October 2011-No late night/wise choice snacking



  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Me: 11 LNS: 8

    Boy I'm worse at this then I thought! I was up at 2am yesterday eating the stupid cereal again! But tonight I will hold strong!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Me: 4 , LNS:5 Im catching up with myself :laugh:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Me - 12*
    LNS - 8
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 11 - LNS: 7*

    but tonight I will win! :tongue:

    So I did! :smile:

    Me: 12* - LNS: 7
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 16 ~ LNS: 4
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Me - 13*
    LNS - 8
    Great job Dew

    Even though I was out to dinner late last night, I am counting it as a success as I skipped a lot of the extra cheese covered carbs and bread and never even nibbled at the dessert and just had coffee. HUGE accomplishment for me. So it is all mine. Take that LNS.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So far so good as far as this challenge. I don't know what my problem was yesterday, but I ate sweets to the point of almost feeling sick. :blushing: I sure hope I am done w/this nonsense! At least this challenge keeps me in check.

    Me: 16
    LNS: 5

    Thanks for the support dew. I'm feeling more like the old me. Wait til November - I intend to improve my record.

    Good luck everyone! Sat. nights are usually so hard. Try not to give in, but if you do, don't open the floodgates. Move on.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    Me: 11 LNS: 9

    And the scale reflects this too. :sad:

    Last night I was done with work early and was waiting for my son to get home while making sf peanut butter cookes. They were good...I ate 3. :embarassed:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Me - 13
    LNS - 9*

    So blew this one. Had a "thanksgiving dinner" last night and ate until in severe abdominal pain and felt it ALL night. Definitely learned my lesson (at least for the next few days).
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Ladies, I feel your pain. I have to say that "dieting" is so much easier now that it's just my husband and me at home and we are both following the 17 day diet (w/some cheating, but oh well). Nonetheless, there are still temptations, but this challenge really really helps me stay on straight and narrow. It also helps that I get positive reinforcement of scale moving for both my husband and me - we are nicer to each other and feeling better.

    Thinking about all of you made it easier to resist popcorn at movies last night and to avoid temptation when we got home at 11:30 and my stomach was growling. I just got some water and headed right upstairs!

    Me: 17
    LNS: 5

    Hope you all have a good night tonight!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I report every other day, it seems, and "coincidentally" it's usually 1 - 1
    Me: 13 - LNS: 8

    Zaza, do you think we should start a "no sweets" challenge? I had noticed that I've increased my sweets intake last week and I really want to keep the sugar intake under control. (I don't want to go cold turkey, but I do want to limit the sweets)

    Have a good week, everyone! The last October week :wink:
  • clarissa08
    clarissa08 Posts: 31 Member
    As part of my personal goals for myself I do allow myself leniency on weekends because I just did turn 21 and I do enjoy going out late so to be more realistic with myself I allow myself the weekends - but for the sake of keeping track and since I havent been on in a few days

    Me: 4
    LNS: 2
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Zaza, do you think we should start a "no sweets" challenge? I had noticed that I've increased my sweets intake last week and I really want to keep the sugar intake under control. (I don't want to go cold turkey, but I do want to limit the sweets)
    YES!!!!!! I don't eat wheat or milk products products and STILL gain weight. If I'm honest, it's definitely my huge bags of jelly beans and spice drops :ohwell: HELP!!!

    ME - 14* (cheated though as I went to bed at 5 p.m. and overslept til 5 this morning - great way to lose weight).
    LNS - 9

    Is this month over yet...?
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    dew and lulabellewoowoo, you two are going to keep me honest (and thinner)! I groaned when I first read the idea of a no sweets challenge. :laugh: You have no idea how hard that would be for me. I am a closet cheater (eat when my husband isn't around) - I even cheated and ate some frozen brownie last night, but was before my cut-off time! :blushing: So, I guess I am in dire need of a no sweets challenge.

    As for this challenge,
    Me: 18
    LNS: 5

    P.S. Clarissa, I have a much later cut-off time for week-end or evenings out. Just have a set cut-off time that is realistic for your week-ends and you can still meet the challenge! As you point, out you need to be flexible and realistic.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 14* - LNS: 8

    OK, Lorna and Zaza, think of a plan on how you want to approach the "no sweets" in November. We've got to "detox" before Christmas and NY's Eve, right? :wink: I can't believe it's almost November and end of '11 already!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I am a closet cheater

    ME 15*
    LNS 9

    As soon as I read the challenge for no sweets, I went and "finished" off my spice drops so they would not tempt me any longer. Nah, that's just an excuse. For me, I can't have just one serving in a day. I have multiple. I'm not sure how to approach it. Any ideas ladies?
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Me; 19
    LNS: 5

    Will think about no sweets challenge and post later. Am rushing to get my parents to airport.
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Me: 17 ~ LNS: 7*

    I'll be interested in a no sweets challenge. I know its going to be hard but maybe this is what I need to get these lbs moving in the right direction
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME - 16*
    LNS - 9

    It's funny that we all want to beat our "sweet"addiction, but none of us can come up with a livable solution. Anyone else feeling trepidation about giving up or cutting back those oh so yummy goodies?
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I went on a beautiful hike after airport and actually had some ideas about a no-sweets challenge. I hesitate to even mention since I blew it yesterday. :blushing: I felt like an addict scavenging my house for sweets. I tried to make up for it by taking a zumba class after dinner last night, but then I was just so hungry that I continued eating after my cut-off time. :sad: The post-class salad and yoghurt just weren't enough. So, before bed I was dipping into peanut butter.:ohwell:

    Me: 19
    LNS: 6

    Anyway, here's some thoughts on a no-sweet challenge. Since that would be impossible for me, how about limiting sweets to odd days (or even) or once during week and once on week-end? To limit even further, we could specify that sweets cannot exceed 100 calories each or maybe put a weekly maximum of 300 calories. All this can be tweaked - were just some ideas of how to make it realistic.