Moms on the Move Group 9 (Closed Group)



  • joimichele

    You are doing so well! You are the weight loss queen (of group 9 at least) keep up the great work!

    Actually, I think Swimmom has me beat. She's lost over 50 lbs! Incredible!!!

    You are right! Hope we get to see before and after pics swimmom! Thanks for the inspiration. What plan did you follow? How is your belly fat?
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    I went from 32 to a 27! That's a size 5! I don't want to lose weight any place else besides my tummy. I hate the way my belly hangs over my pants. I find myself sucking in the gut all the time.

    Nice job on losing the inches. I honestly haven't taken a single measurement since I started MFP. Maybe I'll be brave and take measurements tomorrow. My body is apple shaped so I never have a tiny waist. I wish I had an hourglass, or I'd even be happy with a pear shape. Sigh.

    I logged my food today. It was hard to stay within my calorie limit, but I barely made it. I didn't work out today and I feel my TOM coming up. :(
  • joimichele
    Well, I took a test this morning. I was curious to see if the reason I haven't lost any of my belly is because I was pregnant...:indifferent: but I am not:happy: ! So I guess I have to put more work in. I'm thinking about giving up carbs for my goal next week. In order to do this I will need major support. I'm declaring this week won! I haven't thought about takeout! Wow!
    dc_amaryllis- my chocolate cravings are out of this world during my TOM so good luck with that :flowerforyou:
    Leigh_b- how is it going?
    Swimmom-what does your daily food diary look like. How are you with carbs and sugars?
  • joimichele
    Hey moms! How is everyone? I'm doing great! So I figured since I accomplished my goal last week, I would set a new goal this week.
    My goal: Eat less carbs. I will not eat bread, pasta, or potatoes this week! Plus, no fast food. My exercise goal: I want to rev up the cardio. At least 500 calories every day. Anyone want to join me? I will probably be on this thread a lot this week. Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Congratulations on your loss!! Your hard work is really paying off.

    500 calories burned each day? Wow, that's incredible. I've only burned 500 or more a couple of times. I think a more realistic goal for me is to burn 300 a day. I will join you in this challenge. :)
  • joimichele
    Hi! So, I did it! I didn't touch bread, taters, or pasta and I burned 500 calories! But it was hard! OMG it was hard! My husband was eating chips right in front of me and I almost tackled him for some. Whew! How did you do dc? Hopefully, it was easier for you. How is everyone? Good luck!
  • swimmom2
    im 121 this week also I am 5'1.
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Hi! So, I did it! I didn't touch bread, taters, or pasta and I burned 500 calories! But it was hard! OMG it was hard! My husband was eating chips right in front of me and I almost tackled him for some. Whew! How did you do dc? Hopefully, it was easier for you. How is everyone? Good luck!

    Joi ... great job on staying away from the carbs. I know it takes massive willpower. I gave up bread for Lent one year and it was the hardest thing ever.

    I managed to burn 504 calories yesterday. :happy: My plan today is to burn 100 calories while my son is napping. I think i'll run in place while I catch up on one of my shows. Then I hope to burn at least another 200 calories when I take our afternoon walk/run.
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    New weekly chart posted! Come see which Hot Mom has already reached her goal weight!!
  • joimichele
    Hi! So, I did it! I didn't touch bread, taters, or pasta and I burned 500 calories! But it was hard! OMG it was hard! My husband was eating chips right in front of me and I almost tackled him for some. Whew! How did you do dc? Hopefully, it was easier for you. How is everyone? Good luck!

    Joi ... great job on staying away from the carbs. I know it takes massive willpower. I gave up bread for Lent one year and it was the hardest thing ever.

    I managed to burn 504 calories yesterday. :happy: My plan today is to burn 100 calories while my son is napping. I think i'll run in place while I catch up on one of my shows. Then I hope to burn at least another 200 calories when I take our afternoon walk/run.
    Hey everyone! How did the week go? How did the goals go? I was able to stay away from bread, potatoes, and pasta for one week. Geesh was it hard. I believe I burned 500 calories everyday except for Sunday. Needless to say, I am exhausted. I don't know about my goals for this week. Any ideas? How is mommiehood going? Have a great day!
  • joimichele
    Let's weigh in! Good luck!
  • swimmom2
    stuck at 121 my baby does not sleep at night and on the nights she keeps me up alot i seem to do horrible that day i just lay around and munch! uggggg....
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Hang in there Swimmom. Your progress is incredible. You'll reach your goal in no time. :) I hope your baby sleeps well this week.

    Joi .. good job staying away from carbs. That shows real dedication. Obviously, it's working for you. :)

    My goals for the week:
    1. Burn 300 cals/day
    2. Stay within calorie limit
    3. Watch sodium intake
    4. Drink more water

    Happy Monday all!
  • joimichele
    So... I had trouble deciding on my goals for this week but I finally set a couple.

    I am going to go with dc_amaryllis and burn 300 cals a day.
    I am going to rest one day and not be obsessed with weight.
    I will not go overboard on my birthday.
    Control sugar intake.

    How is the week going? Leigh_b how is the windy city? Did you get shoes?
    Swimmom do you have any plans or goals for this week?
    dc_amaryllis what do you plan to do when it gets cold outside?
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Joimichele ... when is your birthday?

    When it gets cold outside, I plan on doing workouts with my Wii and videos and whatever good I can find on demand. Also, I love running in place, jumping jacks, calisthenics while I watch tv. During the commercial breaks, I run up and down the stairs. Nothing replaces a good walk or jog outside, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

    I hope everyone is having a great week!!
  • joimichele
    stuck at 121 my baby does not sleep at night and on the nights she keeps me up alot i seem to do horrible that day i just lay around and munch! uggggg....

    How old is your baby? I agree, if I am not occupied all I think about is food.
  • joimichele
    Joimichele ... when is your birthday?

    When it gets cold outside, I plan on doing workouts with my Wii and videos and whatever good I can find on demand. Also, I love running in place, jumping jacks, calisthenics while I watch tv. During the commercial breaks, I run up and down the stairs. Nothing replaces a good walk or jog outside, but you gotta do what you gotta do, right?

    I hope everyone is having a great week!!

    Oct. 28! WHHHHOOOOO! My son has a Wii. What do you have that burns a lot of calories and is fun?
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Woo hoo!! Any big plans for your birthday? You deserve a celebration meal and definitely some cake. :flowerforyou:

    I have Just Dance 2 for the Wii. It's tons of fun and a good calorie burner. Just Dance 3 just came out. I also have Wii Zumba. I havent really gotten into it, but I hear people love it and have lost a lot of weight with it. I think I just need to give it another chance. I've heard good things about EA Active Sports. That may be my next game purchase.

    What about everyone else? What winter workouts will you do?
  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    Woo hoo!! Any big plans for your birthday? You deserve a celebration meal and definitely some cake. :flowerforyou:

    I have Just Dance 2 for the Wii. It's tons of fun and a good calorie burner. Just Dance 3 just came out. I also have Wii Zumba. I havent really gotten into it, but I hear people love it and have lost a lot of weight with it. I think I just need to give it another chance. I've heard good things about EA Active Sports. That may be my next game purchase.

    What about everyone else? What winter workouts will you do?
  • swimmom2
    121 today, also joimichele my baby is 11 months old, I guess shes not a baby for much longer :(