Morning workouts, breakfast before or after??



  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    I watched this one Dr Oz. He said the best time to workout is before breakfast. This is because you burn into fat stores after fasting all night. It makes sense to me! I have yet to start working out in the morning though. I'm working on it!
  • missamy1989
    If I ate before I would get sick during!

    I think i probably would too...I usually work out at about 11, after I drop my son off and done my facebooking, lol. x
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    You guys are so helpful! Thank you!

    I will probably have to work out around 5:30 AM (yikes) and I doubt I'll be hungry then. I'll try eating after and see what happens...
  • ryanfeltz
    ryanfeltz Posts: 126
    I eat after my morning walk..... otherwise i feel sort of ill the whole time.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I eat after because I will get sick if I eat first.
  • misterscott
    misterscott Posts: 6 Member
    There is a line of thinking that exercising on an empty stomach first thing in the morning will burn more fat, but one recent study suggests this difference is marginal.

    As with most things diet related, you need to figure out what works best for you. Good luck!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I have to eat breakfast after my workout or I'll get sick. I don't have time to wait an hour (or even 15 minutes) after I eat to do my workout so I eat afterwards.
  • elzianne
    elzianne Posts: 52 Member
    I used to wait to eat until after my morning workout, but as I started to do more vigorous workouts & longer runs, I found it started to hurt my performance. I can't get myself out of bed early enough to eat and digest a full breakfast pre-workout, so I usually just grab a little snack (ex: banana, a protein shake, handful of almonds, or piece of toast) 20-30 minutes before then eat the rest of my breakfast after working out. I really feel like it gives me an extra little boost during my workouts. On days I don't have work and have a little extra time in the morning, I'll have a full breakfast 1 hour prior to working out.

    However, as many people said before, everyone is different! Experiment and see what works best for you!
  • foxtayle
    foxtayle Posts: 17 Member
    I eat afterwards because I'm usually moving around a lot in my workout and it just doesn't settle well with my stomach to be digesting while trying to exercise or run. If I'm really sleepy, I might have a few sips to a cup of regular, plain coffee. If it's later in the day, I tend not to eat at least an hour before working out.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    There is a line of thinking that exercising on an empty stomach first thing in the morning will burn more fat, but one recent study suggests this difference is marginal.

    As with most things diet related, you need to figure out what works best for you. Good luck!

    Depends on how much bodyfat a person currently has whether fasted cardio or exercise is effective or not.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I've heard it both ways, that you need to eat breakfast before your morning workout to give you energy and break your night's fast to get you ready to burn calories throughout the day. AND I've heard that eating before working out will burn what you just ate instead of your stored fat. So which is it?

    What has worked for you?

    The physiology on that is that if your goal is fat loss, cardio training before your meal is more likely to help support your body pulling from the fat cell. If you have blood sugar issues, I usually recommend my clients have a form of protein and fat 40 minutes prior to the cardio training to avoid a serious drop in blood sugar.

    If you are weight training, a meal before the session will support your plan.

    Also, executing cardio before dinner is another max way to help insure your are pulling from the fat cell.

    This is all assuming that you are not training anaerobically (beyond the 80-85% THR).

    Great question. Thanks for the post.

    like this response.

    for me, I generally wake up, find the bathroom and my shoes, and begin working out. On most days I just don't have the desire to wake up 45-60 minutes earlier so I can eat something far enough before the work-out so I don't get sick during the work-out. However, there are times on the weekend where I work out mid morning and I eat a protein mix with water when I wake up.
  • wgieni
    wgieni Posts: 7
    It depends on how you feel before, during, and after your workout. Everyone is different and it changes over time. I have been doing workouts first thing in the morning and then coming home and consuming a home-made breakfast shake. After finding that I was starting to get headaches and feeling ravenous after workouts, I now have to look at consuming half of my shake before my workout and finish it after my workout. How soon before your workout I think depends on what you are consuming, solid foods will take longer to process then liquid foods.

    Regardless, Breakfast is the second most important meal (and should never be skipped) as you should be eating something shortly after your workouts to recharge your energy stores and to provide building blocks to aid in your recovery.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    Depends on how much bodyfat a person currently has whether fasted cardio or exercise is effective or not.

    ^ This, although I'd add that it will be effective either way in that it will burn calories. Doing it fasted CAN help with fat mobilization but unless you're already fairly lean, it probably won't make a difference.

    I would be curious to know just how MUCH it helps. I would still say personal preference should dictate someones decision on this unless you're prepping for a contest/etc.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    Depends on how much bodyfat a person currently has whether fasted cardio or exercise is effective or not.

    ^ This, although I'd add that it will be effective either way in that it will burn calories. Doing it fasted CAN help with fat mobilization but unless you're already fairly lean, it probably won't make a difference.

    I would be curious to know just how MUCH it helps. I would still say personal preference should dictate someones decision on this unless you're prepping for a contest/etc.

    We should ask Lyle one day. hehe =)
  • PB67
    PB67 Posts: 376

    Depends on how much bodyfat a person currently has whether fasted cardio or exercise is effective or not.

    ^ This, although I'd add that it will be effective either way in that it will burn calories. Doing it fasted CAN help with fat mobilization but unless you're already fairly lean, it probably won't make a difference.

    I would be curious to know just how MUCH it helps. I would still say personal preference should dictate someones decision on this unless you're prepping for a contest/etc.

    We should ask Lyle one day. hehe =)


    That would not be pretty.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I get up at 5am to work out, so I eat on an empty stomach. When I have worked out after eating, I feel like I'm going to hurl.
  • juicymama08
    juicymama08 Posts: 38 Member
    in the mornings I eat breakfast after, once I eat breakfast its hard to get my motivation, and if I work out twice for the day I have dinner before I workout, which I've found for me gives me the energy to get through round 2.

    Good Question.... I was wondering the same thing, but this is whats been working for me. Good luck hun!! :wink:
  • missamy1989
    You guys are so helpful! Thank you!

    I will probably have to work out around 5:30 AM (yikes) and I doubt I'll be hungry then. I'll try eating after and see what happens...

    There is a 5.30 AM? I only thought there was one 5:30 in the day....AM for me starts at 8...1am-7am doesnt exist for me, lol.
    Maybe if I try getting up earlier would do me some be hard for a bed-o-holic like me :D xx
  • HoneyDancer
    I won't eat the full breakfast but I must have something especially if I am doing that Insanity workout. In the past I've had prunes or grapes or something just to give me some energy. This morning I had to have a slice of toast because I nearly passed out yesterday. Today I was able to finish the workout. So for me, if I'm going to get through a tough work out I have to eat something before for energy.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I exercise first, but that's more because that's what is comfortable for me and what I have time for, not because I believe it burns fat better.