
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Checking in for Monday:

    I only have one goal this week, which is to walk before and AFTER school. I'm happy to report that I accomplished this today :drinker: Going to bed early tonight, very tired today :yawn:

    I hope you all had a wonderful Monday and that Tuesday goes well for everybody, HUGGS:heart:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    danlyn: great job on walking

    Chalean, four times this week: 0/4 today, was so busy today getting settled into my town
    2 fruits/veggies: two, just realized I didn't accomplish this and can munch on carrots, so yay for having this goal
    Within calories: yep, even if I add the carrots
    Don't emotionally eat this week: tough but yes. My dog may have to be put down, she's currently hospitalized for three days. My teenager really needs her to transition to our new town.
  • 10/16 Sunday- out most of the day snacked on junk food definetely did more than 3000 steps in the night
    10/17- Monday- sancked on foods and did more than 3000 steps.

    Ladygloria- I like to walk with my friend in the evening after work since my daughter is away at an adventure camp. It takes my mind off missing her.

    Papillon 22- love the picture Paris looks so good. Hope you are staying away from the crepes and the pastries.

    34 again I truly love your goals , I also do garys challenge.

    Hi to phil.., MAK_01, la nanita,kris page and all mini goalers. A big welcome back to lttee.
    Hearts desire love the congratulations banner.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hi everyone!! I hope you all had a great Monday. A little earlier then normal check in tonight for me. I'm tired and I am planning on logging off early. But know I've read all your posts and I'm cheering for each and everyone of you. Looks like there are some really great goals out there.

    Papillon22 - What an amazing picture! :love: WOW WOW WOW!! I'm going to Paris next May you will have to tell me about your experience.

    Monday check in:
    1. 30DS - level 3 - First day of level done. WOWZERS!!! In 9 days I will have done all of the 30 day shred.
    2. Get in 4 non 30DS workouts in - 1/4 Got in an extra 20 minute walk/run with the puppy.
    3. Bring lunch and snacks to work every day - Done
    4. Log all extra BLTS (bites, licks, tastes, and sips) - I grudgingly logged it all... :grumble: I made some less then healthy choices for my afternoon snack.

    Another NSV to share with my favorite MFP pals. I went for a walk/run with the dog. Our usual lap is just over a mile. I RAN almost the entire way. I walked a little to get my legs going, but then I started jogging and didn't stop until I got home. I haven't ran that far since high school probably.

    Tomorrow is a new day. Let's make it a great one. Keep aiming for those mini goals. WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!! :happy:
  • 34again
    34again Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome back lttee!!

    Love the picture papillon!! I was in Paris about 20 years ago. How time flies and I miss it!!

    Way to go danlyn!!

    Check in.

    1. 35 Crunches - Success!! 2/2
    2. Charger's daily challenge - Finished as many as I could. Today's challenge was a killer! 2/2
    3. No snacking after 7pm - Success!! 2/2

    I am beat tonight. Feel a cold coming on.

    Have a great evening everyone! Stay strong!
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Ladylu11, don’t be so hard on yourself. This is a lifestyle change. Take it one day and one week at a time. You can do better this week!

    Kessyrene, great goals. I am a firm believer in keeping a goal until it becomes habit. You can do it! Stay positive.

    Philosohoe, can’t believe you’ve been around 12 weeks already. Where does the time go? Missdeehere did create such a wonderful tradition. We carry her torch, but the idea was always hers and she is sorely missed as a regular presence here. Great job on your goals last week and I hope the weigh in went well. As for your discovery, I find that no matter how much we think we know, we’re always learning something. Thus the joy of this lifestyle change, right?

    Lttee, welcome back! I hope everything is better for you this week. We need you too! Wow, single digit sizes….what’s that like? Super impressed! I’m sorry to hear about your dog. Did you move? Are you and your hubby in the same town now? I hope everything works out for the best for you, your dog, and your family.

    Papillion, lovely view! One day I will use my newly acquired passport and travel outside of my own country (not that I’ve done that much either). Are you enjoying your trip?

    Littemount, I know what you mean…or rather, I don’t yet. Mine is only three, but we’ve never been apart. I’m coming up on my first business trip for two nights away next month and I’m already having separation anxiety. Glad you can find something to keep you occupied. Good job on getting those steps in!

    My goals for the week:

    1. Start Lean phase of Chalean and keep up with her schedule, with cardio substitutions of Zumba as I can attend classes.-OMG, my arms are going to fall off. I wasn’t prepared for it to be 45 minutes long this time and OMG IS IT AWESOME IN IT’S BRUTALNESS. If I can do this by the end with half of the fidelity I intended, then I will be rocking it.
    2. Check in daily with you wonderful people and remind you how awesome you are.-Here I am. And so are you!
    3. Continue recovery in the sickness department. I'd like to return to 100% before Zumba class on Thursday. –feeling about 75% today, so getting there. Going to head to be early tonight.
    4. Eat at least 3 fruits and/or veggies each day.-done.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Goals for this week (10/16-10/22)

    1 - Be more aware of my food choices & keep my water intake up
    2 - Workout 4-5 days each week
    3 - STAY FOCUSED on the benefits of what making healthier changes is doing for me!
    4 - Check in EVERY DAY on our group no matter what type of day I've had!

    Changed up my goals a bit, well actually it's more the wording that's changed than the goals. I figured #1 that I had was giving me cause to beat myself up if each day wasn't a perfect food one. This was I'm learning along the way and staying aware of the foods I make the choice to eat.

    1. went rather well, got me thinking today..also working on the water to finish that up
    2. Great workout today ..LadyGloria I spend much of my workout time in the water, running or doing water aerobics and strength training as well.
    3. Looking to pay more attention to the benefits of making permanent changes in my lifestyle.
    4. Dropping by to say hello and stay accountable.

    Happy Tuesday My Friends!:smooched:
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Tired! Doing P90 with my boys is a hot mess! But they keep it fun.

    1) P90X: 1/7
    2) Water: 0/7 - 4 cups
    3) No food after 8p: 1/7
  • amyB27
    amyB27 Posts: 105 Member
    hey everyone! this mini challenge seems like an awesome idea! since I'm new to the aspect I'm gonna start small :)

    1. Do 3 days of strength focusing on 2 different body parts each day- today has been my abs & upper arms.

    mini-goal number 2. eat breakfast. this is extremely hard for me so I'll do my best :D
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Hey there everyone!

    Sorry didn't check in over the weekend - was able to complete my crunches on Saturday but BOMBED on Sunday thanks to an unexpected outing the night before which ended at 6am the next morning! :bigsmile: I can't remember the last time I was out, let alone out and drinking copious amounts of alcohol...I was doing the one-legged man dance to be sure I didn't stuff my knee up even more and thankfully I was okay by the time I'd awoken at MIDDAY on Sunday arvo! :wink:
    My hubby reckons I needed a blowout because of the lack of exercise and with the amount of stress uni has been putting on me - I needed a release :laugh: :laugh: that was one MAJOR release!

    So this week's goals are to complete

    1) 150 crunches/situps
    2) keep snacks at 100 cals (this worked so well for me last week I want to try and maintain.)
    3) Thanks to MAK's idea from last week of logging every BLT I will attempt to do the same.
    4) Finish 2 assignments and start the next 2

    I will try and log in each day and try to read everyone's posts but with Uni kicking my butt I have to be careful with how much time I'm not spending on my studies. Every 5 mins counts!

    However, I'll still be SUPPORTING AND ENCOURAGING you all! GO HARD EVERYONE - IT'S A NEW WEEK FILLED WITH SO MANY ACHIEVEMENTS WAITING TO BE HAD :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Hello all. Back again to see if I can get all the way thru this week.

    I was reading thru the goals set by others and I think I'll go for one similar, which is to be fitness minded every day this week. I don't plan hard workouts every day, but I will try to alternate light with tougher workouts. My available workout days are Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat.

    Mon - 1-mile walk in 20 mins... then talking on the phone for 1.5 hrs with a new friend :happy:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    today was a bust for walking, crazy busy day at work. and hubby had dinner ready and I fell intoa chair and cant get up now.
  • How do I join still don't know the sight well.



  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Had a pretty good today; managed to achieve all of my goals! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    1) 3 fruits/veggies -3 down
    2) Watch sodium - be more aware of the salt content in what I eat (that's my problem) - Well I was under, I'll say that much. :blushing:
    3) Water - been slacking off on this - want to get to at least 10 glasses a day. I will have 10 down before bed!

    Papillion -great pic of Paris! It's been many years since I was there.

    Diane - Welcome - I have a similar rule - drink 6 glasses of water before I can have a soda! :bigsmile:

    Krispage - You need a rest every now and then! get back to it tomorrow!

    aninamika - Holy moly! I can't remember the last time I was out that late! I usually collapse by midnight. :laugh: glad you had a good night and didn't injur your knee.

    Welcome to all the newbies! Hello to everyone I missed! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    How do I join still don't know the sight well.
    cvrobinson - Hi Welcome! :flowerforyou: We'd love to have you join our weekly mini-goal challenges!

    If you look at page 1 on this thread and see where LadyGloria opened up the thread with her first post it'll give a bit of an explanation on what this group is about. You simply list a few goals you'd like to accomplish or work on for a week and list them and then check in as you can. Some of check in nightly others aren't able to check in as often.

    A new thread begins each Sunday and some members run their weekly goals from Sunday-Sat. but any start time that works for you is just fine.:flowerforyou:

    Hope the above helped a bit and if you have any more questions by all means feel free to jump in again and ask. You'll not find a friendlier more motivating group than our little home here.:heart:
  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    Ittee--I'm so glad you're back in the group, but so sorry to hear about Marsh. I hope she pulls through. Loves & hugs you!

    Monday night check in:
    1) Keep monitoring macro ratios to reach Carbs 50%/Protein 25%/Fat 25%: 44.4/25.2/30.4
    2) Identify highest fat content item of the day and research a lower fat alternative: Highest fat content item of the day--Pecans. I could lower overall fat content by switching to cashews or pistachios. However, all of the tree nuts are also high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are the good for you cholesterol lowering fats.
    3) 3500 calorie deficit for the week: no exercise today...409 for the day
    4) Sodium under 2000: 1147
    5) I WILL NOT WEIGH IN ON ANY DAY OTHER THAN MONDAY. Today was Monday. I weighed in and showed zero loss/gain. I am trying to find my inner peace with this, but it was a little "Sigh" moment. That's okay. Worse things could happen. I PROMISE, AVOW, AND AFFIRM THAT I WILL NOT WEIGH IN TOMORROW.

    Good luck with tomorrow everyone!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    littlemount: fantastic job on your steps. When I'm missing my kids Philosohoe used to walk with me to help take my mind off of them. It's amazing how silent a house is without lil ones.

    MAK: amazing NSV moment, love those more than scale ones. Jogging/running still seems like a far away goal for me, so super kuddos. You're becoming so strong. Glad you're logging your BLTS.

    34again: thanks for the welcome, good to be back. Hope the cold stays far far away, and great job on your goals.

    ladygloria: I love the single digit sizes, but I have a problem with my huge (in comparison) hips to my waist. Jeans are definitely a challenge. I am finally living with my husband. Yay!! Can't wait to get to the chalean lean, somewhat intimidated to get started again after a week break. Fantastic job on your goals, hope you feel 100%.

    HeartsDesire: I love your goal number 3, what a creative way to see this as a permanent change instead of just absent mindedly doing!

    la_nanita: how much fun, to be doing that with your boys. How old?

    amyb27: welcome, this group I found immediately and thank goodness, it allows me to individualize just for me! I am also working on strength, good luck!

    aninamika: how phenomenal that you went out and enjoyed yourself! Even more so that you hoped right back on to being goal oriented.

    fitnhealthy: great job on both a workout and connecting with a friend. Seems like the perfect day.

    krispage: lucky you to have dinner awaiting, sounds like you needed that and your chair after your day. Hope you get in a walk today.

    diane13bell: nice water before soda goal. Exercising every day is difficult for me to, I try to get inspired by people like MAK who are more consistent, but it's still a challenge. Good luck.

    bhurley: hope you didn't drink too much water before bed, always makes me have to pee all night! Fantastic on achieving your goals.

    Philosohoe: miss you so much!! Sorry you didn't see scale loss. Heard you did Zumba, did you enjoy?
  • amyB27
    amyB27 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks! Good luck to you too! I did my strength last night yay! And had breakfast this morning about an hour after waking. Just wondering, does breakfast starve anyone else? haha When I eat it soon after waking I feel ravenous within a couple of hours.
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 409 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies! You are going to love this group. It is THE BEST GROUP in MFP!

    amyB27 – eating breakfast everyday was once a challenge for me too. I even made it a goal for two weeks. I like you, would be starving soon after. Guess what, that is probably your metabolism kicking into high gear. I am now used to eating something every day. Even if I don’t have a full breakfast I will at least eat a yogurt. Good luck!

    Animakima – Love that you went out and had a blast! You are very dedicated and need to have fun every now and then too!

    Fitnhealthy – talking for 1.5 hrs is great exercise for your chin… wonder how you log that? LOL

    KrisPage – You can do it! You are awesome.

    Bhurley – YAY for achieving all of you Monday goals!!

    Philo – How were you eating the pecans? All by themselves or with something else? Maybe if you substituted with a dried fruit, would that work? Also, great on the no gain!

    Lttee – My boys are 10 (Sebastian) and 8 (Nicolas) and my daughter is 5 (Tatiana), they mostly goof around and play with the weights. My 8 year old, has actually been motivating me to work out. He asks me every night to work out with him and last week when I was in the dumps and did not work out he was really disappointed. My kids are tiny and skinny (putting up a pic in my profile soon) so they do not need to lose any weight. They would disappear! :laugh: But they could do with some activity since they are not doing soccer this fall.