HELP? Quit smoking, now its KILLED MY PROGRESS!



  • pcronberg
    pcronberg Posts: 224
    1st the issue with eating is normal for those who quit smoking. The reason? Cigarettes are a sort of appetite suppressant. I feel less hungry after I smoke. Take that away, and you will eat. Some suggestions for that? Water water water. Water has the capability to make you feel full, even if only temporary, but it will do the same for your appetite that a cigarette will. If you must snack, track it. It will help you keep yourself accountable for what you are putting in your mouth. Do your absolute best to snack on low calorie, low carb, low fat items. Try some cucumbers, tomato slices, strawberries. All of these are very low calorie/carb/fat items. Gum is another good substitute.

    2nd the issue with the weight loss. You have admitted you are eating more, plus quitting smoking does cause you to gain weight because cigarettes have chemicals that raise your metabolism. Grab up some vitamin B12 for your metabolism until your body has a chance to recover from the shock of taking away the addiction. This will help!! Once you get the eating issue under control, you may not see a weight loss for a little bit and this is because of the shock you have given your body.

    Keep it up, you can do this!! Just do not lose your motivation. When you come to a crossroads, take the bumpy trail, it will be more rewarding when you reach the end!!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Congrats on quitting!! It is so hard and I went back after quitting for 2 months because I got stressed with college... It didn't make things any easier though! So regretting that!

    You will feel bad if you give up on giving up now! You will be so much healthier in the long run and you'll be able to lose any pounds you gain easily!

    Best of luck! Don't be too hard on yourself! Just keep doing what you're doing for now and kick the cigs!! :):)
  • Cakepiebeer
    You're not going to like my advice...

    First of all.. I quit smoking on Xmas eve of 2010. I'm almost an entire year.

    Pick which one is more important to you and focus on that. Quiting is more stressful and in my opinion more important.
    Yea, you will gain some weight if you resort to food to curb nicotine cravings, but so what. I'd rather be smoke free.

    What you need to do is give your lungs a break to recover and heal from years of smoking. During that time keep walking or atleast try to do some exercise. But the main point is to not smoke. Let yourself gain weight. In 3-6 months if you really feel you kicked the habit, then you can then shift to focus on weight loss because wanting to smoke wont be an issue.

    I gained about 10 pounds. But I knew later down the road i would get back on my fitness.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I'm a few days ahead of you with my quit - I'm on day 14.

    I would guess that the extra hunger is probably mental - something your mind has fixated on since you don't have the cigs. I think you're just going to have to re-train your brain, and keep plenty of low cal snacks on hand.

    You'll only gain weight if you overeat - try not to derail the progress you've made with your weight!!

    This is true. Food is not a replacement for nicotine, so don't use it as one.
    I got rid of my nicotine addiction earlier this year and I did put on a few pounds, but I have it under control now. Just keep going - you're past the worst part and it will be worth it in the end.
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    You can always lose more weight- you can not replace your lungs! Your quit is so important. Its been nearly four years for me and I STILL remember those first three weeks. They are my motivation to never pick up another cigarette because I will not go through that hellish time again!

    Be good to yourself. You deserve it!~
  • Laurie9797
    Laurie9797 Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations on quitting!! Your progress isn't dead, just stalled. Keep doing what you're doing - make good choices, work out, and just keep on going! You'll bust through, healthier than ever!!
  • Lizzie4942
    Lizzie4942 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there,
    Seams like we got the same thing going on. I have also quit smoking a week ago. I am finding myself hungry all the time but I just keep up with my calorie counting and the more exercise you do the more you get to eat so it says. I have also bought chewing gum the extra brand where they have like apple pie flavor watermelon and a ice cream flavor so on. It's sugar free and it actually helps. I make sure I also drink plenty of water also. Hopefully I gave you some pointers.
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    I quit smoking April 27th 2011 after 30 years.

    My lungs are sooooooo clear now, and I can breathe, and taste, and exercise without feeling like I am going to die...

    I have lost 30 pounds SINCE I quit smoking.....

    Try some Vitamin C Drops (5 Cals each) from your Rite-Aid or CVS or Walgreens. they help with the cravings (citrus products always help) keep your mouth wet and help pass those moments...(hair ripping out!)

    After 10 days the nicotine should be out of your system, and its all mental... just remember that... and say..


    Stay tough!!! You CAN do it!!!!!!
  • CrisN99
    CrisN99 Posts: 159 Member
    Also: a healthy craving distraction: ice cold water and a minty sugar free gum. For some reason it helped me not eat or smoke when I was in the first couple of months!

    Keep strong!
  • CrystalFlury
    CrystalFlury Posts: 400 Member
    Whats up? I really need help here. Any advice would be greatly apreciated!

    Today is day 9 without smoking. Im doing great so far. But AHHHHHH! Quitting has killed my ability to lose weight! or so it feels atleast.

    I have been making great progress on mfp. Lost 30lbs sofar! However, almost as soon as i hit the 30 lbs lost mark, I decided to quit smoking (cold turkey) to be able to train better and just to better myself all around.

    Quitting was no easy task and It has been (and still is) a big struggle!

    I find im always hungry and eating constantly! Ive tryied to keep my diet clean as I can because of this but it has proven to be very difficult. Also ive been trying to work out as much as possable. (Diary is public)

    It is all I can do to MAINTAIN my current weight but I cant seem to break through! Ive been here at this same weight for 9 days. :( I know its common for ppl to gain weight when quitting, however im doing all I can to keep that from happening and losing all Ive worked for.

    This is part of the quitting process I know, but it has become extremely frustrating. its also begining to kill my momentum!

    Anyone have any tips, advice, experiences they can share?

    Ok, so I've never smoked or anything but I get the feeling it's similar to the feeling I would get when wanting something SWEET. My boyfriend's sister used to smoke and she and her husband quit a while back. They said the only hankering they get is the oral fixation. The only advice I could give you is to keep sugar free gum around or something to keep your mouth busy (in a non-dirty way ;-) )

    Reason I say me wanting something sweet and you quitting smoking is similar is because I've noticed my craving doesn't go away unless I keep myself occupied doing something else or chewing on gum or SOMETHING. You might need the same kind of distraction. Right now you're turning to food, which apparently is a common issue for most people who quit smoking. Instead of reaching for a snack (one that most likely isn't the healthiest) find something to distract yourself. Go out for walk, cloud your mind with reading, start chewing gum, something!

    Hope that helps! Good luck!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I don't have any stellar advice for you since I gained most of my weight from quitting, but I wasn't trying to lose either. Just remember that quitting is the best thing you can do for your health and if it stalls your progress for a bit then so be it. I think that since you are actively trying to lose weight, you wont be hindered too much. Just keep the gum and cold water handy at all times and exercise every time you feel those ciggy cravings.

    You are doing a fantastic thing for your body! Don't give up! I have been smoke free for almost four years and it's great. :drinker: