ALL or NOTHING foods...once I open it I'm in trouble



  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    Anything other than stuff on my normal shopping list..

    Biscuits, cake, crisps, chocoloate, sweets, speads, certain cereals.

    There are lots of foods that I simply can't have in the house or I will eat them.
  • Leobaby
    Leobaby Posts: 97 Member
    Cheese puffs. Here in typical mexican candy stores you can get the whole package (with 30 or 45 medium bags) for like, $4 USD. If I get the package I finish the whole thing in less than a week...

    Also Tres Leches cake... oh my don't get me near that thing!!!!
  • frycase
    frycase Posts: 43
    Peanut Butter M&M's. I'm pretty sure these were created by the devil himself, that brilliant *kitten*.

    Also, thank goodness it's almost dinner time, because this thread made me super hungry. >.<