November Zombie Apocalypse Challange

Ok folks, some of you are like me, living with that ever impending doom over your shoulder, that any moment you may be engulfed in the Z-war. It can and will happen. We must be ever vigalant, and be prepared in mind, body, and soul. I will post links as i go.

As far as strength is concerned, you need to be in tip top shape to survive both the zombies, and the post-apocolyptic society that will surely arrive.


At minimum, you should be doing the following work out:

100 jumping jacks to get warmed up.
Set a timer for four minutes.
Do as many push ups as you can - write down the number. Move immediately onto #4
Do as many air squats as you can – write down the number. Move immediately onto #5
Do as many pull ups (or dumb bell rows) as you can - write down the number. Immediately return to #3 and repeat the process until 4 minutes is up.

Do this every other day and have a rest day in between. Muscles build on your days off.

If you have the time to do more then this, great! I want you to do some kind of circuit training, like a jillian micheals 30 Day shred dvd. Don't have that? heres a good body weight routine:

■20 body weight squats
■10 push ups
■20 walking lunges
■10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug)
■15 second plank
■30 Jumping Jacks

repeat this at least twice, and aim for a third. remember to record these numbers, and once you can get through a third round without feeling a little worn down, you need to increase your repetitions.


I disagree with Rule#1 of Zombieland. A zombie will rush after you, so no need to be able to run a marathon. I'd rather be able to run a good 40 yard dash and make a break for it. therfore you need to get some good sprinting power.

Try some interval traing. Try something simple at first, such as warming up for a four minute run, and then doing a sprint for 1 minute, slow to a jog for 3 minutes, and repeat five times for a total of a 24 minutes.*kitten*-and-kickstart-your-metabolism-in-20-minutes/

Please alternate these work outs to allow your body to rest and heal. you should be working out 6 days a week, with one full rest day, where you do nothing more stressful then swimming.

There are many other exercises and fitness goals you can and should aim for, such as being able to jump a hurdle, considering there will be obstacles in the apocalypse, and try and swim a half mile, seeing as how you never know what will be the best way to escape the undead.

Well, you need hope, motivation, and dedication to stay alive during this difficult time. have goals, and remember that hope + action = win. don't lose sight

Some good reading includes "zombie survival guide" and "world war z" both by max brooks, and the strain trilogy by guillermo del toro and chuck hogan. the latter is more vampire then zombie, yet has some good points on survival and working in teams.

So anyone can sign up, and starting November 1st, we will do our best to alternate strength and cardio, focusing on full body work outs and sprinting. the bare minimum is the 4 minute strength training and the 24 minutes of running. Feel free to do more, however remember if you get hurt, it will make it that much easier for the Zed-heads to get you. remember to take at least one full recovery day a week. Personally, i will be probably swimming on those days.


  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I don't think I'll be participating in the challenge, but I just wanted to say that I love that there's a website called A+.
  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    im way too out of shape to be able to keep up, so i'll stay behind and slow the zombies down for a bit, but i did have to say how FABULOUS it is to see a new kind of fitness inspired challenge! I'm laughing into my green tea!
  • LittleFootLT11
    Oh I am so IN. I'm in DC so you know the zombie apocalypse will definitely be intense here. I'll need all the strength and cardio I can get! Bring it on Zombies, bring it on.

    I know she's a Vampire Slayer but she's fought her fair share of Zombies too (Dead Man's Party, Season 3). So here's my inspiration:

  • teeley
    teeley Posts: 477 Member
    about time we train for the real deal!!!
  • kba0708
    kba0708 Posts: 17
    Even if there isn't a Zombie least I'll be hot and in shape!! So, all-in-all, it's a win-win!!!
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    I too am in DC. I'll do my best to join.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Btw, this is s challenge for myself as well. I hasn't never fine any type of sprint training at all. I have only recently started running again, and at best I can run flute miles at a 10 min mile pace. As far as strength goes, I do the big strength training circuit twice a week, at most. Fitting this all into my schedule will be tough, but that's why its a challenge!
  • ZombieKillaPrincess
    ZombieKillaPrincess Posts: 404 Member
    i'm in. (still love my cardio! but i will practice sprints more)
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    good for you. this is beyond me right now, so sadly, I will be Zombie fodder if they rise up before New Year's. The stay puft marshmallow challenge is going to have to do, for now.

    Good luck, Zombie Warriors!
  • newarkco05
    I'm in! This sounds like it could be fun
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i'm in. (still love my cardio! but i will practice sprints more)

    the great thing about this plan is that it is very very flexible. what i posted are suggestions of the minimum you should be doing. but if you want to do 4 minutes of running and a minute of sprinting, more power to you!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm in! Can't run due to old injury, but I can do the cardio part on the elliptical. I can definitely do the strength training circuit though and swim a few times a week too.
  • shrinkingviolet23
    shrinkingviolet23 Posts: 31 Member
    This is actually hilarious! I love it! Count me in! I will be hot non zombie fodder!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I'm in! Can't run due to old injury, but I can do the cardio part on the elliptical. I can definitely do the strength training circuit though and swim a few times a week too.

    love the dedication!! yes, this can be done on the elliptical no problem!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    bump!! i need more survivors for my team!!
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'm in.

    Although I disagree with you on having the 40 yard dash. I'm a big guy, and when it comes to that I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail.

    What I do have, however, is the 40 yard 'punch-the-guy-standing-next-to-me-in-the-throat-and-push-him-over-for-zombie-bait-and-then-run'. I think that will work pretty well too =)
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I'm in....

    zombies ain't gonna get me!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    I've already been overcome. Now that I know your plan, I'll have to train harder so I can catch you
  • sjostrich
    sjostrich Posts: 117 Member
    I am so up for this! As Zombie Apocalypse health and safety rep at work (yes, I work with a lot of nerds) I would be loathe to turn down such an excellent opportunity to prep for the inevitable!
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    Sweet I love this challenge. I am so in.. if you let me! I haven't read it all yet because I can't really concentrate atm (I'd love to know why my adderall isnt working?) but from what I read I have just a few issues-- I can't do jumping jacks or the guy in the apartment below me will get mad as heck :grumble: annd does the nerd fitness side have a how-to video of what dumbbell rows and planks are? I am kinda new to fitness :embarassed: .. can I still be in w/o the jumping jacks? :ohwell: