Ok let's be honest here..................



  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    My honesty would be Vanity...overall feeling good and comfortable with my weight. Staying healthy would come along with it but I think people just want to feel happy with who they are no matter.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    Definitely started for health. When you are over 300lbs, you have to be thinking health because there IS no vanity. But, I find I am liking myself more and more and think there is a pretty girl waiting to come out, so yeah....vanity is starting to play a role.:blushing:
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Health, I needed a way to keep track of what I was eating so I could pinpoint accidental glutenings and track what foods were making me sick. Now...it's bridged into vanity...
  • jezmarie89
    ive always wanted to be a fit jogger/runner. I hated having no energy..so def health reason im young and its a real good time for me. I was in a real bad relationship so i also wanna look good and feel good:happy:
  • lovinlife71
    BOTH! Blood pressure was high and i wanted to look better!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    Health, but it might turn to Vanity in about 50lbs or so ;p
  • HoneyDancer
    Vanity. I like to look good.
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    At first I just didn't want to feel so uncomfortable in my own skin anymore or suffer from the health problems that I was having at the age of only 26. However, somewhere along the way, I transitioned to actually wanting to be healthy and improving my overall fitness.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Vanity for sure.. and then later for health.. and finally to make my father shut his yap.
  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    I'm mainly in this because I want to be thin :)
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    Vanity. I was already fit and healthy when I joined.

    Just want to be better.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    it was almost always about vanity when i was trying to lose before. i think thats why it never really worked (for me!). i would just try fad diet after diet to try to get "skinny".. it wasnt until after i had my kids that i realized it needs to be more about health so i can be around for them. its easier for me now, to limit "bad" foods and eat healthier stuff. i think part of it was moving to western washington from utah. much more health conscious people out here.
    but even now id have to say 50/50 vanity/health >.>
  • faith12207
    Mostly health and a longer life with my children...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    With a family history of heart disease, heart attack, bypass surgeries, strokes, diabetes.. I could go on and on.. When I was heading towards 35 yrs old I realized I had to change something and quick.

    So, I started off doing it because I didn't want to end up like so many of my family members with a bit of vanity mixed into it. Who doesn't want to look better too?
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I am here to be healthy. Diabetes runs in my family, and I'd like to avoid it if I can.

    Personally, I feel that I can be beautiful at any size. I am not worried about being perceived as "fat." I also don't have too many problems finding clothes. I can sew, so if I can't find what I want, I make it myself.
  • kappyd
    kappyd Posts: 199 Member
    Health, I have high blood pressure, family history of stroke and heart disease. I also wanted to feel better and have more energy. But a lady walking by me the other day told me that I was cute.........haven't heard that in.......well maybe never.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Vanity. Although it's great to be healthy and fit.
  • kristarablue
    Wow...I am not sure they are separate or even can be separate entities. I joined to track my food and exercise because I was losing weight and i wanted to lose more and it kind of morphed from there. I did not intentionally begin to lose weight it came off through the exercising, but once I realized I was losing I wanted to lose more because I wanted to feel better about myself. That feeling better is both physical ..ie..health reasons....and confidence ...ie..vanity reasons with the confidence to do more physically as well. I think it is cyclical, I think even if we start for health reasons the vanity slips in and that is ok....or if we start for vanity reasons often health slips in so ya...both how could it not if you are serious about getting into shape
  • chickenlady38
    Health reasons ... had cardiac bypass surgery and I need to lose weight so that my heart can continue to heal and be healthier.