Shakeology? Huh?



  • kellybstampin
    Ok, yes, I'm a Beachbody coach, so of course I'm going to promote Shakeology, right? Well, listen to my story first.....

    I changed my diet to mostly raw foods over the summer, including dairy. I even started making my own kefir with raw milk. Some of you are probably gagging right now.....sorry!

    Anyway, when I signed on as a coach (free, b/c we're active duty military, so I was like, "Hey, it's free AND I get my workouts at wholesale...score!"), I decided to check out Shakeology. We are a one income family, so even with my discount I was VERY hesitant to purchase it. First I did some research on it. If I don't put unhealthy stuff in my body, I'm not going to try some shake that may have artificial stuff or is just loaded with protein.

    I was really amazed at what I found out about Shakeology. First of all, I didn't expect it to taste good, but it did. I made mine taste just like a Mocha Frappe from Starbucks. Secondly, the ingredients blew me away. There's VEGETABLES in the shakes, people! I was kind of weirded out by the thought of barley and wheat grass in my shakes. Because even though we do a lot of "weird" stuff already, I wasn't sure how I felt about that in my chocolate shake!

    I still believe it's very pricey for a shake, but when comparing what's out there, it's a reasonable amount of money.

    NOW...there are other shakes that ARE cheaper! My new fave is the Beachbody meal replacement vanilla. It's only $40 for 30 servings. It's just as filling and actually creamier in my opinion.

    AND....if you want to really go "cheap" and healthy, make your OWN shakes! I used my raw homemade kefir mixed with the same things I put in my Beachbody shakes. The protein and other nutrients can't be beat!

    Good luck!
  • kellybstampin
    PS Regardless of what shakes you should be able to at least pronounce the ingredients!!! Don't put artificial things in your body!!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    PS Regardless of what shakes you should be able to at least pronounce the ingredients!!! Don't put artificial things in your body!!!
    Hate to tell you that if you think that there's nothing artificial in any shake on the market, you've been scammed. You do realize that Shakeology is made by a 3rd party and not manufactured by Beach Body right?
  • kellybstampin
    Shakeology is certified by a 3rd party, but manufactured by Beachbody in NY. It really is all natural.

    I'm very open to finding out the truth if it is not. Please let me know where I could find info on how I'm being scammed. I take my health very seriously!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Shakeology is certified by a 3rd party, but manufactured by Beachbody in NY. It really is all natural.

    I'm very open to finding out the truth if it is not. Please let me know where I could find info on how I'm being scammed. I take my health very seriously!

    It's not a scam, some people just don't like it. :wink:

    It's like Amazing Grass...also not a bad shake...or Body by Vi....another decent one. But if you don't like, that's great! But nobody should try to persuade you from getting in your good nutrition as they do.

    It started out as a hatred for the recruiting/selling types on MFP and for some people it has unfortunately been turned into a vendetta against the products. I mean, call Shakeology a scam and then say it's OK to gulp down Diet Coke? People just need to make their own informed decisions and tune out the people that make the opposite ones as long as we are all making healthy decisions.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    Shakeology is certified by a 3rd party, but manufactured by Beachbody in NY. It really is all natural.

    I'm very open to finding out the truth if it is not. Please let me know where I could find info on how I'm being scammed. I take my health very seriously!
    Well first look at the bottom of the nutrition label it states it as "DISTRIBUTED" by Beach Body. If it was made by Beach Body it would state "MANUFACTURED and DISTRIBUTED" by Beach Body...........

    "Shakeology is manufactured in a facility that is registered with the FDA, adheres to current Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and is GMP-Certified by the NSF (National Science Foundation) and the NPA (Natural Products Association)."

    This is from Denis of the ad staff of Beach Body.

    Notice it doesn't say a "Beach Body owned" facility, meaning like many other supplements it's made by a 3rd party. 3rd party manufacturers under GMP get their raw materials from other countries other than the US because it's cheaper. But then you don't have regulation which is why you really don't have any idea if the raw materials are contaminated or are just filler, etc.

    So though the ingredients may be claimed as natural, it doesn't guarantee that they may not be contaminated.

    If you read the whole response from Denis, he even states it doesn't even get a "certified organic" label because of cost. But if the whole statement that "it's natural" could be reenforced should they get the certification to prove it? That would mean that all the ingredients would HAVE to be natural and organic. Without the certification, they aren't held to that, which means there could be ingredients that DON'T have to be totally natural in them.

    I've studied and used supplements since the 80's and KNOW that most of them are mostly "advertised" as being the "best".
    It's subjective and because of DSHEA they can claim what they want as long as they don't claim it "cures" diseases, sickness, etc. That's why the disclaimer at the bottom on every label.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    Reading unbiased reviews helps too.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I do like the chocolate, but not greenberry. Another fruity one is supposed to be coming out soon. It is pretty expensive. I was afraid to try it but it there is a 30 money back guaranty so I tried it. I ended up liking it so I'm sticking with it. I think the chocolate tastes good, it reminds me of Carnation Instant Breakfast that I used to drink a lot as a kid. I like to add banana or peanut butter sometimes to switch up the flavor. I wish it wasn't so expensive, but being a Beach Body coach does help with the discount. It's a filling, healthy, fast meal to have so to me it's worth it.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    It's definitely not a scam. I've seen the results first hand in my own family. Weight loss, lower cholesterol, no more need for Lipitor, no more IBS, no more hypoglycemia. The fact is, Some people will just be haters, full of negativity and pessimism. When they are presented with something real and genuine, they can't see it. The fact is, the public has been scammed way too often. A healthy bit of skepticism is important, but some people try to prove everything is a scam, even when it's not. Do your own research, make your own decisions and don't be brought down by the skeptics.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    It's definitely not a scam. I've seen the results first hand in my own family. Weight loss, lower cholesterol, no more need for Lipitor, no more IBS, no more hypoglycemia. The fact is, Some people will just be haters, full of negativity and pessimism. When they are presented with something real and genuine, they can't see it. The fact is, the public has been scammed way too often. A healthy bit of skepticism is important, but some people try to prove everything is a scam, even when it's not. Do your own research, make your own decisions and don't be brought down by the skeptics.
    There have been many here that have done it without Shakeology. I never said the product DIDN'T work. I've more than revealed that it's an MLM and that the product is expensive for what you are actually getting.
    And really how can you be unbiased about it when you're a Distributor of it. Dispute the facts I stated about it. Don't just say I'm a hater. I've posted information on how it's made, and the processing of it.
    If it's processed that way, then it's really no different than many other supplements on the market, but the COST is WAY higher. So where does that money go? It's shared amongst the distributor, their sponsor and their sponsor, and their sponsor, and their sponsor all the way up to Beach Body. Why should someone pay higher dollars to pay income to people who had NOTHING to do with the actual sale? That's why it's a scam. All MLM's are built that way.
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    Well, I think it's something you have to try. If you find a coach you like, they could mail you some samples. I haven't tried them myself. I honestly used to be about eating my nutrition, not getting them from vitamins, shakes, etc....

    By the time I committed to exercising and weight lifting on a regular basis, my hunger was more wacked out than usual. I was hungry ALL. DAY. LONG., and there was no placating me. Then I remembered all those times people had said some people's hunger comes from a lack of a certain nutrient. So what the hey, I bought a multivitamin and started taking them religiously. They were 10 bucks for a 45 day supply. And finally, after years of dieting, my hunger is normal!

    What I learned that for me, personally, getting all my nutrients from food just wasn't cutting it. Trust me. I love my veggies and fruits. I don't have a problem eating them and have always preferred them over fast food. I don't drink soda, coffee, etc.... My main beverage is water and has been for about 10 yrs. now. I drink the occasional tea and juice.

    If you're going to try shakeology or anything else, I recommend just getting the smallest bottle you can find just to try out first. Don't buy the biggest bottle on sale and then be turned off (when it's not for you) from buying anything ever again that could really help you. If you have a friend that has some stuff you're interested in, ask if you can split the cost with them next time they're stocking up, so you can try 'em out.