College Girls Group?



  • bitsybetsy424
    bitsybetsy424 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm in! This is a great idea!

    Today's weigh-in: 178
    Loss: 0
    Goal weight: 145 - after that hopefully get down to the 130s
    Also, I'm 5'4"
  • bitsybetsy424
    bitsybetsy424 Posts: 40 Member
    Oh, I'm also majoring in Occupational Therapy and possibly minoring in music :)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Weigh-in: 110
    Goal: Maintain
    Majoring in Elementary education :D

    My biggest struggle with school right now is my new job. I barely have any time anymore! I try to fit in workouts before class, but it's hard to stay motivated.
  • Love all the aspects of the group! Can't wait for everyone to get into the swing of things!

    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh-in: 218.2 lbs
    Difference: n/a

    I think the daily life of a college girl is super stressful, especially if we're involved in a lot of clubs and whatnot. I know personally I am heavily involved with one club and it takes up a lot of time, as well as classes. I always try to find time to get to the gym, or even walk around campus a couple of times (my campus has a decent amount of hills and is pretty long when you walk all the way around it). I think it almost discourages healthy living in a way because we're always so busy that we barely have anytime to eat proper meals or eat anything that's good for us. It's so easy to go up to a vending machine and get a chocolate bar. Recently, however, my campus started installing "healthy option" vending machines that offer healthier options for people who want them. You can even check the nutrition facts on a little touch screen on the machine! I try to go to the gym right after my classes because that's when I'm the most energized and motivated!
  • lindsaykey
    lindsaykey Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in!
    I'm not looking to lose any weight really, but gain some muscle. For the past two years I've been saying I want a 6 pack, even if its just for a few months, just to challenge myself. If I'm going to ever have one in my life, this would be the time! I'm REALLY bad about eating right/tracking my food, so maybe you guys can keep me accountable!
    I'm 5'3" about 125 lbs, looking to be around 120 of muscle!
    Oh yeah I'm 21 from Colorado, majoring in Zookeeping Technology. Feel free to add me!
  • cheetahcub2010
    cheetahcub2010 Posts: 62 Member
    I weighed in at 162.3 this morning.

    Definitely trying to work in work outs is difficult during college. Being on a budget (time and money wise) is difficult. Some days I don't know when I will get to eat lunch, let a alone what it will be (fast food or something healthy).
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh in: 287.2 lbs
    Net Difference: n/a

    My schedule is pretty easy. Class from 11-2, M-F. I don't have a job here, so working out between homework is fairly easy. I live alone so it's easy to go shopping and only have healthy food in my apartment. The hardest part was getting started.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Since today's Thursday--it will be a slightly shorter challenge/weigh in week.

    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh in: 159.4 lbs
    Net Difference: n/a

    Weekly Challenge:
    1) Complete your MFP diary EVERY DAY this week.
    2) Exercise once this week for longer than 30 minutes (cardio) Walking counts!

    Monthly Challenge:
    Drink (at least) 8 glasses of water every day for the rest of this month.

    Weekly Discussion Topic:
    The college schedule. Classes, activities, studying, late nights....What are your thoughts on the daily life of a college kid and do you think it promotes or discourages healthy living? What are your techniques for staying healthy as a young woman in college?

    Date: 20 October 2011
    Weigh in: 154lbs
    Net Difference: n/a

    I've been pretty constant for the past month or so, staying in 154-155lbs. I think I'm close to my body's "set point" which is fine because I'm losing inches around my waist now.

    Anyways, college. My schedule is pretty easy, but keeping up with all the work is getting to me. I'm often up pretty late trying to finish work that is due the next day. I procrastinated my whole freshman year, mainly because I wasn't really motivated about anything. Now that I've actually found something I'm willing to do for the rest of my life, getting into the whole homework/studying routine is kind of hard.

    I think sleep is a key aspect to being healthy. I find when I get a decent amount of sleep I can stay awake through my classes and what-not. Working out is easier too and I'm way less stressed out. I think a college student shouldn't just be focused on studying and homework, that they need an outlet to relax. I have joined the water polo team and workout about 6 days a week plus volunteer and scuba dive. Kinda busy but it has kept me sane.

    For food, I'm usually pretty healthy. But I also go by calories in vs. calories out which means I don't really rule out any food (save for meat because I'm vegetarian) I've been able to lose and keep of 45lbs and I still eat things like ramen, icecream, pop (diet), and stuff that I really enjoy. Portion is the key.

    I always try to get my workout in and stay under my calories, it's what's kept me from gaining anything. Also, I drink tons of water which helps a lot. My only struggle right now is homework and keeping up with the rest of my classes while trying to find opportunities for experience my field (Marine Bio/Pre-vet), which has actually taken an up turn.
  • emilyc19
    emilyc19 Posts: 71 Member
    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh in: 142
    Net Difference: n/a

    I have class from 8-noon every day so not too bad and then i have soccer practice every evening for 2 hours. and a few games thrown in. THe hardest part i have is snacking when i'm bored and all my friends having candy and sweets around all the time that i want to eat hah. i struggle with binge eating too when i'm stressed or sad or bored. I am currently trying to overcome this. Also, I find that because I don't play in some of the games or get around 20 min in the game, I don't burn as many calories as the other girls and we always go out to eat after the games so i have to really watch my portions compared to others.
  • InvictusPheonix
    InvictusPheonix Posts: 129 Member
    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh in: TO BE DETERMINED (soonish)
    Net Difference: probably positive, was injured last week/part of this week

    My brain is going to explode 99% of the time.
    Let me lay it out for ya: 18 honors credits, starting a non profit, teaching english as a second language on the side PLUS trying to keep my bod in rockin form ;). Last year my schedule was pretty easy, I was about 7 lbs lighter and working out for literally like 3 hours a day. This year? not so much.

    Work 8:30-12:30
    Class 12:40-4:50
    Homework/quick meal: 5-5:30m then hop on a bus
    6-8 Teaching English at the refugee center
    8:30- 10 workout?
    10-1or 2 am HOMEWORK grrr

    Class 10:00- 4:30
    Dinner/homework 5-5:30
    Nonprofit meetings/work 6-??? usually 9
    Quick run 9:15-10:30, shower.... DRANK??? or study... unfortunately usually study

    And weekends more homework and non profit work. plus my lovely significant other. But thankfully he's willing to deliver caffeine at all hours of the night.
    It's so hard to stay on track- especially always on the run. I drink WAY too much coffee.... I LOVE the gym, it's the only thing that keeps me sane. I just honest-to-god have such a hard time fitting it in!
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh in: 151
    Net Difference: n/a

    College schedules are just crazy. There's always so much to do - I don't know how we all do it!
    Speaking of which... I should probably get back to studying for yet another midterm...
  • AlexzKT
    AlexzKT Posts: 131 Member
    Weight: 142
    Difference: n/a

    I used to think I was busy in undergrad, and I often used that as an excuse to not workout. Now that I'm in vet school, and have class 8 hours/day, I realize that I wasn't busy at all! And despite being way, way, way more busy now, I'm working out just as much as I was in undergrad. I think that it's really important to remember that it's about MAKING time for yourself and MANAGING your time well. It took me a few weeks to adjust to my new schedule, but now I'm quite adjusted. I'm waking up at the butt-crack of dawn (4am! YUCK!) to workout, because it's important to me. If it's important to you, you'll find the time. And I think that having this group will be a great way to encourage each other to find the time to exercise and find the motivation to eat right (which is where I tend to fall off the wagon...)!
  • tarajarvis
    tarajarvis Posts: 5 Member
    I love the idea of this group!

    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weight: 138
    Different: +2 :(

    I am a senior majoring in hospitality management.

    Being in college definitely makes it more difficult to stay healthy. It's nearly impossible to get a regular schedule. I am a full time student, work full time, and I'm the president of our hospitality management club at school. Work usually either starts at 7am or gets over at 11pm so my schedule is all over the place! Lately I have been doing a really good job fitting in 45-60 min workouts six days a week and I have felt so much better! I actually enjoy eating healthy food but I have a hard time with portion control. I also have a hard time giving up going out with friends on the weekends to control calories... I want to enjoy my senior year as much as possible!
    RNMDFF Posts: 153 Member
    I would love to. I am majoring in nursing
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    Date: 20 October 2011
    Weigh in: 144 lbs
    Net Difference: n/a

    Goal weight: 125 ish
    Height: 5' 2"

    I'm living off campus this year and my apartment complex has a small gym/weight room so I've been trying to use it. However, late night homework is usually accompanied by late night snacking (binging).
  • lisaz3349
    lisaz3349 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Today I weighed in at 137.6 today!
    Feel free to ask me any questions about nutrition you have. I am a food science major so hopefully I can help!
  • havalinaz
    havalinaz Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in! I am in my last year of nursing school, and had a baby 6 months ago. I REALLY need some support, so this would be a great idea.
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    i'm a Senior majoring in Elementary Ed! Feel free to add :)
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    Day: 10/20/11
    Weigh in: 184.5.. gained some during midterms 2 weeks ago and the week off we had after :(

    Staying up late/studying and not snacking is probably the hardest part for me. That and trying to eat healthy while everyone on the team (Im a student athlete) chows down!! Not to mention trying to fit in everything is impossible... I feel like this sums it up...


    Hahah. BUT WE CAN DO THIS!!

    This is my schedule.. Bleh haha.

    Mon: Class 9:30-12:20, Weights/conditioning 4:15-6
    Tue: Class 10:00-12:45, Practice 1:30-5:30, Class 6:00-8:50
    Wed: Class 9:30-12:20--- Our only day offff!
    Thurs: class 10-1245, weights/conditioning 1:30-3, practice 3-530
    Fri: Class 930-1220, conditioning 130-230, practice 230-530
    Sat: Practice 9am-1pm
    Sun: Practice 9am- 1pm

    Good luck to all of you!