I can do strenous aerobic workouts for almost hours on end, I can kick my own *kitten* riding my bike 20 miles one way, i can perform all three levels of the 30 day shred with ease, I can do crunches until the sun sets-

but ask me to run around the block once and I will probably die.

Why is running so hard for me??? Does anyone else have this problem, but only with running?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Usually it has to do with technique and that running is actually tough for beginners.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    Usually it has to do with technique and that running is actually tough for beginners.

    Do you mean a beginner to workouts or a beginner to running? Because I'm not a beginner for either :( I have been taught proper technique (breathing and form) by my track coach in high school (I joined because I thought learning to run would make me like it more- it didn't.) and obviously I work out a lot

    maybe it's just not for everyone :( which is sad because it's so effective.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I hated it at first, too.

    It made me want to kill myself.

    Now I love it.

    Try the Couch-to-5k plan.

    It helps you ease into running by using intervals.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    Anytime you ask your body to be completely off the ground at one time (and repeatedly with running), it's gonna be tough.

    Jump rope, burpees, are other *kitten*-kicking workouts that many people can't do for long durations. :-D

    Keep at it though, it's worth it.
  • cmonskinnylovee
    I hated it at first, too.

    It made me want to kill myself.

    Now I love it.

    Try the Couch-to-5k plan.

    It helps you ease into running by using intervals.

    That's what my mom said... hmmm, maybe if it wasn't so cold here in Chicago I would :(
  • fit4travels
    Try the C25K program (google it). It's a program designed for people to get into running and in 9 weeks it will have you running 5k. I'm doing it at the moment and I think it's great. There are a lot of people on here who have done it and say they now LOVE running, when before they used to HATE it. Good luck!
  • cmonskinnylovee
    Anytime you ask your body to be completely off the ground at one time (and repeatedly with running), it's gonna be tough.

    Jump rope, burpees, are other *kitten*-kicking workouts that many people can't do for long durations. :-D

    Keep at it though, it's worth it.

    Do jumping jacks fall into that category? Because I am obsessed with those! Maybe I can replace running with jacks... hahha

    Once I did jumping jacks for 20 minutes straight, and not wimpy slow ones either (: Just thought I'd brag a little haha
  • SusanWinters
    Remember that "Running is most sports punishment"
  • cmonskinnylovee
    Remember thar "Running is most sports punishment"

    And I understand why! haha
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I hated it at first, too.

    It made me want to kill myself.

    Now I love it.

    Try the Couch-to-5k plan.

    It helps you ease into running by using intervals.

    That's what my mom said... hmmm, maybe if it wasn't so cold here in Chicago I would :(

    I'm in Michigan, I feel your pain.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hey, if you hate running, use an elliptical if you can. Has all the benefits of running, but without the impact on your joints. And no leaving the ground. :happy:
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    Hey, if you hate running, use an elliptical if you can. Has all the benefits of running, but without the impact on your joints. And no leaving the ground. :happy:

    I am SO in love with the elliptical.

    By far my favourite cardio activity. ::)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member

    Do you mean a beginner to workouts or a beginner to running? Because I'm not a beginner for either :( I have been taught proper technique (breathing and form) by my track coach in high school (I joined because I thought learning to run would make me like it more- it didn't.) and obviously I work out a lot

    maybe it's just not for everyone :( which is sad because it's so effective.
    Then you may not just like it at all. I do it and despise it, but it does for me what it's supposed to and that's burn a good amount of calories.
    I would rather kickbox on a bag, but I haven't set up my bag (well my wife doesn't want it in the garage) so I have to run instead.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Anytime you ask your body to be completely off the ground at one time (and repeatedly with running), it's gonna be tough.

    Jump rope, burpees, are other *kitten*-kicking workouts that many people can't do for long durations. :-D

    Keep at it though, it's worth it.

    Do jumping jacks fall into that category? Because I am obsessed with those! Maybe I can replace running with jacks... hahha

    Once I did jumping jacks for 20 minutes straight, and not wimpy slow ones either (: Just thought I'd brag a little haha
    Jumping jacks is a great alternative.
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hey, if you hate running, use an elliptical if you can. Has all the benefits of running, but without the impact on your joints. And no leaving the ground. :happy:

    I am SO in love with the elliptical.

    By far my favourite cardio activity. ::)

    I loved using the elliptical when my knees were sore, so I could get a break from jarring my joints. And it was easier to listen to music on my headphones because they didn't keep slipping out of my ears. lol
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I actually find running easier on my calves than walking. Go figure. I can just walk further than I can run...(this month)
  • ludgerclay
    ludgerclay Posts: 95 Member
    Running involves your core muscles much much more than cycling, elliptical, and inline skating. Elliptical has most of the benefits of running, but not all. Try running slower (jogging) to start with until your core gets used to the continuous exertion. I started out inline skating, pushing hard for an hour at a time, but when I started running I could only run for about 5 minutes before I felt beat.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I think you dont have to like all sports, so just relax!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Running is hard. I will never love it. I have, in August, run my first half marathon. I trained for months. I did it in 2 hours. I still hate running.

    Running is more of a mental challenge to me. I'm not much good at getting past the 'this is awful why am I doing this?' line of thought.

    Since my half marathon I've run about 2 times, lol. I prefer to go for a long walk than run. That's just the way I am
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    Not everyone has to like it, but I love it. You can try C25k, but you may never like it, and that's okay.