Help! How do you beat your cravings?



  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I say still have it but the "fun size" and work it into your diary. This is a lifestyle change, not some quick diet. If you end up cutting out everything you like, you'll end up back where you started. While having something sweet, have a big cup of water to go with it too.


    I used to get the mini-peanut butter cups (sadly I'm allergic now, so I can't) and keep them in the freezer. I'd let myself have up to 2 a day (less than a serving, which is 3 or 4 depending on the brand) That would satisfy me and I am 100% sure kept me from binging - knowing I could have that little treat made it so that some days I didn't even want it. It was in the trying to not allow myself to have it that I'd get into trouble.
  • bullet1
    bullet1 Posts: 61
    I'm going to go all biggest loser on you but I really do chew Extra (polar ice for me) gum. After about 10 minutes of chewing it, I am usually over the craving. I ALWAYS got something sweet after every meal and this has really helped me hold off. I'll still grab something every now and then, but not nearly as much as I used to do. Good luck!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Every day after lunch and after dinner I crave sweets! I always give in. .. today I had a butter-finger and now I am mad at myself. Any suggestions on how I can beat my sugar cravings??

    Actually, I don't know what happened to My cravings. I realized that I could EAT and be Healthy! I wasn't losing wt for a while because I would eat almost nothing during the week and "TREAT" Myself on the weekends. Then I stopped that and just ATE what My Plan called for, Calorie wise. I was Satisfied! I REALIZED that I COULD eat sweets or chips...if I chose to use My Calories that way! Every day I eat at least 2 Cookies (total 130 calories) OR even 2 of the FUN SIZE candy bars (total 100 calories).

    When you accept that eating Healthy is NOT about ditching Everything "Enjoyable" but about Limiting "Junk" and NO Excess, and ADDING Healthy Items...Cravings WILL subside. Most Cravings are really Psychological, based on Perceived EXCLUSIONS. Eat, Eat Healthily, and Enjoy a Modest Treat, even daily if you desire. Then watch the Lbs. come off and the cravings STOP!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i'm in love with the special k fruit crisps, or the pomogranite and cherry cereal bars from nutri-grain. I also keep fruit on my desk in case I want to dive head long into the chocolate bars.
  • cfbovey
    cfbovey Posts: 2 Member
    I have the same problem. I noticed that more times than not I am just craving a taste of something sweet and don't really need the whole candy bar or whatever it may be. Try getting the small size butterfingers or whatever it is you like and just having one of those. I still add it into my daily calories though since I know I will want it, that way I don't go over. Also try something with less calories that is sweet if that helps?
  • Eat some fruit. It's natural sugar and less calories. 100 calorie snack are good as well.
    Hope this helps at least this is what I do for snacks...oh, you can also eat a popsicle that are like 50 calories. :happy:
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Brush your teeth - with that minty taste in your mouth you won't want to eat sweets.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    I eat whole foods instead of processed foods with artificial sweeteners. I find myself craving less. I do enjoy dessert after dinner so I'll have a small bowl of low fat ice cream( I measure out 1 serving!) Otherwise I'll keep eating other foods until I finally give in and eat the ice cream anyways.

  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    I don't give them up. Like a lot of the people who have chimed in, I find a healthier alternative or I work it into my daily count and save room for a treat. I am a S'mores junkie. I have one nearly every night, but the way I make them they are like 175 calories. There are ways of staying healthy and still eating what you want. It's all about portion control.
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Fiber one 90 calorie choc/pb bar. Best thing at 8pm :)
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