Is McDonald's ever ok?



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It's a cheeseburger, not crystal meth. Having one every once in a blue moon won't hurt you.

    I'm going to start a cheeseburger lab in my basement. OOOOoooooooooooh it's gonna be gangsta son! Neighbors will be pissed when they smell that hot beef.

    PSST. Dude... I got a soda... yeah, bro. S-O-D-A. to go wit dat cheezeburger *kitten* you got in your basement.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I think in moderation. I love their spicy chicken sandwich and maybe once every 6 wks I might just have one if my calorie intake for the day plans for it. :happy:
  • Mski02
    Mski02 Posts: 28
    hmmmmm.... I would say a tentative no.

    But...... only if you really really can't possible manage without it - couldn't you go to the supermarket and get a nice bread roll, salad etc and make a nicer sandwich yourself? or better yet, make your own burger at home? then you'll know exactely what goes in it and it'll be much much better quality than maccie d's
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    My philosophy is everything in moderation. I don't like most of McD's food, but I like Egg McMuffins once in a while. 300 calories and I work it into my day.
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    Anything is ok in moderation. If you feel like a cheesburger every once in a while, go for it!
    Just keep it in your calorie allowance like you did.

    Agreed! McDonald's is part of REAL LIFE... big or small, tall or short, etc. we are all REAL people that will sometimes crave fast food... it's just knowing HOW to eat it :)
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I understand that it can fit in, calorically speaking, to a healthy diet. But I just honestly don't know how anyone who KNOWS what's in that junk can eat it. One McDonald's hamburger is comprised of little bits of up to HUNDREDS of cows. There's no way you can spin that to make it sanitary or acceptable.. and that's just one example. I understand the convenience of fast food is usually a big factor.. but it's just as easy to hit your supermarket salad bar.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    in my opinion, no. i dont agree with the 'everything in moderation' saying. but everyone feels differently. i dont like putting anything into my body that doesnt nurture it and give it quality energy! the way i see it, is why not get subway insteadd? or buy a wholemeal roll and some deli meat and salad from the supermarket and make a sandwhich. or even go to a pub and order grilled chicken and veggies? i just dont find it worth the calories for something thats just... nothing!

    Even at Subway, you still have to watch the sodium.

  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    McDonald's is straight up poison.

    I hope you have evidence to back up that wild, outlandish, libellous statement.
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    I understand that it can fit in, calorically speaking, to a healthy diet. But I just honestly don't know how anyone who KNOWS what's in that junk can eat it. One McDonald's hamburger is comprised of little bits of up to HUNDREDS of cows. There's no way you can spin that to make it sanitary or acceptable.. and that's just one example. I understand the convenience of fast food is usually a big factor.. but it's just as easy to hit your supermarket salad bar.

    ^^^^^^^THIS EXACTLY!!!!
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Anything is ok in moderation. If you feel like a cheesburger every once in a while, go for it!
    Just keep it in your calorie allowance like you did.

    Agreed! McDonald's is part of REAL LIFE... big or small, tall or short, etc. we are all REAL people that will sometimes crave fast food... it's just knowing HOW to eat it :)

    We don't crave it by nature though...the chemicals put into our foods have altered our bodies. If you never give a kid McDonalds, they'll never crave it
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    crapdonalds, just like any other restaurant or fast food joint, is fine so long as you account for the calories you consume there. I normally skip crapdonalds (and like places) because its difficult to limit myself to just one of something, but there are times that I stop there. like folks have said, its about moderation. I had crapdonalds twice last week (very abnormal for me) and I lost weight last week.
  • nikki778
    nikki778 Posts: 148 Member
    Its good when its going down for sure but once it sits down there in your belly laying in its filth & tries to break down youll feel like the garbage that stuff is made up of

    Sure Calorie wise you can afford to consume it but dont forget the other 'nutrients' that makes up the fluburger~
    sodium, fat, Carbs, plastic, garbage, toxics etc.

    We are what we eat!
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    I agree with 2 points people previously stated:

    1. Ever since I've been eating healthier, you couldn't pay me to eat there. I just have no appetite whatsoever for anything fried or overly processed.

    2. McD's is crap!! I'm a vegetarian, so I have a lot of issues with their meat usage. They cobble their burgers together w/ multiple sources (many different cows). They use ammonia when processing meats as well. It's just really, really foul. So, if you really want that burger, go to a place where you can get fresh meat, etc..
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I have 2 toddlers and Husband who love and adore nuggets 2x a month they get to have it...I either have a grilled chicken club or a southwest grilled chicken salad and a small fry with both...I just make sure I drink a bunch of water to go along with it.

    ETA: I am working on my Masters Degree as well and sometimes I forget to pack a dinner So I will swing through and just get the salad...I really like that salad and it is only 300 and some calories...

    I am also a big fan of that salad.
  • izzyissy
    izzyissy Posts: 48 Member
    The bottom line is if you want to lose weight stay within your calories. That being said, I'm sure people are still eating pasta, pizza, ice cream, candy, chips and still staying in their calorie range and losing weight. It's not healthy, but who is going to go years and years without touching any of this food. You have to eat 3500 calories less a week to lose 1lb. (mfp did all the work for you to do that) So, don't stay away from any food, just eat in moderation and you will lose and be happy.....
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I try to avoid eating out, period. I know I can healthier options at home for a lot less calories and still have room for other good munchies.

    That being said, I don't think you need to cut anything out of your life completely. If you're going to eat there, just be sure you've allotted for those calories and that you can handle not eating a midnight snack later.

  • vsmith1981
    vsmith1981 Posts: 44 Member
    in my opinion, no. i dont agree with the 'everything in moderation' saying. but everyone feels differently. i dont like putting anything into my body that doesnt nurture it and give it quality energy! the way i see it, is why not get subway insteadd? or buy a wholemeal roll and some deli meat and salad from the supermarket and make a sandwhich. or even go to a pub and order grilled chicken and veggies? i just dont find it worth the calories for something thats just... nothing!

    Personally I disagree that eating subway is putting something into one's body that nutures it and gives it quality energy. Subway sprays their vegetables to keep them fresh - above and beyond the pesticides already on them, the bread is full of sugar, and the meat and cheese are highly processed. I dont' think mcDs is any worse for you.

    If you feel like you want a cheeseburger and don't mind that the nurtrional value is low and the sodium is high, go for it. We all have our own values in this - for me, cutting down on calories from alcohol is the hardest challenge and I find ways to cut out from other areas so I can have that extra glass of wine on a friday (it's friday!)

    What I do like about McDs is you know exactly what you're getting because they fix everything exactly the same every time and the nutritional info is right there on the packaging - so where when you get a "grilled chicken salad" at a pub or resto and eyeball it to be about 500, sometimes you dont know exactly how much cheese they've added or whether or not the "grilled" chicken breast was just thrown in the deep frier instead (always ask!)
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    If you are with in your calories Id say go's not like you eat it every day. Mcdonalds has some of the more healthier options compared to other fast-food. They have oatmeal now which is pretty good. I'm from Maine and they had the newmans Own organic coffee up was good. But generally I never eat there. I'm working there now to supplement my income and worked there from the age of 14 to 21 Before and Never got fat because I never over did it. I was a manager and could eat for free. There are healthy choices..
  • torie079
    torie079 Posts: 179 Member
    Personally I disagree that eating subway is putting something into one's body that nutures it and gives it quality energy. Subway sprays their vegetables to keep them fresh - above and beyond the pesticides already on them, the bread is full of sugar, and the meat and cheese are highly processed. I dont' think mcDs is any worse for you.

    This is exactly right... I completely agree with you.