HCG diet??



  • PhilipByrne
    PhilipByrne Posts: 276 Member
    I also heard if you plant the pills during a full moon, a giant beanstalk grows all the way into the sky and if you climb this magic beanstalk you find zero calorie cake and ice cream and candy that burns fat and toffee that tones your thighs...it's F*****G MAGIC!!!!

    I heard there's a giant up there too! Which is sooo cool! I've always wanted to meet a real live giant!! He could like, scoop me up in one hand and pet me like a puppy! I must get some of these pills to plant on the next full moon!

    Count me in. Do they have calorie free beer too? I bet they do.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    FYI: 1. The owner of the health food store is a longtime personal friend of mine who is both health conscientious, knowledgeable, and a person with a good heart. So please don't judge people without knowing them. Thanks.
    2. I did not actually buy any product from them.
    3. HCG is actually NOT that expensive and you do have to do your research to make sure you get it from a reputable vendor and NOT off the black market.
    4. The 500 calorie diet is only for 21 days and then you move into a 1500+ calorie diet in the next phase with specific instructions how to make a lifestyle change that is undeniably healthy and easy to sustain long-term.

    I'm not trying to convince anyone that this is the "right" choice for them. I'm just trying to help people understand the diet and why someone might choose it. People who are successful on HCG generally don't post on your forums because of the judgement and lack of understanding. If any of you have actually read the research or personally know anyone who has been successful on the hcg diet before condemning it, then I applaud you for at least having the decency to do that.

    We are all on a weight loss journey trying to get to the same place. Who are you to judge what is the wrong way or the right way to get there for someone else? It's kind of like religion. I have my way but I sure as hell am not gonna try and tell you how to live your life, ESPECIALLY if I don't really understand where you are coming from and what your way is all about. I thought MFP was a place where people with similar goals could support each other with judgement...but I guess not. I'm done with this post.

    Peace and Love.

    LULZ at "lack of understanding"

    We understand perfectly. It's a VLC diet coupled with a placebo.

    Go ahead. Prove me wrong. You can do so by providing peer-reviewed, long term, double-blind human trials that show a statistically significant difference between subjects with HGC and a control group with and isocaloric intake.

    I won't hold my breath.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Honestly, I think it's not a great diet, but come on people, who cares? Nobody is going to be able to get on here, make fun of someone for their choice of diets and convince the person not to do it. Just let people do what they want. Do I think it sounds good for you? NO. Would I try it? NO. But, I am fine with people doing as they wish. To each their own. END. OF. STORY.
  • ......waiting for thine great defender of the hcg to arrive. She has, afterall, been doing it since Saturday....*tapping foot watching clock*

    don't come crying to us when you don't wake up.
  • lolly1d
    lolly1d Posts: 4 Member
    Very well said Jooleeyah, each to their own. Being judgemental is not the way forward, live and let live. People should spend more time giving support and encouragement on here, instead of being ignorant to peoples needs. In the end, we are all grown-ups and entitled to make our own INFORMED decisions, bullying people cos u think u r right and they r wrong is a joke. Be open minded, people need friends and support, no matter what diet or lifestyle change they r doing.
  • The effects of the diet sound very much like my experiences of weightloss when I was anorexic and living on 500cal a day. I didn't take HCG. I find it bizarre that you'd do that kind of extreme diet and then give all the credit for weightloss to the HCG. It's like when people have an intensive course of chemotherapy and then insist that their cancer went away entirely because of the homeopathic remedies they took on the side.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I am on the hcg diet- I have lost 95 pounds since April 1st. Read Pounds and Inches by doctor simeons. Its a free pdf file you can download. My first round was 43 days where I lost 63 pounds- I then did a 6 week break where I maintained my weight, then I did round 2 which was about 30 days and lost another 20 pounds. I then did 8 weeks off to maintain. I am now in round 3 week 2 and have lost another another 15 or so pounds- I have about 2 or 3 weeks left before I go back to maintaining again. Its a fantastic diet and you are never ever hungry and you are not starving yourself. People who put the diet down are those who have never done it. Do your own research and dont listen to ignorant people who dont know what they are talking about

    People that promote this diet don't understand how it works either. Just because they lose weight, they think it's a great diet. What many of them don't understand is the affect it has on a person vital organs, systems and metabolism. I am very happy you lost a lot of weight, but I guarentee you that 50% of your weight was lost due to muscle deterioration. Perfect example is in the below thread, more specifically the woman fivefatcats. Lost 30 lbs (great) but 15 lbs of it was muscle (Horrible). Not only are you slowing your metabolism, you are harming your organs. These diets put a lot of stress on kidney's which require calories (aka their fuel source) to function properly. There is a ton of research by reputable institutes (liek the National Institute of Health) that suggest no less than 1200 calories for a body to get it's nutritional value required and for the body to function proper. No miracle pee or plecenta is going to change that.

    In my humble opinion, the people that do these diets don't understand health. They don't understand the importance of muscle and fear that weight loss is slow (just like weight gain). Heck, i don't think most people should be eating only 1200 calories, it generally is more and I don't understand why people are afraid to eat. Simply put, food is fuel and you need it to run a properly functioning body.

  • Everyone is so negative of the HCG diet. I'm on it and IT WORKS! I was so unsure about this at first. I didn't like the idea of using a pill to lose weight. Let me tell you, I now do not regret it. I've been on the diet for about 3 weeks and lost almost 20 pounds. The people who talk negative about this have either never tried it or they have and didn't follow it correctly. It definitely is a very strict diet and those who failed with it do not have the will power like the ones who succeed on it. Simple as that. If you follow the diet correctly it IMPOSSIBLE to not lose weight. This is the easiest diet I've EVER done. You don't have to work out(but i do) and its just as simple as eating the foods you're allowed. It's not a lifetime diet, it;s only for about 30 days!!
  • Actually if you work out..you wont lose muscle. IF you knew the diet you would know that. They recommend you do some type of activity...light activity of course. They dont require you exercise but it definitely is recommended....
  • Also, again, if you KNEW the diet. The pill releases about 1400 calories into your body. it goes after your stored fat and breaks it down into fuel for your body. didnt know that did you?! maybe some people should read up on the diet before they put it down. You get plenty of food...its just LOW calorie food. And its not like you're eating these low calories for life. Isnt these boards for POSITIVE influence. IF you dont like the HCG diet then why write on the posting. Go write on your board with the diet your doing and let us HCG people talk about the diet without you people being negative. OBVIOUSLY those of us on the diet have done WAY more research on the product then you have.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    ^^ 1-post wonders defending HGC?

    Color me suspicious.
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376
    The pill releases about 1400 calories into your body. it goes after your stored fat and breaks it down into fuel for your body. didnt know that did you?


    Got any peer-reviewed research to support this claim? (Ad-copy doesn't count)
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    you only eat 500 calories a day on this HCG diet. Seems kindof dangerous. Can't believe some Doctors actually back this.

    I agree. Besides, if you starve yourselve, that's free! Not to sound ugly, but I just don't think it's a good way to go. Portion control, water and exercise is the way to go since it has to be a lifestyle change. Much success to you though in whatever route you choose to take.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Also, again, if you KNEW the diet. The pill releases about 1400 calories into your body. it goes after your stored fat and breaks it down into fuel for your body. didnt know that did you?! maybe some people should read up on the diet before they put it down. You get plenty of food...its just LOW calorie food. And its not like you're eating these low calories for life. Isnt these boards for POSITIVE influence. IF you dont like the HCG diet then why write on the posting. Go write on your board with the diet your doing and let us HCG people talk about the diet without you people being negative. OBVIOUSLY those of us on the diet have done WAY more research on the product then you have.

  • Some may recall I was on this when I joined MFP. I lost weight, sure. And, I've kept it off... all 8lbs in 4 weeks..... yup, 2 pounds a week! I learned HOW to eat, which is why I think I've not gained any back... but for those who want a quick fix, plain and simple you're an idiot if you think this "diet" is the answer. Yes, I was an idiot too! I've since begun going to the gym and I have taken the healthy eating I learned on that diet (and what I was on was doctor supervised and 800 cal/daily), but anyone can do that without starving. The first days I was tired, had a headache, and couldn't focus. Then, on the scale I was depressed because I wasn't losing 10lbs a week like promised. Then, I quit when I realized I can't maintain this much longer... and now, I eat healthy, but if I slip up and have a piece of cake, I am not going to freak out!
    I don't recommend it to anyone, period. And hcg supporters - I used to be one of you so no "dont knock it if you havent tried it" necessary.
    There's a great blog I read today, about Trying Everything... find it and read it.
  • peer reviewed? I'm on the diet...i have more energy then i have in years! that says something!! I feel better about myself, i'm NOT hungry! I think thats all i need. I don't feel sick or pains as some people have mentioned. People just dont know how to follow directions. Theres so much more to the diet then you or any of the critics on here even know. its ok tho...i'll be the one losing the weight!
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    You have stupid friends on FB.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    peer reviewed? I'm on the diet...i have more energy then i have in years! that says something!! I feel better about myself, i'm NOT hungry! I think thats all i need. I don't feel sick or pains as some people have mentioned. People just dont know how to follow directions. Theres so much more to the diet then you or any of the critics on here even know. its ok tho...i'll be the one losing the weight!

    Energy to do what? I doubt you're doing any intense workouts on 500 calories a day.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I feel better about myself, i'm NOT hungry!
    I don't feel sick
    i'll be the one losing the weight!

    Me too! And I have more $$$ in my pocket because I'm eating sensibly and exercising and not paying for HCG! :drinker:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Also, again, if you KNEW the diet. The pill releases about 1400 calories into your body. it goes after your stored fat and breaks it down into fuel for your body. didnt know that did you?! maybe some people should read up on the diet before they put it down. You get plenty of food...its just LOW calorie food. And its not like you're eating these low calories for life. Isnt these boards for POSITIVE influence. IF you dont like the HCG diet then why write on the posting. Go write on your board with the diet your doing and let us HCG people talk about the diet without you people being negative. OBVIOUSLY those of us on the diet have done WAY more research on the product then you have.

    I love how HCG fanatics continue to reinforce the point I made earlier...
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