Too diet pill or not to diet pill? Now that is the question!



  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Oh boy............ the *Old Me* is screaming YES take them. They will make you jumpy and hyper and you wont think about food for awhile.......... So then you can drop a few pounds quick (maybe).

    But- then you will have a headache for a week when you try to come off them... And who knows you could even stroke out from some of them too..... Did I used to take them- Yes. Am I proud of it- No. Knowing what I know now would I take them again Hell to the NO....

    Take a B vitamin complex- its good for you and will essentially do the same thing......... without the sudden death part.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I recommend taking these diet pills daily:


    It works great, I swear! Good luck! xo
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Back in high school, when I was a complete moron, I took diet pills (along with basically starving myself). Take it from someone who has been there, DON'T DO IT!! I might have lost weight at the time, but I gained it back (and then some) and I felt terrible the whole time I was on them.

    My opinion: Eat healthier and exercise a bit. It's simple, but it really does make you feel 100 times better (not worse like diet pills tend to do). Plus, you are learning how to be healthier for LIFE, not just for the short term satisfaction.

    Good luck!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    The only way to loose weight and keep it off is to stick to a healthy lifestyle. Make healthy food choices, watch your portions and consistent and you WILL see results that will last you a lifetime!

    Someone needs to put this on a hallmark card. Outstanding answer.

    Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • jdavila73
    Diet pills can be tempting...the promise of a quick fix is oh so appealing. I mean, all you have to do it pop a pill and watch the fat melt away...who wouldn't love that. The problem is it doesn't work. Sure you might see initial results...sure you'll lose weight quickly...but it’s short-lived. After you stop taking them (cause you can't be on them forever) and your heart stops pounding out of your chest, and the jitters are gone, and you no longer are crapping on yourself...the weight comes back. Not to mention the long term effects they can have on your body.

    Nothing replaces good old fashion sweat, tears, and good food choices. Sure it's hard...if it were easy, everyone would be fit! But WE can do it!
  • Tiffanydepiano
    Tiffanydepiano Posts: 169 Member
    This is going to make me very unpopular. Oh well.....:ohwell:

    I take phentermine as prescribed by my doctor. I only take it when I know I am going to have a long day and a lot of temptation.

    Even when I take it, I have to remain mindful of portions and what I am putting in my body.

    It sort of makes me feel like I had a couple of triple shot lattes.
  • adnorri
    adnorri Posts: 20
    After I had my baby I was 250 lbs. I lost some weight naturally and got down to 215 lbs, but I started to get very discouraged because even though I had lost some weight it seemed to have completely stopped. So I started taking phentermine. I got down to 172 lbs while on the pill!!! I did stop taking it after the recommended time and lost another 10 lbs on my own through a diet, but have now gained back 20 lbs. I dont regret taking the diet pills because it did help me to feel better about myself when I was at such a low point, but I dont know that I could say that I would take them again. I just worry about the risks and seeing as I was on a diet pill to lose the weight I didnt eat right so therefore didnt learn the right way of how to lose weight. It really is a life style change that you have to make. Some diet pills will help you lose weight but if you dont put in the work you are going to end up right back where you started unfortunately.
  • KittyMul
    KittyMul Posts: 74 Member
    This is going to make me very unpopular. Oh well.....:ohwell:

    I take phentermine as prescribed by my doctor. I only take it when I know I am going to have a long day and a lot of temptation.

    Even when I take it, I have to remain mindful of portions and what I am putting in my body.

    It sort of makes me feel like I had a couple of triple shot lattes.

    Agreed. I've taken Duromine in the past and even mentioning around here will get people's backs up (I've been flatly told I don't deserve my weight loss).

    I'm not on it right now and I haven't instantly put all my weight back on but I know a lot of people do. You need to be very aware of what you're eating when you come off them.

    To the OP, if you do decide to take weight loss pills, know that you do still need to watch what you eat and how much. They're not a magic fix and if you don't get your habits straight while you're on it, it'll be a lot harder to maintain your loss afterwards. I think of it as a 'boost' and a helping hand, not something to do my job for me. I still lose steadily when I'm not taking it, just not as much.

    They can have some not so nice side affects too. The main reason I stopped taking them is that they affect my moods and I don't like that. I'm naturally quite a high strung person and they intensify that to the point that I'm not a nice person to be around, even for myself! I have to wake up at 5am, take a pill then go back to sleep for a few hours if I want to sleep that night (not ideal, but doable). Dry mouth, racing heart and nausea are all part and parcel.

    They're not a magic fix, they don't melt the fat off and they're not a bundle of fun, but neither are they the devil some make them out to be. Talk to your doctor, NEVER buy pills off the internet and do your research. As a boost to kick start diet and exercise, they can be useful.

    Please nobody shout at me now.
  • uptonia
    uptonia Posts: 26
    I'll go against the grain here and say yes, but that's not a cure all answer for everyone.

    I've been following a medical weight loss program for a month, and part of that is taking an appetite suppressant. It's a compound and is basically a blend of stimulants and Vitamin B (with some other vitamins as well).

    The doctor in no way told me that this pill would make me
    a) burn weight faster
    b) make any bad food I ate "not count"
    c) block any fat
    d) make me lose weight without even trying.

    I take one a day for about 3-4 days, and then usually take a day or two off and start again. They help curb my hunger, but don't take away the desire for me to eat.

    Before I was given any by the doctor, I had a physical and an EKG as part of the weight loss program. My blood pressure is also monitored every 2 weeks when I go in for a weigh in, and we keep a close eye on any possible side effects.

    I think a lot of dieting is mental, and so far I have been the most successful with this program (I've done MFP, Weight Watchers & South Beach before) because I feel like I have some "help" from the pill.

    Yes, there are lots of people on here who can do it all 100% natural - but I needed a little help. The pill in combination of the accountability and support of going into the Dr is really helping me.
  • shorty458
    shorty458 Posts: 163 Member
    No way. They can be really bad for your heart.