My Large Breakfast Explained

bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
I have been asked about my large breakfasts a few times by MFP friends. This is the explanation. It may not work for everyone so my suggestion is to experiment with what works for you and then try to perfect it!

I'm a 5'2" soon-to-be 44-year old wife and mother to a 12 year-old boy and a 4-year old girl. I was very athletic in high school and lettered in gymnastics, volleyball, softball, track and cheerleading. I was also a weightlifter and competed at the state level. In 10th grade, I injured my right knee pretty badly while vaulting at a tournament. That injury included hyperextension and torn ligaments. It didn't require surgery at the time but it continued to go out on me with every sport I was in. I joined the gymnastics team my Freshman year of college and I blew my knee out two weeks in to training. I never competed again after that. To this day, it will go out if I'm not careful walking on unstable surfaces like rocks or sand. It even popped out of place when rolling over in bed once. So what does this have to do with breakfast?

In January 2010, I decided it was time to get back in to shape. I was roughly 30 pounds overweight due to two pregnancies and sheer laziness. My starting weight was 157.0 and my goal was to get back down to 125.0. Before finding MFP, I had done some research online and found that 1,200 calories was the number to stay under. I started to change the types of food I was eating but I didn't pay attention to when I was eating. I work from home and my job can be very hectic. It was very normal for me to skip breakfast entirely, sometimes lunch... and not have my first bite to eat until after 7PM. Ever since I was a kid, I couldn't stomach the thought of eating anything for a few hours after waking up. Just the smell of food would make my stomach churn. I loved breakfast food but not until dinner time.

After I was convinced I had my calories under control and start seeing the scale move downward, I decided it was time to throw in some exercise. I started by doing the elliptical machine (we are lucky enough to have one in our basement). The first time I stepped on it, I could only muster about 10 minutes without feeling like I was going to die! Each time after that, I would try to add at least one more minute. Eventually I was up to 45-60 minutes and adding more and more resistance. Then my husband decided he wanted to get back in to shape too and ordered P90X. I thought it was time to increase my workout to include more cardio and strength training... so I joined him. I'm not going to lie... P90X was BRUTAL!!! But I really enjoyed it and made it to about 80 out of the 90 days. Then WHAM... out goes my stupid bum knee. I also have Snapping Hip Syndrome which causes my left hip to "pop". It's not painful but I did weaken my left hip and made doing the elliptical very hard. Now what? I wasn't really losing much weight with eating right and exercising as it is. My body was changing, I was losing inches and I was toning up. But I still had a lot of belly fat left to get rid of. How could I lose anything without working out?

I went back to Google and started searching for ways to lose weight without exercise. I don't remember the name of the article I read, but it was about the importance of eating breakfast and spreading calories out evenly throughout the day. I couldn't hurt, right? The next morning, I made breakfast and took the time to eat it slowly. I think it was a couple of eggs and a piece of toast with a slice of cheese. I can't be sure now, but that sounds about right. The first thing I noticed was feeling more energetic at the noon hour than I had before. Before having breakfast, I was ready to crash and burn by lunch time but I thought that was due to my hectic workload. Over time, I increased the size of my breakfast and it has become my favorite meal of the day. I definitely live by the old saying "Breakfast like a King. Lunch like a Prince. Dinner like a Pauper." To explain, that means I consume a bigger quantity of calories in the morning, fewer at lunch time and the least at dinner time. I also make sure to leave enough for snacks throughout the day.

This is what my typical breakfast looks like today. Out of a 1,200 net calorie day, my breakfast will be somewhere between 500-600 calories. :)


Not only do I have much more energy throughout the day, but I almost have to force myself to eat lunch. I'm rarely hungry until around mid-afternoon. But I still have my morning snack if I can and a light lunch. Otherwise, I would be starving by dinner time and then I would make poor food choices. The most surprising result is that my weight started to melt off! I wasn't exercising at all and my calorie count was still the same... but I had lost just shy of 10 pounds in 3 short weeks!!! All I did was change "when" I was eating.

Now that my knee and hip are feeling better, I am slowly adding in some exercise again. I continue to have a large breakfast. There are days when I don't have time for it but those days are pretty rare. If I'm on the road, then I will bring a snack pack including hard boiled eggs, raw almonds, bananas and bottles of water. I am trying to perfect my food choices by eliminating more and more processed foods, lowering my sodium and sugar levels and adding more fruits and especially vegetables.

So what is right for you? It may not be what has worked for me. There is much debate over when meals should be eaten here on MFP. I'm not saying one way is better than another. I can only share what has worked for me on my journey and hope it inspires others to experiment with their own meal plans. You know your body best... just listen to it! In my case, my body was telling me it needed to exercise less and eat more. As funny as it sounds to say that... it's true. :)

Good luck to you and remember... NEVER GIVE UP!


  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    I'm SO with you!! Big breakfast is the way to go for me and it's a huge plus that it happens to be my favorite meal.
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    This has been working for me too.
    I am happy to have that little salad for dinner if I can have that cheesy omelette for breakfast.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Looks amazing & clearly works, if only I had time to make/eat all that at 6.30am!
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    Well I'm definitely gonna give it a try!! Thanks for your post!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I have a somewhat opposite problem that I would LOVE some feedback on. If I eat a large breakfast, I'm starving 2 hours later. But if I eat a small breakfast, I go workout, I come home, I have a snack and I have to force myself to eat lunch. I know this makes no logical sense but I don't know what to do. Any thoughts???
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    Great post.
    Well done on your weight loss - you're beautiful xx The picture of breakfast looks DELICIOUS and I just wish I had time on a morning to prepare something like that.
    I barely have time to stuff a cereal bar down my throat when I'm working but on weekends I breakfast like a queen!!
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    Thank you for this! :bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I have a somewhat opposite problem that I would LOVE some feedback on. If I eat a large breakfast, I'm starving 2 hours later. But if I eat a small breakfast, I go workout, I come home, I have a snack and I have to force myself to eat lunch. I know this makes no logical sense but I don't know what to do. Any thoughts???

    What are you having for breakfast? Is it full of protein? If you are eating starchy carbs and sugars... it could be triggering false hunger.
  • darlalu00
    darlalu00 Posts: 187 Member
    I saw this on the Dr. Oz show. He called it eating in reverse. You eat your biggest meal for breakfast, moderate lunch and a small dinner. I want to try this. Thanks for sharing...hope your knee gets better!
  • tracyolson23
    tracyolson23 Posts: 9 Member
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    You look so good for your!!!
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I've been wanting to try this but have the same issue as some of the time! I will attempt to make the time tomorrow morning and see how the rest of my day goes! Thanks for this!!
  • purple_orchid
    purple_orchid Posts: 129 Member
    May I ask what else you eat during the day to stay under 1200? I never used to eat breakfast as well until a few months ago. I try to have around 400 - 500 calories for breakfast as well, then around 200 for lunch but am still finding myself starving during late afternoon. I find it really hard to stay within my 1400 calories a day.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I've been wanting to try this but have the same issue as some of the time! I will attempt to make the time tomorrow morning and see how the rest of my day goes! Thanks for this!!

    Make some hard boiled eggs the night before and portion out some fruit or nuts, etc. If you don't have time for breakfast before leaving for work, take it with you! :)
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    May I ask what else you eat during the day to stay under 1200? I never used to eat breakfast as well until a few months ago. I try to have around 400 - 500 calories for breakfast as well, then around 200 for lunch but am still finding myself starving during late afternoon. I find it really hard to stay within my 1400 calories a day.

    You can see what I have for breakfast in the photo above, but lunch and dinner varies. Usually some sort of meat (mostly chicken) and larger servings of veggies. Taco salads are one of my favorite dinners because I can enjoy a very large meal with very few calories. I don't put cheese or sour cream on my taco salads though. I do put a lot of pico de gallo, black beans and salsa on it to give it tons of flavor.

    Feel free to send me a friend request if you would like to browse though my diary. I have good days and bad days just like everyone else. :)
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I forgot to mention that I was also doing Taekwondo classes twice a week for 45 minutes. This also assisted in aggravating my Snapping Hip and bad knee. I only had one rest day per week.
  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    I do the same thing. I eat 3 eggs scrambled in butter with veggies and either bacon or sausage every day and have fruit 3 or 4 days a week with it. My breakfast is typically between 700 and 900 calories. I get 1500 a day. I have breakfast around 9:00 a.m.

    Lunch is usually a salad with some kind of protein or protein and veggies and I'm too full from breakfast to eat lunch until around 3:00 p.m.

    Most of the time I don't even eat dinner. I'm just not hungry for it. Having a protein packed breakfast with some fat added in does keep the furnace going much longer.
  • chicklet846
    Great post! That omelet looks yummy!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Most of the time I don't even eat dinner. I'm just not hungry for it. Having a protein packed breakfast with some fat added in does keep the furnace going much longer.

    I wouldn't go so far as skipping dinner, but I would definitely skimp on it to save enough calories for chocolate before bed!!! LOL
  • innerbetty
    innerbetty Posts: 59 Member
    This is exactly what I would love to do, but alas, I too get up at 5 am and find it hard to find the tme to do this (I just find hard boiled eggs so unsatisfying but I've been getting into the habit of making a microwave omlette in the morning-super quick) .
    When you changed your eating habits was it gradual or did you just wake up one morning and change it all?