New You for the New Year Challenge- A 12 Week Personal Chall



  • anaknight
    Can I still join??

    Name: Ana
    Location: York, PA
    Reason(s) Why I am on MFP: I want to feel better about myself and get back down to the weight I felt really good at. I want to stop comparing myself to others.

    Height- 5'6''
    Starting weight- 132.5
    Goal- 126

    I lost a ton of weight after my daughter who is now 7. I was 187 after having her and had been 125-130 for my adult life before that. After my son (4) I lost the 32 pounds I gained very quickly and by the time he was 1 I weighed 125 pounds. I felt good here. I have an anxiety disorder (panic) and before I knew I got down to 117 which was tooo skinny. Anyway since being on an SSRI I am now 132 and I want to get back to 126ish range.

  • teresastemen
    teresastemen Posts: 13 Member
    10 things I like about me physically

    1) Being short
    2) my curves. My butt and boobs
    3) long hair
    4) big brown eyes
    5) skin color( i tan easily)
    6) strong legs
    7) smooth skin
    8) healthy nails
    9) my face ( my husband says I'm cute, I believe him)
    10) little ears

    I just wish all those things i like about me were in a little bit smaller package. I like how i look but i want and need to be healthier. Good exercise to realize you have good attributes other than being a bit chubby.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Sorry I missed the reflection for this week.

    This weeks personal reflection challenge: List 10 things that you like about yourself physically

    1. My hair is definately my best feature
    2. I like being tall
    3. My nails are really strong
    4. My smile
    5. Fair skin
    6. My boobs
    7. I have good teeth

    I really can't think of anything else. I could say other things to get to 10 but that really wouldn't be accurate. I am proud of the things I listed and saying things just to say them defeats the point.
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    10 things I like about me physically

    1) Being Tall- I'd hate to have to ask people to reach things for me :)
    2) Endurance- although i am (*oh no, hes gonna say it*) FAT!!! I can actually manage pretty well on some of the equipment
    3) short hair- easy to maintain and when i get off the elliptical its easy to wipe all the sweat off my head
    4) my eyes, they have changed colors somehow... but they are back to being blue
    5) Legs- All this elliptical and walking ive been doing is defining them a bit

    Honestly thats all i got, I know the challenge was for 10, but im here to change my physical appearance so obviously there were things that i didnt like...know what, the next 5 will be things i want to change that will make it into my 10 favs

    1) Skin Tone- Im pasty white like a freaking zombie need to get some color
    2) chubby face- always had it, since i was a kid, i didnt like it then, i dont like it now
    3) Torso- man boobs arent sexy any way you cut it... neither is a giant gut
    4) Arms- Never had any definition in my arms, always flabby and jiggly
    5) Balding head- Gonna be a sexy bald skinny guy some day.... this i vow!

    sorry that i deviated from the plan... but i put my work in :)
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    Ok so I weigh the exact no loss no gain...I drank close to 100oz of water every day,went on 1 walk with my son and did a workout everyday. Next week I'm going to step it up a notch,I'm so ready to be in the 180's I can taste it!
  • Jeepinmom4
    Jeepinmom4 Posts: 298 Member
    10 things I like about me physically
    1) Being Tall- I'd hate to have to ask people to reach things for me :)
    2) Endurance- although i am (*oh no, hes gonna say it*) FAT!!! I can actually manage pretty well on some of the equipment
    3) short hair- easy to maintain and when i get off the elliptical its easy to wipe all the sweat off my head
    4) my eyes, they have changed colors somehow... but they are back to being blue
    5) Legs- All this elliptical and walking ive been doing is defining them a bit

    Honestly thats all i got, I know the challenge was for 10, but im here to change my physical appearance so obviously there were things that i didnt like...know what, the next 5 will be things i want to change that will make it into my 10 favs

    1) Skin Tone- Im pasty white like a freaking zombie need to get some color
    2) chubby face- always had it, since i was a kid, i didnt like it then, i dont like it now
    3) Torso- man boobs arent sexy any way you cut it... neither is a giant gut
    4) Arms- Never had any definition in my arms, always flabby and jiggly
    5) Balding head- Gonna be a sexy bald skinny guy some day.... this i vow!

    sorry that i deviated from the plan... but i put my work in :)
    lol your awesome! I can't wait to see your bald skinny *kitten*!
  • ejllshaw
    ejllshaw Posts: 38 Member
    10 things I like about me:
    1. My long thick blonde hair(ok naturally brunette but I like blonde better)
    2. My big light brown eyes
    3. My height
    4. My calf muscles
    5. Strong legs
    6. The sound of my own laugh
    7. My feet(yes there large but their mine)
    8. My nose
    9. The scar on my spine(a reminder not to take things for granted)
    10. My smile

    First few were easy...I have to love myself more. Happy friday
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    10 things I like about me:

    endurance gaining
  • MiniMichelle
    MiniMichelle Posts: 807 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    I know this week’s personal reflection challenge was hard. I know that finding things that you physically like about yourself can be challenging! However, I felt this was an important step going into this challenge- At the end of the 12 weeks we will do another reflection challenge to see if the list was any easier to make :happy:

    Weekly WI: My weight has gone up this week, I know it was because of a lack of water and high salt. I am not counting the gain or the loss. I am just counting a washout.:ohwell: How did everyone else do?

    Weekly challenge: I chose to continue the water challenge… yeah totally FAILED thus far:grumble: . I guess I still have the weekend to try and gain some achievement points- LOL.:laugh:

    I hope everyone has had an amazing week thus far! I will be posting Week 3 information on Sunday so that we all can get a FULL week in, again sorry for my late post this week.

    Love ya,
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    How did you put that little new year sign in your signature?
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    Well I was down a pound this week. I didn't get to work out as much as I wanted. I am hoping this week is better, but not so sure that will happen, because tom is here and I woke up this am with a bad headache and throwing up. :sick: I am determined to push through it though! :smile:

    How is everyone else doing?
  • ddboone
    ddboone Posts: 61
    WI: I'm up this week. Between the state fair and a wine party this weekend, it wasn't a big surprise.

    Personal challenges: Still doing horribly with the water so I will continue with that. I got in 2 workouts out of the 3 I targeted last week. This week I'm continuing with my goal of being consistent with water and exercise: 64 oz. a day and a minimum of 3 workouts.

    Personal reflection: List 10 things that you like about yourself physically
    1. My hair
    2. My eyes
    3. My smile
    4. My complexion
    5. My height
    6. My legs
    7, My chest
    8. My feet
    9. My fingers
    10 My waist (not as small as I want it to be, but it's small enough to give me a cute shape)
  • megarooni
    megarooni Posts: 50 Member
    For the first time in a year I am below 210! I was so excited when I jumped on the scale! I lost 3 lbs this last week and I am now at 209! I am well on my way to acheiving my goal for this challenge. The challenge this week was really challenging. When people ask me what I like about myself I always have a list of 2 or 3 things ready but when you ask me to go beyond that point I really struggle. My water intake has stayed where I want it to be at a constant minimum of 9 glasses per day and I am working out everyday for at least 30 minutes. A lot of the time I am working out more than the 30. I did not reach my goal of 3 days to the gym. I will work harder at that again this week. Everyone is doing great! Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged! Keep pushing through the set backs and thrive on the successes!!! :-)
  • suchaprettyface70
    suchaprettyface70 Posts: 49 Member
    I know it is week 3 already... can I still join in? I am just starting this journey (well for the umpteenth time... LOL) But I think this would be good for me because I would have a group too.
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    Weekly Check in...

    Weight: 297!!!!!! loss of 4lbs, Finally under 300, i could do a back flip.. if i didnt weigh 297lbs :)

    Weekly Challenge: was to do cruches, however, i totally forgot about it... so i just kept drinking lots of water, gonna think of a new challenge for this week.

    Good Luck everyone!!!
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    Megarooni- Awesome job! Keep up the great work!

    ddboone- It is okay! Just pick yourself up and start again!

    impudentputz- Way to go! Great work! What workouts you doing?
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    impudentputz- Way to go! Great work! What workouts you doing?

    Umm, just elliptical at the moment, soon i will start with weight training... however that will slow down the weight loss a little.. so im trying to hold off on that as long as i can..

    I go to the gym 5-6 days a week . I do the fat burning mode on the elliptical for 40-45 mins depending on time and energy level. by the time im done I feel amazing, well, a little winded and sweaty... but amazing none the less. And i just stick to Healthier meals, although i dont have much variation in my diet as id like. money is sorta tight so i tend to get the same things every week and just go with that. I drink A WHOLE BUNCH of water. Which works out cause i have to go up 2 sets of stairs to use the bathroom 15 times a day because of the water intake :).

    Yeah thats about it. No big secrets, just a little work out and a healthy diet.
  • shickam062604
    shickam062604 Posts: 133 Member
    Awesome! I do elliptical/treadmill plus weight training. Actually I have heard and you can research, but cardio mixed with weight training is very beneficial in weight loss and getting your body to change. I also like to do some on wii fit plus and your shape fitness on kinect. Kinda breaks up the boredom. Keep it up, I think as long as you are just eating calories your body needs and doing some type of workout you will lose.
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    Is it too late to join?
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Weekly weigh in: I was down 3 pounds this week, which is great given that I didn't lose any the week before. That's how it seems to be going with me lately.

    I kept up with my water and I am waiting for a new challenge this week.

    Have a great week everyone!