Coffee and Weight Loss

Is there anyone out there that still includes good ol' coffee in their diet? I'm not necessarily talking about drip coffee with a splash of milk or sprinkle of sugar, but espresso and espresso based drinks as well :)

I personally have downed my intake a bit and replaced most days with plain chai tea, but when I do make myself a cup of heaven, it's usually a nonfat caramel latte or white chocolate mocha with lots of foam :)


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I drink a pot of black coffee every day :]
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I like a good strong black coffee with sweetener in the morning. Or sometimes i'll have an instant coffee with a dash of milk and sweetener. I try not to drink too much of it because i'm not quite sure if coffee is a real problem for weight loss. But I see no reason why you can't indulge once in a while.
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    If I had to give up my morning latte to lose weight I wouldn't bother losing weight.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    I consume an insane amount of coffee, this had to change of course when i started to lose weight.

    I now don’t have milk in it. Same unholy amount each day though.

    Instant, filter and espresso machine coffee all day long.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I drink coffee everyday. I don't however (usually) indulge in those yummy, high calorie, high sugar blended coffee drinks anymore.
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    I drink coffee everyday. Strong coffee, with So Delicious coconut creamer and cinnamon, and a bit of liquid stevia.
  • lolollama
    I drink 2 cups of white coffee a day. I don't care if it slows down my weight loss I can't live without it :P
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I drink a cup to 2 during my work week. that's all. I still lose fine.
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Two a day here as well. I add enough milk and sugar to bring each cup to 70 calories and haven't had any problem losing. Actually, a cup of coffee and some fruit salad for breakfast is enough to keep me feeling pleasantly full until late morning snack... which is when that second cup of the day comes in :heart:
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I drink coffee just about every day. Sometimes I have drip coffee with a little bit of milk or cream and sugar free sweetener. Sometimes I have a latte with whole milk. Sometimes I have a nonfat espresso based drink (like the tall nonfat pumpkin spice latte I had today). It really varies... I just try to make sure it doesn't bump me over my daily calories!
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Check my diary. Coffee almost every day, usually 2-3 cups. Improved my rate of melting off extra pounds when I traded the milk for grass fed Heavy Whipping Cream or Coconut Cream. For sweetener I traded up from boring old sugar to raw local honey as a first step. Then I conquered the carbs in honey by reducing the amount slowly over my journey. Now I routinely use nothing or Vanilla Liquid Stevia.

    Try this improved gourmet coffee drink that burns fat, builds muscle and supplies lots of MCFAs (medium chain fatty acids, belly fat melters).

    First, sorry I have no pics.

    Second, I've finally invented the Perfectly Paleo Pumpkin Spice Coffee Drink. I cannot call it a latte because there isn't any cow milk. I cannot call it a breve because there isn't any half and half or even my beloved grass fed heavy whipping cream.

    Third, here's the recipe:

    1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
    1 teaspoon Cloves
    1 teaspoon Ginger
    1/4 teaspoon fresh grated nutmeg
    French Market, CDM or Community Coffee & Chicory (all of these brands make "Coffee & Chicory", don't get 'pure' coffee by mistake, you'll be disappointed. They are each available online, at any grocery store in New Orleans or at your local Asian market. Look in the Vietnamese section.)

    Combine in your coffee basket by putting the spices in first and then covering with 1 Tablespoon or more Coffee and Chicory for each 6 ounce "cup" of coffee in your drip coffee maker.

    Per mug:

    1 strong cup (or mug or vat) of above spiced New Orleans Style Coffee & Chicory

    1/4 cup (or 2 Tablespoons) of Organic Canned Pumpkin (not pie mix, just pumpkin)

    2-4 ounces (4-8 Tablespoons) of Coconut Cream (not coconut milk which has more water) If you add the pumpkin first and then the hot coffee, saving the coconut cream for last, you'll know the amount is right because of the color of your coffee will clue you in.

    Allow coconut cream and pumpkin to come to room temperature while you wash last night's paleo dishes (oops), boil water and make a fresh pot of spicy coffee & chicory. Winter is coming soon so maybe split a few logs for your caveman fire later in December or January.

    Pre-warm your favorite coffee mug with boiling water. Dump water into sink or throw at something dirty to save effort later. If throwing at dirty cavekid or grokling, avoid eyes. Add room temperature pumpkin to hot but empty mug. Add hot spiced coffee & chicory. Stir, whisk or blend with immersion (stick) blender. If your mug is not cavewoman or caveman sized, expect to feel less than groksome when you burn yourself with hot coffee. Add room temperature coconut cream by the Tablespoon or ounce so that you know how much you added and can dutifully track accurately on MFP later. Stir throughly without re-burning your fingers. Tell them they can have some paleo aloe later.

    Do not add sweetener. Taste it already! You may find that it is just perfect the way it is. If you must sweeten after getting a grok-sized glug, use real food. Sweeten with liquid vanilla stevia (works like magic on me and my 6 year old), raw local honey but only a fraction of a teaspoon or else you'll drown out the subtle sweetness of the coconut cream and the pumpkin's fragrance.

    Do not whine to me when you have pleased your primal palate so well that you can no longer read "Pumpkin Spice Latte" on all the coffee signs around town without harrumphing that you wouldn't bother after tasting the *REAL* food version. It's not my fault. I didn't hold a large club over your head and make you try it.

    Have a great Fall and don't avoid your seasonal goodies like special espresso drinks, just transform them from mundane, chemical loaded cr*p to works of gastronomical art that also build muscle, burn excess fat and heal our brains and bodies.
  • calamitydown
    i personally cannot stand stevia, it gives me insane migraines. but all the more power to you for going natural!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I drink 2-3 cups of black coffee every day... and have done for the past 25 or so years. I see no reason to stop drinking coffee.

    I'm not a fan of espresso, but usually drink instant or filter coffee... whatever's available. :drinker:

    Coffee and mornings go together like JM and 30DS :laugh:

    Rarely drink coffee after 11am, but that's just personal taste :happy:
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    I drink a lot of coffee every day! I only cut it, when I quitted smoking for a couple of weeks. Even late at evening I have a mug of decaf instead of other drinks such as tea which I don't like at all.

    I drink instant coffee (or espresso) with
    15 ml of light evaporated milk
    1 tsp sweetener (I use natreen)
    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    It only gives me 20 calories, and I spend almost 60 calories from my daily calorie income for coffee.
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    I work nights and I find a big cup of coffee fills in the gaps when i feel "hungry". I drink insane amounts of water too, but the hot coffee fills me up better.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I drink 2-3 large cups of coffee a day.. I use full fall coconut milk and turbonado sugar..I am weaning myself down off the sugar to 1 -2 tsps a day.. I tried stevia but it made me very ill.It's in the sunflower family and I'm allergic to sunflowers. I am thinking of trying coconut crystals.. low glycemic index, low carb. If you don't have a problem with corn you can try xylitol.
  • ABetterBalance
    I drink a pot of black coffee every day :]

    ^^^ This. Unless I have exams to study for or a major deadline at work. Then it's two pots. :drinker:
  • xox_shree_xox
    xox_shree_xox Posts: 39 Member
    It has actually been proven that a cup of black sugarless coffee before the gym helps speed up your metabolism and helps you burn more calories :)
  • chchchangess
    I can't live without my morning 1-2 cups of black coffee. I've dwindled my sugary coffee drink intake to about once a week, though. now if I'm REALLY craving Starbucks, I usually just get black coffee with a syrup in it. it comes out to less than 100 calories.
  • louisebear
    I drink crazy amounts off coffee takes away my cravings for sugar, my coffees are milky with one sugar :O)