

  • magneticcat
    magneticcat Posts: 23 Member
    I think this topic has been covered pretty thoroughly in this discussion, but I just wanted to add one more point: I was always taught that the only reason small and frequent meals are recommended is because most people get hungry more than three times a day, and when you're really hungry, you can make stupid food decisions and binge out. I was under the impression that the small and regular meals thing was just a means of preventing intense hunger in some people, and thus lessening the likelihood that they will binge or snack excessively. So it's just a willpower thing. But at the end of the day, if you have the willpower, you could eat one 1200 kcal hunk of butter a day and nothing else, and you'll still lose weight.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    This is so helpful! I am so hungry at night, but run out of calories left to eat anything! I am NEVER hungry in the morning.. so now I can just save those calories for dinner?

    ^ ABSOLUTELY. Just make SURE you don't go over FOR THE DAY. As long as your totals are the same you will be fine.

    ALSO, this will likely effect water weight only as you shift a pile of calories to the evening. Don't stress it if you're the type that weighs in every morning.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I think this topic has been covered pretty thoroughly in this discussion, but I just wanted to add one more point: I was always taught that the only reason small and frequent meals are recommended is because most people get hungry more than three times a day, and when you're really hungry, you can make stupid food decisions and binge out. I was under the impression that the small and regular meals thing was just a means of preventing intense hunger in some people, and thus lessening the likelihood that they will binge or snack excessively. So it's just a willpower thing. But at the end of the day, if you have the willpower, you could eat one 1200 kcal hunk of butter a day and nothing else, and you'll still lose weight.

    Exactly this. People really need to learn the difference between actual biological effects on metabolism, and making the daily calories in/out battle easier.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    You would be surprised how easily people can get offended! My bad haha xD

    Thats where I took it wrong. I read that as doctors you get your check ups from (usually what people are talking about when they say doctors on this site). And I will apologize again for that:flowerforyou:

    I have seen studies for both sides of this argument. Usually the 6 meals a day revolves around correlation. And correlation =/= causation.

    I support the leangains side of it though. And would recommend anyone interested in learning a different take on it to check out the site.

    Ah, gotcha, makes sense now. But yes, people surprise me every day.

    I just couldnt do it myself, eat once a day. I'm hungry all day long and it takes sheer will power not to pig out just because I'm bored sometimes.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    I found this today. Might help some of you out:

    Eating six small meals instead of three regular ones...
    A. Speeds your metabolism
    B. Controls your blood sugar
    C. Both of the above
    D. None of the above, although it may make for more dirty dishes

    Answer #1: D
    Frequent eating helps some people lose weight because it keeps them from becoming crazy hungry and pigging out. But the six-meal approach doesn't stoke your metabolism or steady your blood sugar. In fact, a recent Syracuse University study found that eating six meals a day actually raised blood sugar more than the same diet consumed in three meals.

    Your Takeaway
    Eat as often as you like, but watch your meal size if you go with six; half of those "meals" should be more like snacks. If you want to eat less often, give your body a couple of weeks to adjust its hunger signals.
  • I think this topic has been covered pretty thoroughly in this discussion, but I just wanted to add one more point: I was always taught that the only reason small and frequent meals are recommended is because most people get hungry more than three times a day, and when you're really hungry, you can make stupid food decisions and binge out. I was under the impression that the small and regular meals thing was just a means of preventing intense hunger in some people, and thus lessening the likelihood that they will binge or snack excessively. So it's just a willpower thing. But at the end of the day, if you have the willpower, you could eat one 1200 kcal hunk of butter a day and nothing else, and you'll still lose weight.

    In regards to the last sentence, that sorta depends on how you look at it. If you ate just that hunk of butter as opposed to balanced healthy meals, you may be getting the same number of calories but your pretty much only consuming fat. Good luck surviving on that alone. I for one know that i would feel so ill and sluggish that i'd barely get out of bed let alone do any exercise. Yes you may still lose weight (hence why there's so many fad diets) but you won't be doing your body any favors. Think of your body like a car engine. If you put the best quality fuel in, your car is likely to run more efficiently and last longer. If you put poor quality fuel in, sure it'll still run but you may not be getting as many miles to a tank and could be doing more damage to the engine in the long term.

    *please excuse my car analogy, I'm no auto expert so hopefully the facts are correct :-S
  • I think it is totally dependent on each person and what their body is used to. My body is nowhere near used to eating breakfast every morning. My day starts early, usually around 5 am sometimes earlier. At that time of the morning I am nowhere near eating something. Just the pure thought of putting something in my mouth, even medication, makes me sick to my stomach. Therefore, my first meal of the day usually happens around 9 am. That's my breakfast. My body is used to eating 3 meals a day and an evening snack. For me evening time is my sedentary time so my snack (these days) usually consists of something light, like air popped popcorn.

    But truthfully I think it all depends on how you have conditioned your body over the years. I'm not saying that you can not recondition your body to go from 3 large meals a day to 6 small meals a day and still accomplish the same goal but I definitely think it will work just as well no matter how you do it.