

    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    In the summer and winter when it's either too hot or too cold to be outside, I stick to my basement and either do DVD workouts or elliptical. When the weather is right, though, I LOVE to bike.

  • 6eighteen11
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    French fries! And I have absolutely no idea why, because I wasn't a big french fry person to begin with. I've been buying my own potatoes and cooking them as healthily as possible at home, though, instead of going through a drive-thru somewhere and really giving in.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    Not as much as usual. I use to HAVE to have a chocolate and a coke at least once before my period started, but not anymore.
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: It's not my turn for QOTD, but I'll fill in for the team! How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    The change of seasons, so far have not changed my routine at all. My trainer still have us run even though its much cooler. (Hot or Cold)

    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    Pizza! If its not chocolate its pizza. I do not know why it is just what I want when I miss a meal or feeling sorry for myself. I havn't cheated with burgers and fries it been pizza. And this month its the spinach and feta pizza from dominos. ):
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    Mine doesn't really change, but that's because I go to a gym, so I don't have to make any accommodations for the weather. I have noticed that there is a spurt of activity there after holidays, at the beginning of school, at the new year, etc.... So, I do have to make changes to my routines for a couple of weeks out of the year because there are so many people in the gym.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    Yes, I crave salty foods!!!! Salt = water weight and its a constant battle!

    I love this group and an very happy to be part of it!
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    I do have various cravings, but mostly just for pizza and chocolate. But I don't look at this as a diet, but more a lifestyle change. So, if I want pizza, I have it. I figure that if I deprive myself of things, I am only going to fail in this in the long run. Although I do eat foods that aren't considered "diet" foods, I do keep them to a minimum, fit them in my calories, and work a little harder at the gym. So I have cravings, but I think that is only natural.maybe I could lose even more weight if I didn't eat the things I crave, but I keep myself sane doing it. And hey, I am down a total of 42 lbs since last January, and only 9 from my goal, so something is working. :)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: Are you a person who naturally eats small meals throughout the day or do you prefer a couple larger meals (and maybe a smaller meal or a snack)? Are you changing your eating habits as part of your attempts to lose weight?

    -- What I eat and when varies. Some days I am feeling "snack-y" and will eat small meals throughout the day. Other days I either don't feel like eating at certain times, don't have time or the money to snack all day, or am saving calories for a larger meal (like if I know I am going out to eat for lunch or dinner). I basically eat what I want when I want as long as I eat within my calories - I also try to stay within my macros, but I do not stress if I am a little over or under (depending on the category).

    10/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    -- I do not prescribe to the type of thinking that you can only eat certain times of the day. I occasionally eat breakfast, but sometimes I don't. I often eat a late night, but sometimes I don't. Basically, if I am hungry, I eat. If I am not, I don't. Usually my evening fast is around 10 to 12 hours -- whether that is from midnight to noon or 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., all depends on the day.

    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: It's not my turn for QOTD, but I'll fill in for the team! How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    -- Honestly, I don't know yet. This is the first time I have ever (yes, EVER) had a workout routine. I am hoping to be able to keep up with my Zumba classes at least. I have recently had fantasies of being that runner who you see out in the dead of winter or the hottest day of the summer, but I have let my running go by the wayside over the last month. I suppose we shall see!

    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    -- Funnily enough I do NOT crave chocolate...ever (yes, I don't like it at all (hate peanut butter and nuts worse I don't really have strong cravings for much. I allow myself to eat things moderately on a regular basis. If I want ice cream, I eat it, but a moderate portion. If I want bread, I eat it, but, again, a moderate portion. The same with pasta, chips, or any other sweet or indulgent item. If it fits in my caloric goal for the day, and I want it, I eat it. I try to mold my macro intake around it as well, but don't stress over the fat or sugar or sodium if it is only for a day. My primary concern is the calories -- macros are secondary. So far this has not been an issue in my weight loss.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?
    BREAD - that is my biggest weakness! I love it and if I cave it is ALWAYS to a carb! :(
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    Surprisingly I haven't had a lot of trouble with this - I think its because I don't cut any particular food out of my diet, and I allot myself a LOT of calories (I have 1680 /day before exercise - thats at the expense of losing quickly of course) so I can eat nearly anything I want in moderation.

    The one thing I THOUGHT I would have trouble with is bread, but its not something we keep around the house normally anyway and then at restaurants where it is served in baskets I am VERY aggressively careful with it. I'll wait until after I've placed my order to even take a piece at all, I eat my piece slowly, and I almost NEVER let myself have a second one. I try to time it so my food will arrive shortly after I finish my one piece of bread.

    The one thing I've occasionally struggled with is pastries/cookies. The other day I wanted something SO BAD and unlike all other food a single pastry at panera or corner bakery is like 450 calories. There's no way to work that into my diet and ALSO eat food with some nutrition and protein so I never get them but I have certainly had a moment or two where Ihad to fight it like crazy.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    To be honest, I get more lazy when it gets colder outside. I need to find a happy medium to keep me going all the time.
  • tartz66
    tartz66 Posts: 75 Member
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    I have always struggled with sweets in general. I wont even discuss how bad I was last night. LOL....
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    110/19 Wednesday Question of the Day: Do you cut off your eating at a certain time of night? Do you find that if you do, you lose more weight, or that it doesn't matter?

    Yes I do find that I lose more weight when I cut off eating a minimum of 3 hours before bed time. Has not been too easy to stick to the last couple of weeks due to a crazy work schedule but I plan to hit the ground running tomorrow.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: It's not my turn for QOTD, but I'll fill in for the team! How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    I mix indoor and outdoor activities whenever possible. Love the great outdoors. Cold weather drives me inside exclusively.
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    Stress makes me crave carbs and don't even get me started on peanut butter!
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Mfpstarschallenge posted on her wall: Sorry I've been MIA. I'm celebrating my birthday weekend in Atlantic City. Can I get 2 volunteers to post the QOTD for Thursday and Friday? If anyone needs a reminder of their day to post the dates are in the latest thread in the team list. Thanks! Enjoy your weekend:)

    THURSDAY Oct 20 QOTD: What is your favorite go to on the go snack?

    I love celery and baby carrots. Of course rice cakes (big and minis) make a good snack too and you can not go wrong with an apple.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    THURSDAY Oct 20 QOTD: What is your favorite go to on the go snack?

    I have these yummy crunchy granola bars I eat if I don't have time (or I forget to pack) for breakfast/lunch. They are only 190 calories for 2 of them and I find them filling. They probably aren't the healthiest choice, but considering that if I didn't eat them I would drive through McDonalds, they are plenty healthy! LOL

    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    I'm not really sure yet what is going to happen this winter as it will be my first winter while working out. I will still have to walk my dog every day no matter how cold it is so there is that! I guess if it's 30 below out I will give her a quick walk to go potty and then eiher go to the YMCA on the track or I will go on the elliptical at home.

    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    Every single day I crave candy bars and chips and fast food. Most days I have at least a little something of one of those. If I didn't I would never continue.
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    sweets, chocolate and diet coke!! these are my weaknesses - although i am doing ok with them at the moment and just having them in moderation.
  • RhondaLeeRoss
    THURSDAY Oct 20 QOTD: What is your favorite go to on the go snack?

    Either Fibre One Bar, or Nature Valley Peanut, or Oatmeal to Go bar.

    Friday, 10/21 QOTD: How does your workout routine change with the change of seasons?

    Well since starting August 1st my workout routine has not changed because I'm always in the basement come rain or shine. I will admit though, I do NOT walk out in the cold or rain!

    Saturday, 10/22 QOTD: Have you guys had any strong cravings (other than the usual chocolate) that have made this hard to deal with?

    French fries, pizza, cookies, etc.....still having a hard time saying NO! Where is that magic button!?!?!?
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    THURSDAY Oct 20 QOTD: What is your favorite go to on the go snack?

    Natures Valley Oats and Honey Granola bars is my go to snack with I am eating healthy, and Hersheys with almonds when I am not eating healthy and I really need a pick me up.