Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #13



  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 160 Member
    The past 3 years I feel like my whole life has been falling apart around me. I have lost 4 family members, fired from a job I put my heart and soul into for 6 years (over something supid), and I've been 4 months without a job and my savings are pretty much gone now. The past two night I've been going to bed at 3am because my mind wont shut down. The only thing good right now is that i am losing weight and I am starting to see a difference. It is so very hard to put aside life problems and give yourself a minute to yourself. I am sorry I haven't been active (besides weighing in) but I have been so depressed and I didn't want to bring any bad vibes to this great group. That has always been my problem....keeping things to myself.....I want to change that! I am looking foreward to this weeks challange. Thank you Jenn!

    Oh you poor thing. Don't feel like you are bringing bad vibes to the group. This is a support group after all. If you need to chat or vent feel free. I hope you can look up and things get better. ((Hugs))

    Thank you! I needed that hug :smile:
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    My weigh in may have not looked great but I have just started a new round of 30 DS. I dide 2 levels back to back for the first two days after which I had my weight gain. Unfortunately this happens after each time I start a new exercise regime! To make myself feel better I measured and found I had lost 8 inches since I last measured on 1st October.

    I did last weeks challenge as well. I did all of the physical challenge EVERY day (except the dancing I only did once in the week) and I rang my sil and spoke to her. I last spoke to her in august. Sorry about the weight gain but I'll try and make up for it next week!
  • I'm halfway to my Christmas goal ! I think that says something about your leadership skills Jenn !
    Meditation sounds interesting I will deff be trying it this week.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: I will for sure do some meditating this week. That is a great idea!!! Yoga will also be on my list of exercise for the week!

    Cateyes ~ Please check in more. Genny is right we are a support group and we are here to lift and support each other good or bad. I am the same way I don't like to go to the negative side...but it's part of life! Hang in there and I am sooooo proud and happy for you that during your stress you are losing!!! That is AWESOME.

    I have a NSV!!! I ran into a friend at the store today. She said WOW you have lost some weight!!!! How much about 20??? I said no 12. Well my friends its the exercise giving the impression of more weight loss!! Since Jenn started this great group 12 weeks ago I have been exercising 5-6 times per week. My weight loss was very discouraging at first I only lost about 4 pounds in 6-7 weeks, Then it started to come off. So those of you thinking of starting START!!!! Those of you doing it keep it up. Those of you injuryed or with busy schedules do what you can and make a plan now for what you will do when you are able. It is hard at first.... but it gets easier. I love when class is over and that feeling of success, those good sore muscles that tell me I did something good for myself. ( the extra calories too :laugh: ) So let's move it!!!!

    For you runners - we need to stick together. I ran last night 6 mins walk 1min!!!!!! We did it 3 times and then did another 4 min run to our clod down spot!!! Boy it's not easy...but did I feel good when I was done. Tomorrow is 7 mins!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!! It might kill me.......nooooo it will make me stronger:wink: . The jury is still out that I will become a runner or start loving it. But I am going to give my all to the class. I have to finish what I started!!!

    Have a Great day :heart:
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    So this week I started 30 day shred along with Turbofire - again! :laugh: And I must say that after all that I feel amazing! I'm hoping the week continues this way and I don't hit rock bottom one again :grumble:

    I've never considered meditation. Reason being I can't shut my mind off, but I will definately try. I'm sure it will help with the constant stress in life.
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Hello Hello Hello!!!! And awwwaayyyyyyyy we gooooo!!!!


    Ok, so first off... The positives....


    Craft338... Welcome to Onederland!!!
    Abeks... AWESOME 3 pound loss!
    Kristinkt... Hit the 20 pounds lost mark! And 10% total loss!!!
    Neize... Broke into the 140's!

    Now... I want to be honest. I was a little more than disappointed with the last week. We had 16 people that didn't weigh in at all and three of them for two weeks straight. But that's not all...
    Take a look at the bottom of the chart where it gives the total lost for the week. LESS THAN 15 POUNDS BETWEEN 44 PEOPLE!!!! Our normal weekly loss is between 40-48 pounds and this week was less than 15!!!

    Now, I am just as much to blame for these disappointing results. I let life literally kick me in the *kitten* for the last two weeks. Between crap at work, crap at home, and life in general, I found ways to justify bad choices. It wasn't until today that I realized... THERE IS NEVER A JUSTIFICATION FOR A BAD CHOICE.

    I don't want to be negative, I want to leave the past where it is because nothing can change it now. I want to move forward and make better choices everyday. But I want to know that you are all with me. I didn't hear much feedback on the challenges. Did you complete the physical challenge? Anyone call an old friend? What was the outcome?

    I am sad to see so many of us having personal challenges that aren't allowing us to focus on ourselves. But what I need from you is to know what I can do to help you... To help ALL of us! So tell me... WHAT CAN I DO? It is so important to give yourselves time for.... YOURSELVES! You can't give your all to anything without time for self-reflection and attention.

    I had a whole different set of challenges for you this week but I have decided to change things up a bit. I think it's time to refocus our energies and attempt to create some intentional balance in our lives.

    Yes, together. Your challenge this week is MEDITATION. Give yourselves some time for some inner reflection. Allow your mind and body to release. Free yourself from the extenuating circumstances for just a few moments and find that you can think clearer, your breathing has changed, and your soul is refreshed.

    I am including these links for reference. I thought meditation just involved sitting quietly and relaxing but it is so much more than that. The busy-ness of your mind can take over quickly without an intentional interruption of its normal flow.
    Check these out:

    I can't put a time frame on your inner peace. So my challenge to you is to meditate each day this week. How long? That all depends on you...

    I apologize if this post comes across as a downer. That is not my intention AT ALL! I do NOT want to be negative, and I surely don't want any of you to feel that way either. Let's take this week to refocus, take a breath, and take it into next week with a new outlook.

    As always... I love you all!!!

    Thanks Jenn! I'm so happy to be in the 140s!!! :happy: I'm back on the grind and mediation is just what I need!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Hello Hello Hello!!!! And awwwaayyyyyyyy we gooooo!!!!


    Ok, so first off... The positives....


    Craft338... Welcome to Onederland!!!
    Abeks... AWESOME 3 pound loss!
    Kristinkt... Hit the 20 pounds lost mark! And 10% total loss!!!
    Neize... Broke into the 140's!

    Now... I want to be honest. I was a little more than disappointed with the last week. We had 16 people that didn't weigh in at all and three of them for two weeks straight. But that's not all...
    Take a look at the bottom of the chart where it gives the total lost for the week. LESS THAN 15 POUNDS BETWEEN 44 PEOPLE!!!! Our normal weekly loss is between 40-48 pounds and this week was less than 15!!!

    Now, I am just as much to blame for these disappointing results. I let life literally kick me in the *kitten* for the last two weeks. Between crap at work, crap at home, and life in general, I found ways to justify bad choices. It wasn't until today that I realized... THERE IS NEVER A JUSTIFICATION FOR A BAD CHOICE.

    I don't want to be negative, I want to leave the past where it is because nothing can change it now. I want to move forward and make better choices everyday. But I want to know that you are all with me. I didn't hear much feedback on the challenges. Did you complete the physical challenge? Anyone call an old friend? What was the outcome?

    I am sad to see so many of us having personal challenges that aren't allowing us to focus on ourselves. But what I need from you is to know what I can do to help you... To help ALL of us! So tell me... WHAT CAN I DO? It is so important to give yourselves time for.... YOURSELVES! You can't give your all to anything without time for self-reflection and attention.

    I had a whole different set of challenges for you this week but I have decided to change things up a bit. I think it's time to refocus our energies and attempt to create some intentional balance in our lives.

    Yes, together. Your challenge this week is MEDITATION. Give yourselves some time for some inner reflection. Allow your mind and body to release. Free yourself from the extenuating circumstances for just a few moments and find that you can think clearer, your breathing has changed, and your soul is refreshed.

    I am including these links for reference. I thought meditation just involved sitting quietly and relaxing but it is so much more than that. The busy-ness of your mind can take over quickly without an intentional interruption of its normal flow.
    Check these out:

    I can't put a time frame on your inner peace. So my challenge to you is to meditate each day this week. How long? That all depends on you...

    I apologize if this post comes across as a downer. That is not my intention AT ALL! I do NOT want to be negative, and I surely don't want any of you to feel that way either. Let's take this week to refocus, take a breath, and take it into next week with a new outlook.

    As always... I love you all!!!

    Thanks Jenn! I'm so happy to be in the 140s!!! :happy: I'm back on the grind and meditation is just what I need!
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 160 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: I will for sure do some meditating this week. That is a great idea!!! Yoga will also be on my list of exercise for the week!

    Cateyes ~ Please check in more. Genny is right we are a support group and we are here to lift and support each other good or bad. I am the same way I don't like to go to the negative side...but it's part of life! Hang in there and I am sooooo proud and happy for you that during your stress you are losing!!! That is AWESOME.

    I promise to check in more! Thank you guys so much!
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 160 Member
    So this week I started 30 day shred along with Turbofire - again! :laugh: And I must say that after all that I feel amazing! I'm hoping the week continues this way and I don't hit rock bottom one again :grumble:

    I've never considered meditation. Reason being I can't shut my mind off, but I will definately try. I'm sure it will help with the constant stress in life.

    I started Turbo Fire this week also! This is like my 4th time starting so my goal is to make it a whole month Lol.
  • gardenimp
    gardenimp Posts: 185 Member
    bumpity bump bump....
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    We are in the process of adopting our son. He has been living with us since March, and our lives have taken a definite change with a new member in the family. He was in my 3rd grade classroom last school year, and it was heartbreaking to see him shifted from family to family with promises of adoption but no follow throughs with a permanent home for him. This Thursday we have our first court date and get one step closer to permanency. We are pretty excited as a family.

    And -- really -- all of that is to lead up to some of the lessons we have been working with him on coming back to preaching to myself. I have really been emphasizing "with priviledges comes responsibilities" as well as "choices have consequences." The more I think about it the priviledge of indulging in a treat once in a while comes with the responsibility of portion control and exercise. The choices I make everyday about what I will pick up to eat, how much I eat, when, how long, or if I exercise all come with consequences. Some are wonderful consequences which we refer to as NSVs while others often send me into despair.

    I am tired of making excuses for myself because I have seen myself slip from excuses to not really caring so many times in the past. One thing I have loved about MFP is that I don't feel like I have to feel guilty for an off day, since one day does not have to break the lifestyle I have chosen. I didn't gain the weight over night. I won't lose it overnight. But - over time developing a habit of healthy choices will take it off bit by bit.

    These are some of my motivators. I hope they can help encourage you too.:heart::heart:
  • We are in the process of adopting our son. He has been living with us since March, and our lives have taken a definite change with a new member in the family. He was in my 3rd grade classroom last school year, and it was heartbreaking to see him shifted from family to family with promises of adoption but no follow throughs with a permanent home for him. This Thursday we have our first court date and get one step closer to permanency. We are pretty excited as a family.

    And -- really -- all of that is to lead up to some of the lessons we have been working with him on coming back to preaching to myself. I have really been emphasizing "with priviledges comes responsibilities" as well as "choices have consequences." The more I think about it the priviledge of indulging in a treat once in a while comes with the responsibility of portion control and exercise. The choices I make everyday about what I will pick up to eat, how much I eat, when, how long, or if I exercise all come with consequences. Some are wonderful consequences which we refer to as NSVs while others often send me into despair.

    I am tired of making excuses for myself because I have seen myself slip from excuses to not really caring so many times in the past. One thing I have loved about MFP is that I don't feel like I have to feel guilty for an off day, since one day does not have to break the lifestyle I have chosen. I didn't gain the weight over night. I won't lose it overnight. But - over time developing a habit of healthy choices will take it off bit by bit.

    These are some of my motivators. I hope they can help encourage you too.:heart::heart:

    I hope court goes well. You are an amazing person and an amazing teacher.. It breaks my heart to see and hear what kids have to go through. Thank God that there is still people like you that care.
  • luvmyjp
    luvmyjp Posts: 49
    Hello everyone!
    Sorry Ive been M.I.A. the past week or so. My life was so filled with craziness that when it all ended (court, divorce, sons testing etc) that when it all ended I just felt like I crashed into a brick wall. All I wanted to do was sleep and not talk to anyone! I have barely even talked to my friends! I DID however find an old friend and weve been chatting on fbook, I am somewhat back and going to try harder. I just needed time to assess my life and figure out the next plan of action!

    Jenn-sorry I disappointed you!! :-(
  • Love the challenge this week Jen, I totally need to take some time to meditate.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey There ~ Hope you all have a great day!

    Nita_bita ~ Good job on the exercise!!! Keep it up

    Kristin~ WOW I will be thinking of you!! So awesome adopting an older child. Sounds like you are on your way to dumping those excuses and doing something for you!!! You are the only one that can do it!!! Just think of the good example you will be to your future son and students...working hard and not giving up, making a positive change!!!! Most important succeeding!!! You can do it!!! Remember what your Dad Says!!! Nothing changes if Nothing Changes.. make the change we are here for you :bigsmile:

    luvmypj ~ glad your back...focus on one day at a time, this won't last forever!!!! You have come a long way!!! You are feeling better physically right...don't let that go!!!

    Well I guess I need to get to work - Make Good Choices....oh and don't forget to load those skinny jeans with your $5. I am not sure where we are money wise..but when I see a $5 bill I think of this group and sock it away:wink:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Thanks Judy -- I needed to hear that - & thanks for noticing the quote from my dad. He passed away in October, 2006 & that was one of the last things I remember him saying. He was an awesome man & well loved for so many valid reasons.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    We are in the process of adopting our son. He has been living with us since March, and our lives have taken a definite change with a new member in the family. He was in my 3rd grade classroom last school year, and it was heartbreaking to see him shifted from family to family with promises of adoption but no follow throughs with a permanent home for him. This Thursday we have our first court date and get one step closer to permanency. We are pretty excited as a family.

    And -- really -- all of that is to lead up to some of the lessons we have been working with him on coming back to preaching to myself. I have really been emphasizing "with priviledges comes responsibilities" as well as "choices have consequences." The more I think about it the priviledge of indulging in a treat once in a while comes with the responsibility of portion control and exercise. The choices I make everyday about what I will pick up to eat, how much I eat, when, how long, or if I exercise all come with consequences. Some are wonderful consequences which we refer to as NSVs while others often send me into despair.

    I am tired of making excuses for myself because I have seen myself slip from excuses to not really caring so many times in the past. One thing I have loved about MFP is that I don't feel like I have to feel guilty for an off day, since one day does not have to break the lifestyle I have chosen. I didn't gain the weight over night. I won't lose it overnight. But - over time developing a habit of healthy choices will take it off bit by bit.

    These are some of my motivators. I hope they can help encourage you too.:heart::heart:

    Good luck on the adoption process. Glad to see your going to give him a good and permanent home. I just completed the adoption of my step daughter today, I'm excited that we are now "legally" a family. Since that's really what adoption is, paperwork to legalize a family that's already formed a bond. :)
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Stopping in to say Helloooo. This is such a hectic, hectic week. I feel like I say that every week now! :ohwell:
    Managed to stay under my calories yesterday for the first time in a loooooong time. Hoping to duplicate that today! :smile: That's the first step in getting myself back on track...
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Good luck on the adoption process. Glad to see your going to give him a good and permanent home. I just completed the adoption of my step daughter today, I'm excited that we are now "legally" a family. Since that's really what adoption is, paperwork to legalize a family that's already formed a bond. :)

    That is so very true. We have already accepted him as family, and he is trusting more and more that we are his forever home. Congratulations on completing the process with your step daughter!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Hellloooooo everyone!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I just wanted to say something.... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't think that I was disappointed in any one of you!!! :brokenheart: That is totally not the case. I was (and am) more frustrated that life does not allow for us to focus on the things we want to and last week was a BIG SLAP IN THE FACE by life, for many of us.

    We are all struggling with our challenges, and that is what life is about, ups and downs. There's a few songs that I listen to when things get rough and I wanted to share a piece of the lyrics with you...

    It feels like we're living from paycheck to check
    And we wake up wondering what might happen next
    Yeah, sometimes it feels like we won't make it through
    But the hard times pass like the good ones do

    The hard times pass like the good ones do... I love it! :heart: And I hope all of your hard times pass quickly and your good ones last a little while longer. :smooched:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week, and make sure you make time for yourself! :flowerforyou: