

  • mariahhatfield
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I try to not eat after 8PM, but with my school and athletics schedule, it's very difficult. I've been really trying to follow the rule: If you're hungry, then eat. So, if I get home at 10PM and I'm hungry, then I eat. If not, I try not to unless I have an immense amount of calories left for the day. (I don't want to eat too little)
  • mariahhatfield
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    My breakfast and dinner are usually my biggest meals. Well, breakfast is my biggest meal when it comes to the amount of food, but dinner usually has more calories. Other than that, my lunch is small, and I have three snacks: mid afternoon, late afternoon, and evening.

    I am trying to only eat when I'm hungry. Before, I would eat when bored, or just whenever I felt was a good time to eat.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I eat no matter what time it is. I haven't tried to not eat past a certain time so I have no idea if I would lose more or not if I did.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    Where's the Thursday question?
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    I am eating 6 meals a day now. I never use to eat breakfast and I could go until about 11 or 12 without eating and be fine, longer if I had to. I would eat 2 meals a day and lots of ~looks around and whispers~ c a n d y all day long. When I started the weight loss program, I was told that not feeling hungry is NOT a good thing and it was a sign of my metabolism being slow. Then we made my new eating habit style arrangements.

    I must have really shocked my body because now I am ready to eat about every 2 to 3 hours. My stomach is my toddler mini-me now. When my stomach starts to show signs of hunger, I feel like it's a 2 y/o tugging on my shirt with puppy eyes telling me how STARVING it is and it's going to DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE if I don't feed her! (That's when it shows signs of hunger). I eat pretty much when my stomach tells me it's time to eat. And I rarely allow myself to get really HUNGRY.

    So all of that is definitely a change in my lifestyle. That and WHAT I eat has changed drastically for the better!

    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    I don't really watch the time I eat too closely. I know that breakfast or a snack needs to be within an hour of waking up. And I try to get my calories in by dinnertime. Normally around 7pm. I may have some coffee and crackers after that, but for the most part, I don't find myself really hungry after dinner....
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    No, I do not have a cut off. I was told I need to have my last meal in by 7-8pm. But, sometimes it could be 9-10p. And, no I have not noticed weight difference because of my late meals, whether it made a difference or not is a mystery.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I guess no Thursday QOTD????
    When are we starting the mini challenge?
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Missing Thursday and Friday QOTD...... :sad:
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    Who's turn is it for Thursday and Friday QOTD? I hope everyone decides to stay active in this challenge. You guys are the ones that is keeping me accountable :smile: I will check back later. Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Terri
  • tessacope2
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: It's not my turn for QOTD, but I'll fill in for the team! How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    I live in Florida. Our summers are really hot and it's too unbearable to workout in the heat. I'm stuck in a gym for a good 4 months! The temp finally cooled off this week, and it makes me want to get outside! Go for a bike ride along the beach, walk in the neighborhood, play soccer with my niece, run a 5K. I love this time of year!! I'm counting the minutes until the work week is over so I can enjoy the beautiful weather. Time to pump up the air in my bicycle tires! Have a great weekend MFP Stars!
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: It's not my turn for QOTD, but I'll fill in for the team! How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    thanks for filling in!

    as i live in england we are getting to the point of not having any seasons!! lol. we have a few hot days then it breaks and we have rain or wind so it really depends day to day. i like to swim alot and walk to or from work and i have decided that monday is going to be my first ( 'try' ) day back at the gym.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: It's not my turn for QOTD, but I'll fill in for the team! How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    I really don't workout outside on extreme whether. I live in Texas and if I don't have to, I don't even go outside in the middle of July and August. Especially in the middle of the day. I usually use the treadmill or I will jump rope inside the house. I also run myself thin sometimes instead of walk myself thin. (Leslie Sansone)
  • nenabug
    nenabug Posts: 156
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    My workouts don't change for the seasons because I tend to workout only indoors to DVD's or an Eliptical. I tend to walk a TON more once the weather cools off. We used to live in Phoenix, so the heat kept my walking to a minimum. Now living in Texas, it hasn't been as hot as PHX so we walk all over the place. Now that it's cooling off to a "fall" we walk even more. We just try to be as active as we can. My knees limit some of the things we can do, but we work around it.

    Good question and thanks for filling in!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    I live in a moderate area so it doesn't have to change much other than that I have to work out later in the evening in the summer or earlier in the morning.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?
    Sadly here lately I have no routine. I keep my grandson and when it is pretty and warm out we walk - we can walk at the mall if it is not but it is so hard to pack up and go there so I have been lazy. Really need to get in a groove.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    Thanks for posting a question...

    I live in Southern California and so I am blessed that I can work out outside year round. We do get hot weather and cold, but mostly somewhere in between. that said, I tend to walk more in the summer (i am inclined to do anything where I can get a tan), so I walk/jog the lakes around here or hike. During the winter I prefer to go to the gym cause its dark and scary outside, unless my husband will walk with me.... I love the elliptical and treadmill, but I mostly like Zumba and dance classes.

    have a great night!
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    If I had a workout routine right now, I don't think it would change with the seasons. When I worked it did, but now that I am home I would like to work out around my daughter's nap time or early in the morning, so the darkness doesn't change that.
  • luvmybee
    luvmybee Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Girls,
    I'm really struggling staying on track. I am ashamed to admit this, but I think I'm now down only a pound or so since the start of this challenge. We had a diffiicult doctor's appointment for my daughter yesterday and it was very hard to take. I'm so stressed out and worried all of the time. But I know that I need to get myself healthy. I will not drop out of this challenge and I am benefitting from it, even if it doesn't show on the scale. I am learning from you guys, gaining ideas, and getting in the right mindset. I'm also tracking my food and watching my eating and the scale isn't going up at least. So I need to stop feeling guilty about not losing, and just feel happy that i'm at least trying, right?
  • mariahhatfield
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    - I've been craving butterfinger in ice cream, and sour cream and cheddar chips. It's made this really hard, but you guys help keep me going (:
  • 6eighteen11
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    In the summer and winter when it's either too hot or too cold to be outside, I stick to my basement and either do DVD workouts or elliptical. When the weather is right, though, I LOVE to bike.