Christmas Challenge 2011-Chit Chat



  • Wow! Yoy've lost so much! Great news! Every pound counts!
  • Well, first congratualtions on the weight lost already! I am new to the site, but not new to trying to lose weight. You fall of a vagon, you get up and keep going....It is not easy at all -but, from my experience, setting smaller goals helps.

    I think any movement on your part, any exercise, including walking, will benefit your body. Perhaps you can try setting very small fitness goals and increase them? For instance - you can decide on certain days you will only walk 30 minutes. Just 30 minutes. On other days - you can do 45; and once a week - you can set a goal of walking for 1 hr.

    I had to quit my gym membership - and made a decision to walk/run most days of t he week. i also do wall, table push-ups, and squats (yes, at work!). Every bit helps!

    Also, I found of one the MFP member-written blogs highly beneficial; you might want to read a bit:

    good luck!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Woo-Hoo down just over 1 pound. First loss in a while!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Great job everyone!

    Last week both of my grandparents passed away, so I missed weigh-in and I've only had a teensy loss since two weeks ago. It's been a long week, but I've been able to keep much better control of emotional eating and I'm ready to get back on track. My goal is still attainable, but I need to re-focus.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your grandparents! My prayers are with you.
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    Still 204. No change. If I don't soon get something going there will be no way to meet my goal.
  • I've had a calorie-loaded week but in better news, I still feel some success - I've come to a realization that maybe it really did finally "click" for me and that I've now made a lifestyle change versus a temporary change of heart. I'm back here and STILL ready to tackle my weight loss head on. A short vacation didn't lead me to guilty feelings or giving up on weight loss altogether - for once, I feel like I can say that it hasn't set me back or put me off my game. I'll weigh in on the spread sheet first thing in the morning. :D
  • Yep, same as last week. So disappointed!!!! According to my calories & exercise, I should have lost, so i feel like I totally wasted a week! I'm off this week so I am hitting the gym every single day. Hopefully that will jump start something!

    Congrats to everyone with losses! For the rest of us, hopefully next week will be better!

    This happens to me allot... don't get discouraged. One day you are gonna step on the scale and be down 5 pounds at once! It's weird how it happens but it has happened to me several times. No loss for two weeks then 5 in one week. Keep ya head up,,, you got this!
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Yep, same as last week. So disappointed!!!! According to my calories & exercise, I should have lost, so i feel like I totally wasted a week! I'm off this week so I am hitting the gym every single day. Hopefully that will jump start something!

    Congrats to everyone with losses! For the rest of us, hopefully next week will be better!

    This happens to me allot... don't get discouraged. One day you are gonna step on the scale and be down 5 pounds at once! It's weird how it happens but it has happened to me several times. No loss for two weeks then 5 in one week. Keep ya head up,,, you got this!

    Thanks, Cassandra! That makes me feel a lot better! I hope a see a good drop by the end of the week...I will keep working my butt off to give me the best possible chance of that happening! :) I hope you're having a good week!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    Down 2lbs this week...didnt think I was gonna see a change but sooo very happy I did... I need to walk more and do some strength training but my gym is only resistance training(Curves). I am losing weight in a fast pace, at least I think so after seeing how much weight people lose and I know its because I am so if this keeps up I really need to start doing toning exercises much to do...and I will make time for everything....:wink:
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I know it's not weigh in day but I just wanted to mention how proud I'm feeling of this group. So many people are working so hard to get healthy and change their lives, it's inspiring :heart:

    Great job to everyone recording losses and hang in there for those who haven't lost!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I have been a little MIA because I was in San Diego on vacation. It was amazing. But I ate A TON of delicious food! And I am literally SCARED to get on the scale. But on the bright side, I saw this very inspirational documentary about fruit/vegetable JUICING. I ordered my first juicer that will be here tomorrow! If anyone is interested and has Netflix its called "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"

    It was so inspirational and my boyfriend and I are going to attempt to "Reboot" so I am hoping to break the bad habits and reset my body!

    Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    132.8 this week (from 141.8 start!). 9lbs down through this challenge so far! It's amazing how accountability makes me more motivated, thanks guys:) It seems like I lose every other week but I'll take it!
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    Oh Crap! Just more Used Horse Manure! I had my first vacation in 11 years last week - 10 days in Hawaii. Decided I wasn't going to worry about weight, we would be doing TONS of walking and biking and active stuff. We had a BLAST! However, when I got on the scale last night, I was UP by SIX pounds! This is just Craptastic! It takes me 5 months to lose 8 pounds, and only 10 days to gain most of it back! Sigh. So, I am back on the bandwagon today, and am determined not to let these pesky pounds back into my life! Maybe I can sweat off some of these ### before out Sunday weigh in!
  • Great job everyone!!!! I am in a pickle! I have lost weight but don't know how much! My scale is malfunctioning. It is really off! I've stepped on the scale at home about 3 different times in 30 sec. My scale read from 199 to 193 all in a matter of 30 sec (stepped on it back to back). I always keep it in the same spot and weigh at the same time of day. Now, the scales at my doctor's office and my gym both read 193 back to back. This is so frustrating!!!! My start weight is based on my scale.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    WTG everyone! We made another week, tomorrow's weigh in.....let's hope for some good losses :smile:
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Well, I had a fantastic week and looked all set to meet a pound down by today... and then yesterday happened. Actually, it started Friday night when I decided a on a rice/beef/butter/soy laden teppanyaki dinner of 1000 calories+. Not unexpectedly, the sodium (...and extra calories) stuck with me and I was that pound back up yesterday morning, but figured I'd drink plenty and it would probably be back down today. Which should have been the case, except I ended up eating over twice my calorie goal and now I'm .6 UP this week instead of a pound down. :sad:

    My first thought was to not even post and just pretend it didn't happen, come back next week and hopefully be back down but I'm holding myself accountable for the first time in my life and ignoring it isn't an option. So I'll admit to my day and a half lapse in judgment, wait for the sodium to leave my body and hopefully take a little weight with it, and accept some of this increase is due to my bad habits.

    On the bright side, I feel so sick to my stomach from all the fatty foods I ate yesterday I don't think sticking to my goal today and getting back on the wagon will be a problem :sick:
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Jingoace-- I HEAR YOU!!! I just got back from a vacation in San Diego, and not only did I gain, but I am back up to higher than I've been in MONTHS! Very disheartening.

    Splackk- Its great that your being accountable. And I know its tough when you have a few bad days, and repeated mistakes, but that is what we are trying to change! So now that you reported it to the group, you have a clean slate and move on
  • queen263
    queen263 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm back from Vegas and 2 weeks out from my 5 lb. gain while there!! I didn't feel defeated, I was just determined to get it off. I was also stuck with only 2 lbs. down weekly, which is great, except I have so much to lose and I wanted to see more weight loss. I reconfigured my calories and lost 5 lbs. this week!! I'm excited. Hopefully I will have the same success next week. Have a great week everyone!!
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Well I'm at 176 this week. I'm bummed because I was hoping to at least get down to 175 today, or a little more to make up for last week! The scale dropped to 174.4 on Wed & Thurs but it slowly went up by today! I know I'm doing the right things so I don't know why I've slowed down so much. I will just keep it up next week & hope for better results!
  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 333 Member
    I'm in! Challenges help me to keep focus through a crazy time.

    Week 5 (10/23)- 221
    Week 6 (10/30)-
    Week 7 (11/6)-
    Week 8 (11/13)-
    Week 9 (11/20)-
    Week 10 (11/27)-
    Week 11 (12/4)-
    Week 12 (12/11)-
    Week 13 (12/18)-
    Week 14 (12/25)-

    Goal weight- 209
    NWG (non weight goal)- move more!