Hallelujah! Eat more to lose more - 100% converted

Wow. I was on WW for about five months - I lost ten pounds and then plateaued at 164 for what felt like a lifetime. I did some research, I read up on the "<3 support group for women eating 2000+ calories per day <3" message board, and I realized that I was eating far too few calories to fuel all the exercise I was getting each day. It was with ENORMOUS trepidation that I started eating more. Like, 1200 calories a day more. I was truly scared that I would gain weight and get stuck at an even higher plateau.

Well, HOLY CRAP! I'm 100% converted to eating more. It's been ten days and I'm down *six* pounds!! Nothing else out of the ordinary happened, no TOM water weight, no change in exercise, nothing. If you told me that this would happen with me eating up to 2600 calories a day, I would have laughed in your face. I feel AWESOME, and I really want to thank all the strong ladies on here who convinced me to lose my fear of eating and embrace what I earn by working up a hard sweat every day!

This is truly life-changing for me.


  • yeaforme
    That's exactly what happened to me on WW. At 162 I couldn't lose anymore. People kept telling me that it was my body saying it was at a good weight and to stop trying to lose. that is my biggest fear. I will get to 160 again and not be able to go any lower. So you increased calories at the plateau instead of cutting more? That's like the opposite of WW. Very interesting! Congratulations!
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I just switched to maintenance mode which upped my calories from 1300 to 1910 and that number freaked me out so I lowered to 1770. I am down another 4 pounds. I am nervous about eating 1910 a day but I want to stick with 1770 for a few more weeks and see how it goes.
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    Yay! We are so happy to have converted you! I hope to experience similar successes, and I hope more women on here read this and look through our other thread.

    Congrats! :flowerforyou:
  • WeighAhead
    WeighAhead Posts: 42 Member
    I have recently adopted this philosophy and it is working great for me too! It is really crazy to me that more people don't adopt this way of eating it is so much easier to maintain and there are fewer plateaus! I have seen multiple nutritionists now and none of them have ever thought eating more to lose weight is a good idea, I just don't agree it seems like common sense not to starve yourself!
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Thats great!!. I also wish others would realize that starving isn't the way to loose. I'm glad ur embracing a healthy lifestyle.
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    I have to admit...I've been looking through the thread you mentioned...and am one of the scared to convert! If anyone would like to look through my diary and give suggestions to move towards that goal or if I should be doing anything. I am 5'3 and between 122 and 124 lbs depending on the day. I cannot get to a gym ...nor do I own weights.

    Btw...Congrats on your loss and successes!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    I have recently adopted this philosophy and it is working great for me too! It is really crazy to me that more people don't adopt this way of eating it is so much easier to maintain and there are fewer plateaus! I have seen multiple nutritionists now and none of them have ever thought eating more to lose weight is a good idea, I just don't agree it seems like common sense not to starve yourself!

    I would have to agree with the nutritionists. Yes, you do have to eat at a deficit to lose. That's what they're saying (I assume, I wasn't there for the conversation :tongue: ).

    The thing is, when you're exercising so much, 2000+ calories IS a deficit. Does that make sense?
  • sweetxsour35
    It's hard to believe that eating more can lead to losing more. For 6 weeks I ate 1200 cals a day and 3 of those weeks, I lost nothing. I upped my goal to 1400 cals (I will throw in a cheat day every so often), and finally went under 189 lbs. Granted, it was barely a half lb, but it's only been three days, and my weight has been cycling between 189-192 for the longest time. Can't wait till the next weigh-in!
  • WeighAhead
    WeighAhead Posts: 42 Member

    Let me be more specific MFP calculated 2400 cals/day for me to lose 1 lb a week my nutritionist wanted me to eat 1800 cals. This is crazy to me that's 600 cals a day less than I eat now, and I am losing weight safely. And yes, in the past I have exercised however I have been unable to exercise for the past two weeks, and I am still losing weight!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member

    Let me be more specific MFP calculated 2400 cals/day for me to lose 1 lb a week my nutritionist wanted me to eat 1800 cals. This is crazy to me that's 600 cals a day less than I eat now, and I am losing weight safely. And yes, in the past I have exercised however I have been unable to exercise for the past two weeks, and I am still losing weight!

    I stand corrected then, haha. Good for you!
  • tracyolson23
    tracyolson23 Posts: 9 Member
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yay for another happy convert! :flowerforyou:
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    Working for me too!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Can I ask what your net calories are? I assume you are exercising quite a lot with this?
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Wooo hooo for real eaters! I don't see the point of starvation diets. I can't eat less then 1700 cals a day. Most days I eat 1900 to 2000 per day. I work out alot so I still have a deficit.
  • ysamatar
    ysamatar Posts: 484 Member
    I wil try to up my cal intake. Thanks for sharing.
  • arispawild
    I'm not sure if I could manage this. Opinions? I don't get to exercise much
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I'm not sure if I could manage this. Opinions? I don't get to exercise much

    The key is getting enough calories for your size, activity, and exercise level. I work out A LOT! So I need to eat to accordingly. 2000+ cals is not for everyone, esp if you are small and not very active. Its about not undereating. Calculate your activiy levels appropriately and set an appropriate calories deficit (i.e. 1200 cals is not appropriate if you have 10-15 lbs to lose, unless your BMR is really low)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    This post made my day :)

    I'm so glad to hear that our little thread helped you
