Looking for mommy friends



  • Delynn11
    Delynn11 Posts: 3 Member
    Mom of 2 (8 and 6) would love extra motivation and encouragement! :smile: you can add me!
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    Im a mum of 2 (22 months and 3 months) add me if you like :)
  • CherylVannattan
    CherylVannattan Posts: 19 Member
    Good Morning!! You can add me if you'd like!! I would love some support as well! I am a mommy of a 9 1/2 month old baby girl and have been trying to loose the weight for the last 3 months, I'm already down 11.5 pounds but I don't really have friends on here!! Would love to chit chat and keep help keep eachother accountable!! :happy: