Looking for top 5 tips from all of you successful people...



  • mrsredneckmorris
    mrsredneckmorris Posts: 119 Member
  • runamym
    runamym Posts: 83 Member
    A lot of people have given great tips here so I'll just add ...
    You have to find your why's?

    1. Why are you reaching for that 2nd slice of pizza and cookies?
    2. Why do you want to get healthy/lose weight?

    Once your answer to #2 is bigger and way more important than the excuses you give for #1 ...then you'll be successful. Everything will fall into place. But you have to WANT to do it for yourself - not anyone else because those circumstances change/can change. But if you want to do it for YOU - if you've truly had enough and are fed up with being miserable/unhappy within your own skin -- can't take one more day of it -- then you'll do whatever it takes to change and change for life!
    I'm really tired of women saying that they are "putting themselves last on the list" (I used to say this) -- stop saying it and do something about it. It's not healthy and it's not right. Make your health a priority and do it - don't just say it, live it.
    Commit to it and tell yourself constantly "I will cannot and will NOT fail. I will do this and make it stick for life!"
  • jchester71
    jchester71 Posts: 124 Member
    1. Weigh yourself often enough to figure out what are your out of bounds foods.
    2. Weights + cardio at least 5 days a week.
    3. Listen to your body, if you are not hungry don't eat. If you are too sore to work out take an extra day of rest.
    4. Work out fasted sometimes.
    5. Don't be too rigid, this will lead to failure. Better to have one slice of pizza today than 6 the day after tomorrow.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Bump - thanks for the tips everybody. :flowerforyou:
  • gettinghealthy777
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    As you can see, everyone has their own philosophy, and some people's are complete opposite than others - yet all have been successful.

    My best advice would be to find what works for you and stick to it! The main key in this weight loss thing is consistency. :)
  • narenn
    narenn Posts: 73
    Tip for the long term. (Working for 8 months and counting)

    1. The MOST important, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (everyday I feel like quitting... KEEP AT IT!!!)
    2. Everyday is a new day!
    3. Reward yourself! You are trying AND working hard! You deserve a treat!
    4. Set contemporary goals.
    5. Find what works for you. Mix it up.You body is capable of a lot if your mind is willing to push.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    1) Do Strength Training AND cardio combined!!! You will lose more than if you just did cardio alone.
    3) Cut out frozen meals and fast food
    4) Buy a food scale and heart rate monitor with a chest strap
    5) Workout at least 3 days a week and do not skip!
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Wow what an awesome thread! I've still got a long way to goal but feel I am on the way to success since I started logging with Mfp. Here's my tips;

    1. When starting your journey, focus on small changes. Drink more water, start exercising by taking short walks.
    2. As you do better (with your diet or exercise), challenge yourself - even small challenges are ok (can I walk 10 more minutes today? why dont I run for a minute? What if I eat this meal without bread?)
    3. Don't beat yourself up if you slip into old habits. Get back on the horse straight away. We are all human. As someone else said don't write off the rest of the week!
    4. If you start to plateu or start getting bored (with foods or diet), try new things! Even simple things like changing cereal can make a difference! If you get bored of the treadmill, start walking outdoors, find an appropriate sport or even active hobby that you can enjoy.
    5. Whatever you do, be stubborn and keep logging your food and exercise! You may not it's important but it keeps you accountable and teaches you what works and what doesn't (as long as you are honest)
  • tita0427
    tita0427 Posts: 26 Member
    1) Eat

    2) Back

    3) Your

    4) Exercise

    5) Calories

    Can you explain this to me?
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    My top 5 (some of which I'm sure have been mentioned though):

    1) Stay with the program you've set. Until you create a consistent routine, you will likely not see results. For a lot of people whether or not they see results determines whether they will continue. I didn't see any results for a month, but I just stuck with the routine.
    This includes:
    -Make a date several times a week with your exercise and just do it. You'll think of a million reasons why you'll do it tomorrow. Ignore the voice in your head, because you know what is the right thing to do.
    -Eat your minimum calories at the very least. I got into a bad habit of eating under by several hundred for weeks and all I could do is maintain.
    2) PICTURES. When I look in the mirror, I feel I look the same. I was shocked when I compared pictures. It is very rewarding to see a side by side. Helps to motivate.
    3) Incorporate small food changes. Not everyone can afford to do a pantry overhaul. Each week, find healthy substitutes. One of the first things I did was different peanut butter and bread. It was very overwhelming reading the forums and when I thought I was eating healthy and then you see things that say otherwise. Do what you can, when you can. Don't beat yourself up or deprive yourself either.
    4) LOG EVERY DAY and PLAN AHEAD. I got into a bad habit of not logging weekends, did not go well. Log good and bad, be honest. If you used a half cup of cheese, do not put 1/4 (which is actually 1 serving). Underestimations will add up. Log your foods days in advance and you'll be less likely to make impulsive decisions.
    5)Eat throughout the day. Personally, I've found eating the usual breakfast/lunch/dinner in ADDITION to a morning and afternoon snack helps me feel full longer. I have also heard it keeps your metabolism more active. I have had the best loss doing this.
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    BUMP. This is a great thread
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    2.Remember, " it does not matter how fast you are going you are still lapping everyone on the couch" so start with walking but do something!
    3. plan meals/ snacks ahead
    4. look at the community board as many times as you need to - very supportive-
    5. BE READY and be honest about being ready you have to want to do it and want to do it for yourself or it will not work.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    1) Eat

    2) Back

    3) Your

    4) Exercise

    5) Calories

    Can you explain this to me?

    Follow the thread in my signature below.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I've lost nearly 96 pounds all together now, and these are my top 5:

    1. Find something you love to do in terms of exercise and you will stick with it.
    2. Weighing yourself is fine, but you should measure yourself as well.
    3. Drink plenty of water.
    4. Get enough sleep.
    5. Eat back most of your exercise calories.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    1. Plan your weekly menu and buy all your food and prep your veggies ahead of time. Make hardboiled eggs ahead to take as a snack. Grill chicken ahead for lunches.

    2. I eat 6 times per day (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack) about 1300-1600 cals total and this keeps me from getting hungry and binging. I know this way of eating isn't feasible for everyone but it's what works for me.

    3. Don't get overwhelmed by exercise. I thought, oh i could never do 6 hours of exercise a week, that's insane. But once you get started, you will learn to love it and it gets much easier.

    4. Don't be afraid to have treats and don't feel guilty. I got so used to a diet being a punishment. This is not a diet, and tell yourself that when you feel guilty having a treat. I have them when I want them. When you do that, you find you don't crave them as much as if it was forbidden.

    5. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day or couple days. Every day is a new day, just get back on. When you ate bad all the time, 2 or 3 days of good eating a month didn't cancel out the bad eating. So now when you are eating well all the time, 2 or 3 days of going over your calories isn't going to change your lifestyle either.
  • allie0630
    allie0630 Posts: 139 Member
    Need suggestions on how to make exercise a habit...I really do not like to exercise and will come up with every excuse!
    Any ideas/suggestions??
  • ashleypietz
    ashleypietz Posts: 87 Member
    1. Log all your food and drinks, even water, everyday
    2. Exercise, pick something you like or can stand doing and do it at least 3-4 times a week.
    3. Get a support system, people you can go to with your problems and successes that are there for you and encourage you
    4. Reward yourself for reaching your goals, whatever they may be. Buy new clothes, go to the movies, get a fancy haircut, etc.
    5. Believe in what you are doing. You have to want to be healthy and stay that way.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    1. Commit every day to being healthy. Think about all the reasons why you want to lose the weight.
    2. If you fall, get back on track right away. Don't let a bad day become a bad week, or the end of your commitment.
    3. Log everything.
    4. Take pictures every time you lose five lbs. It's great to be able to look back and see the progress you've made.
    5. Find an exercise you like and do it at least 3x a week.
  • mestacy010
    mestacy010 Posts: 577 Member
    1. Don't keep junk in your house! This was key for me. When I stopped keeping the cookies, candies and sugary cereals in the house I became more successful. You can't eat what you don't have.

    2. Exercise must be a priority. If you have time to watch a 30 minute show you have time to exercise. Most folks have DVR now so record your show if that is keeping you from working out. If it is lack of child care then find an activity that can include them such as walking, or riding bikes.

    3. Plan your days menu the night before and stick to it! When you veer away from what you have planned is when you tend to go over your calorie goal.

    4. Be selfish sometimes. Tell people no on occasion. We often commit to others but neglect ourselves in the process.

    5. Don't wait until Monday to begin again when you mess up. Start at the very next bite you take. If we screw up on Tuesday and deem the week a failure until Monday think of all the missed opportunities to get back on track.

    Good luck. You can do it but you really have to decide that you want to. Once you do you can commit fully to most of the time getting it right.

    (I've lost 126 pounds and every day it is still hard but I always remember this quote, "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is harder."
    I love this!!
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