is a whole other story. lol. Anyway, this week I joined one of the recipe sites. I have used that site for a long time, but never joined. I decided on a paid membership because of the menu planning option, but also just because it was cheap and I wanted to support what they do. But I think most benefits are available for free. I'm sure they get the majority of their income from advertisements.

    I have a point. After signing up and providing my email address, they suddenly began to send me recipes every day. I am pretty sure they would also do this with a free membership. At first I was worried that I would be tempted by receiving recipes I don't want to cook or eat right now. But so far so good. I have started saving the ones that appeal to me in my on site "recipe box". And...I'm hoping this will make the menu planning easier for me.

    If any of you have tips for efficiently planning menus, I would be interested in hearing how you do it. Do you use a rotation system, or just make it up every week? I would like to become more tuned in to using up what I have on hand as well.

    Thanks, Mary O.
  • archers
    archers Posts: 24 Member
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I am not that great with meal planning. I use a spreadsheet when I do it. I definitely rotate meals every so many weeks - family favorites etc. and cycle in ideas from here I want to try. It is hard to plan, grocery shop and cook. My son is vegetarian and we are never sure if he will be home or not. I just make a few favorites he can have and now I have started making non-vegetarian as well since we never know. Then he can have leftovers. I think I just got out of a period where I just had the hardest time going grocery shopping. I had some periods where I was working so hard my husband had to help with the cooking. So now I am trying hard to make healthy dinners at home. With kids it can be hard because of activities. Thursdays my daughter has 2 dance classes and one on Friday night too. So I have been concentrating on the other days. I like to make a pot of soup or vegetarian chili so we have it around for lunches or leftovers. I have definitely found some great recipes here. So I have my old favorites and cycle in new recipes to keep things interesting. I am wondering what it will be like next year when my daughter will be at college. My son will be home still since he is in law school but mainly it will just be my husband and I.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    It is a pretty good week for me. I did weight training on Monday with a bit of cardio. I went and did my interval walk/runs on Tuesday and made a great healthy dinner. This morning I went to aquafit and then did weight training and some of the cardio machines. It was the longest time I have spent at the gym ever. So I think the only way to do Aquafit and wieght training is to do both on the same day. So when possible that is my plan for Monday and Wednesday mornings. I have already bought the ingredients for dinner tonight as well. Water has gone well too. Hope this will result in some weight loss soon.

    How are your weeks going?
  • swimmer54
    swimmer54 Posts: 29 Member
    Well, I had a few good days last week. Then Friday night I got off track after running an errand late and eating out afterwards. After that it was all downhill. The exercise has been light this week as well for various reasons and I stopped tracking again.

    The struggle continues.

    Good luck to everyone else. Reading about your progress is helping to motivate me.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Although this week was pretty good yesterday we went out twice. I went over but not by much. I have enough deficit that I was still under maintenance calories so for one day I was losing slower than the rest. One day doesn't matter. Don't let it sabotage the rest. I am drinking my water right now to get rid of the sodium in the chinese food and also with the exercise my muscles are probably retaining water. So log even when you aren't perfect. That way you can know what the problem was down the line. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. I keep thinking it is already Sunday since we sort of took yesterday off.
  • MCYoung
    MCYoung Posts: 49 Member
    Hey there everyone... CHEERS :drinker:
    I have missed you all terribly these last several hectic weeks!!
    I had hoped to check in and do my October goals long before this.... but life and work has stepped in and taken over! :ohwell:
    Let me do a (hopefully) short recap for you all.
    I joined MFP just 4 months ago, June 21st to be exact. :noway:
    In those 4 months I have lost just over 40# :blushing:
    ALMOST 8". OK so it is really 7 3/4 " but what is !/4" among friends.... right???
    The break down for that if you are interested....
    1/4 " gone from neck
    5" from my hips :heart:
    1/4" from my waist
    2" off my thighs
    1/4 " from my calf
    Now the bottom 3 are not from the begining (June) as I accidentally deleted my waist measurement :cry:
    However I did start writing it all down 9/3 and the loss for: waist, thigh, & calf are from then through this morning.
    Not to shabby,if i do say so myself :laugh:
    I have started exercising.... moslty riding the stationary bike and walking.... but have started doing Zumba recently (and I have been enjoying it.... who'd a thunk it???)
    I have been drinking drinking water... ALMOST exclusively. :drinker:
    Gone from a very tight size 20 pants to a slightly loose 16 :love:
    My knees no longer grind, my snoring is GONE, I am less tired....and the smaller clothes are here but I have a goal in mind for even smaller :happy:
    All in all I am quite pleased with my results ~ even the bumps along the way this past month just don't seem to matter to me anymore. :wink:
    So I guess my goals for the rest of Oct and Nov would be:
    Kep drinking water...
    Get more into the Zumba CD's
    Do my best to drop another ... 10#????? Got my fingers crossed on that one!!
    So ~ that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!
    Take care and keep on keeping on!!! :wink:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Yay, Mary (McYoung) great progress and great October goals. Nice to see you back. Hope October is a great month for all of us.
  • YoungerNextYear59937
    Thanks for the update, Mary. Since I'm pretty new here, it's more of a "background" for me. It's nice to see where you came from, how far you've come, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you'll be! You're making phenomenal progress. I'm so happy for you!

  • Bisbeegal
    Bisbeegal Posts: 13 Member
    :heart: I haven't posted here for a while, and I just caught up on some recent posts today. This forum is really inspirational to me because I have to constantly keep myself motivated to not only maintain, but now to start losing again. When I read the quote from Bob Green saying that every day you have to make a committment to eat well, it really rang true and made me think about the days where I haven't. This week I decided I needed to recommit by really following MFP precisely, and I also need to make some positive changes. Something that has been a real issue for me has been playing with a bridge group that lunches out ever week. I don't think I've accepted how much that has contributed to my stalemate, but I'm stopping that this week. I also need to be much more careful in the foods I eat. Today I was shopping at a gourmet shop when I was hungry (duh!!!), and I started looking at the nutritional contents/calories on some treats. After looking at a dozen packages and boxes, I came to the conclusion that none of them were worth that many calories. I just have to keep chipping away at things that are standing in my path to success. Thanks for all the inspirational posts, everyone, and for the encouragement this group gives to us all.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Wow Bisbeegal. That is a commitment. I identify with looking at foods and issues that might be standing in the path of success. You will be making progress for a while and then nothing seems to change and it stops. There seem to be so many factors to consider. Sometimes it is merely waiting for your efforts to reach ruition. All the posts on here seem like gems to me. This morning going through friends updates gave me just the extra inspiration to go back to the gym and complete what I planned. Your post just touched on some musings from this morning. I learn so much from my MFP friends. :flowerforyou:
  • copykatnjesus
    copykatnjesus Posts: 82 Member

    Joining 50/50:

    I'm 51 and need to lose about 75 lbs. I just joined MFP 1 week ago. My
    first weigh in is tomorrow. I just accepted a challenge from another member
    to lose 20 lbs by Christmas. So that's my first goal.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Hi copykatnjesus
    Welcome to the 50+/50+ Group:
    New members usually introduce themselves by telling us a little bit about themselves and their health and fitness goals. The group title suggests that we are trying to lose or watch our weight but for most of this is part of trying to get healthier. So we usually include nutrition and or exercise related goals. Below is a quote from the first page of the group about our rules. I think many of us don’t remember this so it bears repeating here.
    Rules are very simple: Check in once a week at least but I will be checking daily so more is fine. You let us know your goals for the week, month, season or by any timeline you have determined for yourself. Report on how you are doing, what is challenging to you and what you have learned. I hope we get to know each other so if life is getting you down or up let us know.

    I am going to take this opportunity to post the updated list of members:

    grannysquare1 (Nancy)
    CRody (Chuck)
    KeriA (Keri)
    SeattleGrl (Hazel)
    momb4 (Lynne)
    McYoung (Mary)
    creasonr (Ruth)
    spoccer (Mary)
    ndoyel (Nancy)

    There should be about 24 of us.

  • James_1954
    James_1954 Posts: 187 Member
    Friend request sent ... I hope it's not too late to join!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Welcome James,
    New members tell us a little about themselves and any health and fitness goals they are working on. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    My mother had a fall and broke her collar bone. I have been checking in once a day logging etc. but not much else. Having a hard time getting in my regularly scheduled exercise but staying active. Hate it since I just started weight training and now I can't do it.
  • SeattleGrl
    SeattleGrl Posts: 58 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother's fall Keri, I hope she mends quickly. When unexpected things happen it can sometimes put a wrench in our healthy living plans but iit sounds like you're still able to stay active which will make a big difference both mentally and physically. Keep strong and make sure to take care of yourself too!