Over 200 new me part 53 (open group)



  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    So mstahl ... how did the appetizer go down last night?
    momma: My mother still has to 'mother' me too ... drives me nuts. I jokingly (and not so jokingly) ordered her out of my kitchen last weekend at my son's birthday party. When I'm around my mom I can sometimes appreciate how my daughter must feel - but my daughter is 17 and I'm 47! My dd and I got into it last night. Not only is she not swimming this month (long story - injury but also attitude), but she decided to sign up for only ONE day of work at her lifeguarding job. I had told her that if she wasn't swimming with her team we would expect her to work more - but apparently she missed that part of the conversation! So I told her last night that if she didn't sign up for at least 1 more day she would lose her car for everything but work. So she did sign up for just one more day but we got into a pretty huge blow up. She is completely out of any money she earned over the summer and borrowing from her friends to be able to go out with them. I've been trying not to give in and give her any money but I was stupid and gave her $10 this morning to go out for lunch today with a friend since they don't have school. I shouldn't have done it but I was feeling bad about our argument last night. Sometimes I don't like being mom to a teenage girl - it's hard to do the right things. :cry:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good an hour of step
    water: not so good
    proud: I got back on track after a few bad days ... hopefully I can get the scale at least back where I was last Friday

    I can so relate. I raised 3 teenage girls and it was the hardest part of my life thus far! They are now in their 20's and still "not getting it" that is, what life, responsibility and independence is all about. Hugs to you! :)
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Oh, today has been much better than the last three! My goal for today was TO EAT NO CAKE! I succeeded! Boyfriend and kids need to hurry up and get it gone! Because I've been so over in calories this week, and because it made me feel terrible, I planned to eat very lightly today. Cereal for breakfast, salad and yogurt for lunch, tilapia and squash for dinner. I'm below in calories today, but below in water too, and I can feel it! For exercise though, the kids, boyfriend and I played some basketball after my daughter's practice tonight. Lots of fun! I'm so proud of myself for sticking to my plan today. I almost want to fill in my food log the night before, so that I plan what I'm going to eat and will be less likely to stray :)

    Great job and you should be proud! Having a great day of discipline is how we are going to get to our goals!!!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Today, I did great with everything..........however the water nemesis is back again! After two days of doing 8 glasses, I managed 4 glasses today. Today was my off day for exercise, but tomorrow, I am back to exercising again.

    Today I am proud that I am down to 233.8, when I started the week at 236.6. Still debating my goal weight.....(yes I am thinking about that.....), once I get to Onederland, I will access that goal.

    In unrelated news....it was 50 degrees this morning in Florida! Seriously! Somebody better get some sunshine and heat here fast!

    WTG!!! You bypassed your 234 hopes! So happy for you!
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    This has prob been the best week of the whole 7 years that I have been battling bad eating habits, working through fibromyalgia pain and trying to lose the weight that I have put on. The only thing that I can contribute this to is that all of the bad eating habits are slowly being recognized, dealt with (sometimes wrestling with them for months and months) and finally defeated. I am so thankful for learning what I have on this journey.

    Hopes for today: To have one more day of successful eating, logging and working out.


    Under Cals - Yes, thanks to workout bonus!
    Water - 9 glasses - Excellent!
    Exercise - 40-45 mins of Just Dance 2 (Just Sweat)

    Proud - To have accomplished another day of doing it right and not needing dinner to be the grand finale of the day
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Melinda, yikes!! I'm afraid my husband is going to do the same thing to the greyhound that always picks fights and doesn't listen well.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning and Happy Friday!

    Last night's four mile run with the ladies from the running club was awesome. They pushed me to my fastest mile yet, a 10:02! I love running with the group because they make me run faster than I would do on my own and I definitely need that to improve my running. At one point, we were running a sub 9 pace and for the first time in running, I thought my legs were actually going to collapse from under me. It gave me hope that I can actually run a sub 30 minute 5k some day!

    Afterward, I was mentally pumped up but physically drained. I slept like a log and considering how the cats were taking over the ENTIRE bed, I think they thought I was dead. They looked surprised when I woke up and started talking to them.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Probably on target
    Water: 104 oz.
    Exercise: Awesome 4 mile run!
    Proud: That I pushed as hard as I could in running last night. The weather was perfect, too, at 50 degrees and clear. Great night for a run (we use our headlamps).
  • Tinkerbella831
    I am so joining this group. I need this support and motivation.
  • Tinkerbella831
    Down 1.8 weigh in at 199.4 on Monday and today 197.6 yes!. I am so proud that I stayed on plan yesterday and did not sabotage my process. Yes I am my own destruction:frown: .

    (This is information from yesterday Thursday, October 20,2011)
    Calories:1293 under 157

    Goal: Drink Water & get at least 3 day of exercise.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hi Tinkerbella, nice to meet you. WTG on the weight loss front.

    Shelle, good job! It is a one day at a time kinda battle. I imagine it never ends. I have a very thin sister who likes to eat as much as I do. The difference she only allows her self to do it occasionally and makes sure she burns the bad stuff.

    My goal was 2 pounds for the week. I was getting close then I get on the scale and I was back up from the weight I was Wed. So my official weigh in is .6 pound yes a little more than 1/2. I am retaining water so I may drink my water and weigh again tomorrow.

    So here it is( hope you don't mind Tinker I am posting your weight loss with percentage)

  • Tinkerbella831
    Momma24 That is find I was trying to figure out how to get the percentage.
  • ehlertmartha
    I am Def. what do we need to do to stay in the group and stay connected
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    ehlertmartha, welcome! We try to post as often as we can. We do not have any requirements. We however do encourage you posting how you did calorie wise, water, and exercise. We also like to see a post about why you are proud of yourself each day.

    The swelling in my hands went down so I jumped on the scale and it read 2 pounds exactly less than last week. I knew it was water because Wed. I was showing a lower weight than this morning.

    YAYAYAYAYAYAAY I met my 2 pound goal.....................
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member

    Nothing for me this week - actually I'm up from last week but I'm not going to move my ticker or count the gain as I'm 98% sure it's not a real gain :)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Momma - GREAT JOB ON YOUR LOSS! :love: :flowerforyou:

    Tinkerbella - your user name will always read 'TinkerBalla' to me thanks to The Gild !

    ehlertmartha - this is an example of how we try to check in every day...

    Checking in for Thursday:
    Calories - Over by about 100 which isn't bad for my Thursdays! (that's including my exercise calories)
    Water - OK not doing great on this...
    Exercise - I swam for about an hour!

    Proud - I knew I was going to eat a lot at dinner last night (and I did!) and I was really good about not snacking too much during the day! I'm also proud of my swim workout. Everyone at the pool just swims regular laps so when I do stuff to learn the right technique, like doing somersault in the swim lane to learn how to do flip turns, or swim with my training snorkel on so I learn to keep my head down - I feel like people are staring or laughing at me. Especially since I can't swim even half as good as they do. I'm sure that they don't REALLY care but I still feel like a dork and look ridiculous in my swim-cap/bald-cap thing! ugh!:grumble:

    EDITED - to add that last night I made Hmong Larb or Laab (we pronounce it laup) ground meat with lemon grass, green onion, cilantro, lime juice and ground roasted rice (uncooked rice, toasted and ground to a grit), chili peppers and it's usually served with sticky rice but I didn't make any. Instead of using venison like I usually do, I used ground chicken... or... technically ground up rooster. I served it with cabbage leaves for wraps, and Greek yogurt for a sause... it was a hit and I didn't have any issues with eating the pet. The mixture of spices helped I'm sure! :noway:

    Julie- Ken is STILL upset over the death of Sirius... I hunt deer and then cry when I kill one but at least I don't name them first!

    I didn't make it into the gym this AM, so I'm planning on adding an extra trip in tomorrow AM to swim again. I'm far more worried about the swim leg of the triathlon than any other!

    If you have a second - go check out my Triathlon page!!! http://pages.teamintraining.org/vtnt/anttry12/SquibGirl
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Momma way to kick those two pounds! You ARE doing great.

    Mstahl if I lived near you you would have had two more for dinner...the blend of flavors sound devine.

    ehlertmartha jump on in and chat, it's not usually this quiet. We are a busy group of women.

    I think somebody must be busy with a new baby, someone else must be in the honeymoon bliss. Everyone else will have to account for themselves. Where is everybody??? I was missing yesterday because the mouse on my computer quite working. Made a trip to the library to log in and the system there ran soooo slow. Tried logging in on my phone (total operator error). Been gone all day today so here we go. I'm going to bow out of the weigh in today. Actually I don't want to put up numbers until I'm back to the weight I was. It is really aggrivating that I am taking off the same pounds. But I think we all can relate.

    Water: yes
    Calories: NO
    Exercise: yes Took a bike ride and the red leaves are the most vibrant deep fall colors now. So lovely!
    Proud: That when I was given an Ice Cream cone (supposedly a single scoop, who came up with 1/2 cup as a serving anyway, I mean that is just a taste. Anyway much bigger than a small scoop) proud that I didn't consume the 5 gallon bucket it was scooped out of.

    Water: yes
    Calories: yes
    Esercise: yes walking walking walking
    Proud: I am past letting lifes stresses being so dibilitaing.

    May you each have an enjoyable weekend.
  • annasgyal
    annasgyal Posts: 1,692 Member
    So my weigh in for today: I started the week at 236.6 and today my weight is 233.4, for a total weight loss of 3.2 pounds! Finally under 234.....My total percentage is 1.35%! I will take that.

    Plus I smashed my water goal today! Tomorrow is Saturday, gonna see how well I do with the water.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Sorry girls I haven't posted in a few days because I have been deathly ill with the flu!! I have had it for about 3 days now and am still not completely over it but I feel much better today besides all the coughing!! I have lost 2 pounds this week but I am not counting it because I believe its from not being able to eat for the past 3 days so I will check my weight next week.So proud of all of you !! Everyone is doing great
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Fridays weighin - 244.8

    Well, yesterday ended up being a bust. I did great all day but ran out of energy to cook. So for the first time in like ages we went out to eat and that was my big mistake. I ate bad choices and then munched at home.

    So today is lots of water, workout, eat very light choices and undo what was done yesterday.

    Calories: Nope! Horrible!
    Water: Yes but drowned by calories
    Exercise: Mowed lawn for 40 mins but only counting 30
    Proud: The I no longer like eating out and would rather eat healthy and at home. BIG accomplishment!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Yay Shelle that is something to be proud of.

    Wow annasgyal that is a good number for the week good for you!

    Ann, hope you feel better.

    Snowflakes, I am re losing34 of the 44 pounds I lost in 2009. I decided to start over. So I restarted my ticker to reflect the weight I was in 2011. I kinda want to put my original weight as my starter weight just so I can see something more on my ticker. I am going to wait until my ticker reads 34 pounds lost then I will.

    Melinda the Thursday night dinners you have always make me hungry.

    I must confess the hubby and I went out to Chinese. We only had one child home last night. As you know my eldest is away at college, the highschooler went on a youth retreat and the youngest girl was at a slumber party. So our baby boy who is 6years old was home with us. He ended up sleeping in our bed and made me so exhausted because he tossess and turns. But this morning someone was kissing my face to wake me up.:love::love: :love: and then trying to put my glasses on and convince me that the sun came up. :heart: My little man:heart: . Oh ya my husband was there too.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    How cute momma24! That is adorable! I have a grandbaby girl that is going on 2 and she is the love of our life! I can't imagine her being 6 and the cute things she will do. Good for you!