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Calling all PCOS sisters!!



  • lilsweetslol
    lilsweetslol Posts: 68 Member
    Hey ladies! Love to know that there are so many of us that are here to support eachother. I was diagnosed well over a yearago with pcos after trying to conceive for 6 months. No luck...then my period went missing for 8 months, hair falls out a lot and hair inmale places. So frustrating. Not to mention the extra weight I cannot lose.. I've gained 50 pounds from it..it is a constant struggle daily. I started metformin about 4 months ago and period started right on track. Weight is sllllooowwwlllly coming off.. its working with calroies around 1200 to 1300 a day. Also making sure to keep carbs below 70grams per day.. feel free to add and good luck and love to you all!
  • Hi! I'm 37 and was just diagnosed with PCOS earlier this month and although I am annoyed that I have it, I am also relieved to find out why I have been having some of the difficulties I've had in the last 4-5 years. I noticed a steady weight gain over the past few years and it has been very difficult to take off... I will be good for weeks and slowly start to lose weight but if I slip up, even just a day I gain it back almost instantly. I also am working on cutting out the sugar, white flour & all processed food from my diet. We have been TTC for almost a year and now I feel such an urgency getting this under control because I want A) get pregnant and B) have a healthy baby & a safe pregnancy. I would love to be in your group!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    It really helps psychologically to know that there are others out there going through the exact same things! Doctors always said, "Just eat healthy and exercise." I did. Guess what? Nothing happened! Then I would get depressed and gain more.

    To make matters worse, the rest of my family is "normal". My parents are not overweight. My younger brother and sister are very thin and muscular...Like surfer bodies. So I really felt like the black sheep of the family, especially in family photos. It's like normal, normal, normal, normal, random fat girl. It is awkward when I meet one of my brother's friends because he says, "This is my sister, Kristen." And his friend looks at me, then him and says, "You have another sister?" Yeah.......the OTHER sister.

    So one of my motivations is to go to the beach with my brother and sister and take a picture and "fit in".

    Another is to buy a bra from Victoria's Secret. I hate walking in stores like that because you know those skinny girls are thinking, "What in the heck are you doing here? I think you need to go to Lane Bryant..."

    Any other insecurities that you have replaced with motivations? :)
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm with you here! I'm 32, have had symptoms for about 10 years but was just diagnosed in 12/10. I have two great kids and two tied tubes now! Dieting and exercise haven't worked for me (I worked with a personal trainer for a long time and was really watching what I was eating, didn't lose weight...stopped training, didn't really gain weight either). I have about 90 pounds to lose. I am on the Insulite system (don't take all of it all of the time because it's so many pills to fit in), daily vitamins, Vitamin D, folic acid, fish oil, and I take Metformin (2000 mg) and Spironolactone (50 mg). I also drink soy milk and drink tea whenever I can (I work full time and have two little monkeys to wrangle, so I don't always do a great job with this). I've started seeing changes in the crappy symptoms, and I'm trying to revamp my diet again and get back into my exercise routine to give it another go since my body seems to be doing more of what it is supposed to be doing.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    There isn't a blood test or anything. It really is diagnosed after ruling out other diseases that mimic it. One test is an ultrasound of the ovaries. They will look like they have pearls on them from all the cysts. However, not everyone with PCOS has cysts. Another test is hormone levels. Most women with PCOS have too much testosterone, too much estrogen and/or too little progesterone.
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    Yep - every last thing you said is right on! I have 2 sisters that are a size 2 and a size 6. I'm the middle daughter, the shortest and the fattest!! I will say that I have curves, and neither of my sisters do. I don't want to look like them, I just want to look like a healthier version of me. That's the only positive thing I can say about that!
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm currently reading an amazing book - The PCOS Diet Plan by Hillary Wright. It spends a lot of time talking about body chemistry, how our bodies process things differently from typical systems, and how different kinds of PCOS differ. I haven't even gotten into the actual diet part yet (on Chapter 4 so far), and it's been very helpful. I've done so much research to be my own best advocate, and this book really puts it all into perspective nicely.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Morning ladies!

    PCOS girl here, too. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (we've suspected for quite a while), an under active thyroid and diabetes. I found this site/app yesterday and have just started logging. Feel free to add me. There's strength in numbers, right?
  • alexroet
    alexroet Posts: 65 Member
    My sister, who has always been skinny and fit, found out she had PCOS when she was having trouble getting pregnant. when I heard about it, I thought "omg I totally have that", so I got worked up, and I don't. Which is great, but how weird. I have all the symptoms, and DON'T have it, but she has none of the sx and does.
  • kimletton11
    kimletton11 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Ya'll! Feel free to add me! I am in the process of trying to figure out what's going on with me, going tomorrow for more bloodwork and tests. My dr thinks I have PCOS, I have most of the symptoms. Right now, I'm on a hormone pill called Provera to try to induce my period since I haven't had one in almost 6 months. It is making me sick, moody, mega depressed and miserable! Have any of ya'll ever taken it?
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    Well, my sister has an amazing body. She looks like a brunette barbie doll. 36D's , size 2/4 pants and an adorable booty. She is tiny like my mom. I actually have the same shape body as hers, just a giant version. I have my dad's medium build. My current measurements are 53/44/51. So if I could just shrink every thing everywhere down about 10-15 inches I would be one hot momma!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    Knowledge and understanding of how our body works and is different from others has helped so much. I used to joke that my sister could eat an entire pizza and lose 5 pounds, I just LOOK at it and gain 5 pounds. Well, now I know why!

    I went through all the phases after being diagnosed - Denial (the doctor must be wrong), Anger (why me? it's not fair!) Bargaining (I will eat good during the week then splurge on the weekend...), Depression (I don't care anymore, I'll eat whatever the heck I want!), Acceptance (this is not going away but I can fight it!).
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    It really helps psychologically to know that there are others out there going through the exact same things! Doctors always said, "Just eat healthy and exercise." I did. Guess what? Nothing happened! Then I would get depressed and gain more.
    This is *exactly* what I went through, too! I would tell the doc, "But that's what I'm doing," and I'd get "Well, obviously not, or you'd be losing weight." Great, thanks, now I'm not just lazy & undisciplined, I'm also a liar... great bedside manner, there. I finally found a doctor who was willing to do more extensive tests. He diagnosed me (I don't actually have PCOS, but I do have a very similar metabolic disorder that involves insulin resistance) and put me on a low-carb diet. He probably saved my life.
    Another is to buy a bra from Victoria's Secret. I hate walking in stores like that because you know those skinny girls are thinking, "What in the heck are you doing here? I think you need to go to Lane Bryant..."
    Been right here, too. Like that awful scene from "Pretty Woman" where the saleslady is like "I don't think we have anything for *you* here." I am very tall and towered over her, but she somehow managed to look down her nose at me anyway.:ohwell: My goal is to get a fabulous figure, then go back to that store and tell her exactly why I will never buy anything there and how her attitude probably lost her store hundreds of dollars.

    But seriously, a low-carb, high-protein diet has been found to be very helpful for people (like PCOS sufferers) who have insulin resistance. I'd encourage everyone here to check it out if you haven't already. A lot of doctors aren't that educated about it (obviously). Here's a video explaining it:

    Good luck to you all!
  • Remarkable1
    Remarkable1 Posts: 21 Member
    I feel your pain! I was diagnosed when I was about 16 years old, so.. 10 years ago. I've always been overweight, and being diagnosed so early, I feel was a drawback in a way because I knew how much harder it would be for me to lose weight. I tried and failed many times and I felt like the harder I tried, the more nothing happened. (Story of my life...) I read Jillian Michael's book "Master Your Metabolism" about a year ago and also bought the cookbook. (Jillian was diagnosed with PCOS years ago too!) I tried following the Master Diet plan, but it was just too much work!!! I definitely feel better when I don't eat white flour and sugar, so I cut those out. I just recently joined MFP because I know I need to track my calories. I'm looking forward to "meeting" many of you who have had the same struggles!
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    Hey Ya'll! Feel free to add me! I am in the process of trying to figure out what's going on with me, going tomorrow for more bloodwork and tests. My dr thinks I have PCOS, I have most of the symptoms. Right now, I'm on a hormone pill called Provera to try to induce my period since I haven't had one in almost 6 months. It is making me sick, moody, mega depressed and miserable! Have any of ya'll ever taken it?

    omg!! I take provera!! it sucks!! it makes me so miserably depress I wake up crying and sleep crying when I'm on it.. IT really sucks and messes with your hormones big time :(
  • Hahham
    Hahham Posts: 18 Member
    I am pcoser as well. Diagnosed 7 years ago. Went on South Beach. lost 30 lbs had son #1 5 years ago. back on s.b a year later and had sone #2 2.5 years ago. now sb is not working. nothing seems to work. perhaps its the added mommy stress. well heres to hoping this works!
  • Right here with ya! Feel free to add :-)
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    I feel your pain! I was diagnosed when I was about 16 years old, so.. 10 years ago. I've always been overweight, and being diagnosed so early, I feel was a drawback in a way because I knew how much harder it would be for me to lose weight. I tried and failed many times and I felt like the harder I tried, the more nothing happened. (Story of my life...) I read Jillian Michael's book "Master Your Metabolism" about a year ago and also bought the cookbook. (Jillian was diagnosed with PCOS years ago too!) I tried following the Master Diet plan, but it was just too much work!!! I definitely feel better when I don't eat white flour and sugar, so I cut those out. I just recently joined MFP because I know I need to track my calories. I'm looking forward to "meeting" many of you who have had the same struggles!

    I've been reading the book too. :( I don;t know if its helping.. :/
    btw having pcos also makes extremely moody and sensitive to anything :/ do you all feel similiar?
  • Another PCOSer here as well. I was diagnosed when I was 18 due to no periods. I had 11 years of infertility, with help from metformin and weight loss had two miracles babies. Son is now 5 and daughter will be 4 in Dec. ttc#3 for 18 months now. Weight has been up and down. I need to start logging. I had lost 34 pds had a issue and gained it almost all back. I hope to lose weight to either be pregnant again or fabulous at 40 or both :0)

    feel Free to add me.
  • kimletton11
    kimletton11 Posts: 72 Member
    Hey Ya'll! Feel free to add me! I am in the process of trying to figure out what's going on with me, going tomorrow for more bloodwork and tests. My dr thinks I have PCOS, I have most of the symptoms. Right now, I'm on a hormone pill called Provera to try to induce my period since I haven't had one in almost 6 months. It is making me sick, moody, mega depressed and miserable! Have any of ya'll ever taken it?

    omg!! I take provera!! it sucks!! it makes me so miserably depress I wake up crying and sleep crying when I'm on it.. IT really sucks and messes with your hormones big time :(

    yeah, it sucks!!! I started taking it last Thursday and have spent every day in bed except for getting up, driving to work then going back home and crawling in bed. I don't want to do anything or go anywhere. I have never felt this depressed in my entire life! I have 4 more days of taking it and then I'm never taking it again...EVER!