1000 Minutes Challenge - October



  • 124 minutes = 35.6 miles on the bike.

    october: 1645/1000
  • kevath
    kevath Posts: 20 Member
    10/16 Zumba 52 minutes.
    10/17 Gym 60 minutes
    10/18 Gym 120 minutes
    10/19 Zumba 41 minutes
    10/20 Zumba 46 minutes
    10/21 Zumba 62 minutes

    = 381 mintues only 619 minutes left ;)
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    86.5 min on the treadmill....3 mile run and a 3 mile walk
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    Oct 1: 65 minutes
    Oct 2: 46 minutes
    Oct 3: 80 minutes
    Oct 4-6 SICK. :(
    Oct 7: 105 minutes
    Oct 8: 67 minutes
    Oct 9: 64 minutes
    Oct 10: 85 minutes
    Oct 11: rest day
    Oct 12: 75 minutes
    Oct 13: rest day
    Oct 14: 40 minutes
    Oct 15: 45 minutes
    Oct 16: 45 minutes
    Oct 17: 65 minutes
    Oct 19: 77 minutes
    Oct 20: 56 minutes
    Oct 21: 63 minutes

    978 minutes/1000
    Woot woot! Almost there!
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    just joined this challenge--
    here is the status so far
    10/1 60 m spin
    10/2 54 m run
    10/3 45 min circuit training
    10/4 65 m spinn
    10/5 80 run/yoga
    10/6 45 m spin
    10/7 60 m yamuna body rolling
    10/8 60 m spin
    10/9 116 m cycling/yoga
    10/10 45 m circuit training
    10/11 105 m spin / yamuna body rolling
    10/12 80m run / yoga
    10/13 50 m spin
    10/15 331 m cycling (100k)
    10/16 156 m spin
    10/17 50 m circuit training
    10/18 49 m spin
    10/19 60 m run
    10/20 50 m spin
    1561 minutes so far
  • Oct 12/ 30 mins (ellipitical)
    60 mins (walking)
    oct 13/ 30 mins (ellipitical)
    60 mins( walking)

    Oct 16 160mins. (cleaningl)
    Oct 17 32 mins (ellipitical_
    60 mins (walking)

    Oct 18 60 mins (walking)
    10 mins (situps)

    Oct 19 60 mins (walking)
    12 mins (ellipitical)

    Oct 20 60 mins (walking)
    Oct 21 60 mins (walking)
    11 mins (ellipitical)
    Oct 22 60 mins (walking)
    20 mins (running up/down stairs)

  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    October 1000 minutes challenge:

    10/01/11 180 minutes (60 calisthenics, 120 stationary nike)
    10/02/11 120 minutes (stationary bike)
    10/03/11 120 minutes (30 stationary bike, 90 walking at lake)
    10/04/11 195 minutes (90 stationary bike, 105 walking at lake)
    10/05/11 90 minutes (stationary bike)
    10/06/11 150 minutes (90 stationary bike, 60 calisthenics)
    10/07/11 90 minutes (stationary bike)
    10/08/11 150 minutes (90 stationary bike, 60 calisthenics)
    10/09/11 90 minutes (walking)
    10/10/11 60 minutes (treadmill)
    10/11/11 150 minutes (stationary bike, calisthenics, walk/run)
    10/12/11 150 minutes (c25k w1d2, calisthenics and stationary bike)
    10/13/11 90 minutes (jog, stationary bike)
    10/14/11 150 minutes (walk, stationary bike)
    10/15/11 150 minutes (c25k, stationary bike, calisthenics)
    10/16/11 120 minutes (calisthenics, stationary bike)
    10/17/11 240 minutes (calisthenics, stationary bike, walk/run)
    10/18/11 150 minutes (calisthenics, c25k, stationary bike, walk)
    10/19/11 210 minutes (calisthenics, stationary bike, walk)
    10/20/11 240 minutes (c25k, calisthenics, stationary bike, walking)
    10/21/11 60 minutes (walking)
    10/22/11 159 minutes (5k, calisthenics, stationary bike)

  • Starting late in the game but im liking the challenge.
    oct 22. 70minutes brisk walking around this hilly town:)
    looking forward to starting october
  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    just joined this challenge--
    here is the status so far
    10/1 60 m spin
    10/2 54 m run
    10/3 45 min circuit training
    10/4 65 m spinn
    10/5 80 run/yoga
    10/6 45 m spin
    10/7 60 m yamuna body rolling
    10/8 60 m spin
    10/9 116 m cycling/yoga
    10/10 45 m circuit training
    10/11 105 m spin / yamuna body rolling
    10/12 80m run / yoga
    10/13 50 m spin
    10/15 331 m cycling (100k)
    10/16 156 m spin
    10/17 50 m circuit training
    10/18 49 m spin
    10/19 60 m run
    10/20 50 m spin
    10/22 108 min spin, shred and yoga
    1669 minutes so far
  • 92 minutes cycling: 1737/1000
  • Oct 22

    Feel soooo good

    90 minutes hot yoga
    40 minutes walking
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    10/17 75 min ashtanga yoga
    10/18 33 min running (3 miles), 75 min flow 2 yoga
    10/19 90 min flow 1 yoga
    10/20 22 min running (2 miles), 90 min deep stretch yoga
    10/21 75 min flow 1 yoga
    10/22 52 minutes of Run For Your Lives 5K/obstacle course/don't get caught by a zombie - I survived with one flag! :-D

    512 for the week, 1355 running total for the month. And today is a well-earned rest day. My ankles are soo sore from all of the hills yesterday.
  • LilSomethin
    LilSomethin Posts: 545 Member
    107 min on the treadmill (3 mile run/ 4 mile walk)
  • 60 minutes on the weight bench. 1797/1000
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    Oct 1: 65 minutes
    Oct 2: 46 minutes
    Oct 3: 80 minutes
    Oct 4-6 SICK. :(
    Oct 7: 105 minutes
    Oct 8: 67 minutes
    Oct 9: 64 minutes
    Oct 10: 85 minutes
    Oct 11: rest day
    Oct 12: 75 minutes
    Oct 13: rest day
    Oct 14: 40 minutes
    Oct 15: 45 minutes
    Oct 16: 45 minutes
    Oct 17: 65 minutes
    Oct 19: 77 minutes
    Oct 20: 56 minutes
    Oct 21: 63 minutes
    Oct 22: 81 minutes
    Oct 23: 91 minutes

    1150 minutes/1000
    Woot woot! I did it!
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    October 1000 minutes challenge:

    10/01/11 180 minutes (60 calisthenics, 120 stationary nike)
    10/02/11 120 minutes (stationary bike)
    10/03/11 120 minutes (30 stationary bike, 90 walking at lake)
    10/04/11 195 minutes (90 stationary bike, 105 walking at lake)
    10/05/11 90 minutes (stationary bike)
    10/06/11 150 minutes (90 stationary bike, 60 calisthenics)
    10/07/11 90 minutes (stationary bike)
    10/08/11 150 minutes (90 stationary bike, 60 calisthenics)
    10/09/11 90 minutes (walking)
    10/10/11 60 minutes (treadmill)
    10/11/11 150 minutes (stationary bike, calisthenics, walk/run)
    10/12/11 150 minutes (c25k w1d2, calisthenics and stationary bike)
    10/13/11 90 minutes (jog, stationary bike)
    10/14/11 150 minutes (walk, stationary bike)
    10/15/11 150 minutes (c25k, stationary bike, calisthenics)
    10/16/11 120 minutes (calisthenics, stationary bike)
    10/17/11 240 minutes (calisthenics, stationary bike, walk/run)
    10/18/11 150 minutes (calisthenics, c25k, stationary bike, walk)
    10/19/11 210 minutes (calisthenics, stationary bike, walk)
    10/20/11 240 minutes (c25k, calisthenics, stationary bike, walking)
    10/21/11 60 minutes (walking)
    10/22/11 159 minutes (5k, calisthenics, stationary bike)
    10/23/11 150 minutes (calisthenics, walking)

  • cuatesmom
    cuatesmom Posts: 173 Member
    just joined this challenge--
    here is the status so far
    10/1 60 m spin
    10/2 54 m run
    10/3 45 min circuit training
    10/4 65 m spinn
    10/5 80 run/yoga
    10/6 45 m spin
    10/7 60 m yamuna body rolling
    10/8 60 m spin
    10/9 116 m cycling/yoga
    10/10 45 m circuit training
    10/11 105 m spin / yamuna body rolling
    10/12 80m run / yoga
    10/13 50 m spin
    10/15 331 m cycling (100k)
    10/16 156 m spin
    10/17 50 m circuit training
    10/18 49 m spin
    10/19 60 m run
    10/20 50 m spin
    10/22 108 min spin, shred and yoga
    10/23 67 m run

    1736 minutes so far
  • dinnae
    dinnae Posts: 28
    Just saw this now... and so cool! I wish I'd seen it before, but I'm in..

    And after totaling it all up:

    10/01 -
    10/02 rest day
    10/03 10 min walking
    10/04 10 min walking
    10/04 36 min wii fit
    10/05 15 min walking
    10/06 45 min walking
    10/07 15 min walking
    10/08 -
    10/09 rest day
    10/10 -
    10/11 10 min walking
    10/12 60 min walking/run
    10/12 40 min babywearing/housework
    10/13 90 min bellydancing
    10/13 10 min walking
    10/14 60 min walking
    10/15 60 min babywearing/housework
    10/16 rest day
    10/17 20 min FIRM Express dvd
    10/18 20 min FIRM Express dvd
    10/18 90 min walking/babywearing
    10/19 120 min walking
    10/20 20 min FIRM Express dvd
    10/20 90 min belly dancing class
    10/21 10 min FIRM Express dvd
    10/21 120 min walking/pushing stroller
    10/22 60 minutes walking/babywearing
    10/23 rest day

    TOTAL so far:

    1011/1000 minutes

    (it helps that I walk my son to and from school every day! :) )
  • Allijee
    Allijee Posts: 15
    23/11 - 25 min ( walk on beach )
    24/11 - 45min ( cycle , skipping , exercise and weight training )

    213 / 500min
  • Oct 12/ 30 mins (ellipitical)
    60 mins (walking)
    oct 13/ 30 mins (ellipitical)
    60 mins( walking)

    Oct 16 160mins. (cleaningl)
    Oct 17 32 mins (ellipitical_
    60 mins (walking)

    Oct 18 60 mins (walking)
    10 mins (situps)

    Oct 19 60 mins (walking)
    12 mins (ellipitical)

    Oct 20 60 mins (walking)
    Oct 21 60 mins (walking)
    11 mins (ellipitical)
    Oct 22 60 mins (walking)
    Oct 23 40 mins (ellipitical)