Question to the big losers (in a good way!)



  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    It's hard to say whether it's me or other people that are different. I feel like a get more respect... in shops, clubs and pubs, people at uni... I must say I'm enjoying the male attention when I go out and I love flirting... That used to be so rare! Haha
  • solrak1969
    solrak1969 Posts: 92 Member
    People totally treat you differently when your thinner. People are striking up conversations with me more these days. Its kind of sad when you think about how shallow people are, but I must say I looked pretty bad 110lbs. ago.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    20 lbs down and I get more looks from men.
  • amybluefish
    amybluefish Posts: 82 Member
    Sad to say but you are invisible when you are overweight. I still feel invisible to most people. I do know the more weight I lose the more confidence I gain. Can't wait to lose more.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I've always had really high self confidence. I love me, I'm just not happy with my body... I've never had a problem attracting male attention *blush* and I was 275 at my heaviest. I do notice more men hitting on me and strangers tend to be more friendly.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I have always thought my mom does not love me, until recently she started changing her attitude with me and for the very first time she said that I am beautiful! All cuz i am losing weight!!! Everyone around me acts the same, except my mom....One of the reasons why i decided to lose weight is cuz of her...she is really sick and just wanted her to love me... I guess I am doing it....
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Aw, that was sad to read. I hope your mom recovers and does well.
  • janetb21
    janetb21 Posts: 182 Member
    Honestly, I haven't noticed any differences. Well, other than people I know telling me how great I look. I've lost 77 lbs so far. But as far as treating me differently, I haven't noticed anything. I'll have to pay attention more and see.
    I do tend to be the kind of person people tell their life stories too anyway though.
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have seen some pretty BIG differences in the stories here and it's amazing. All props from me.

    Question: Have you noticed any difference in how people treat you? ie... people striking up conversations, general assumptions when you were big vs now, people friendlier, meaner, etc. etc. etc?

    I've only lost about 10 lbs (I'm here to try to lose another 5-10 lbs) so there won't be a big difference in me. So I'm interesting in reading about people's experiences.

    besides the usual "whats your secret?" from friends I tell them calorie counting and excercise or if I am feeling snippy, I write down a number to these magic diet pills not available in the US. 1-888-MOVE-UR-*kitten*. it's funny and sad though. Everyone has actually tried to dialing the number. I just laugh. I also get snarky remarks about when I go out to eat with friends. "oooh that's bad for you!" or "you are going off your diet!" I point out how much I''ve lost. I also say "I am hitting the gym tomorrow @ 8am. join me!" that usually shuts them up. lol
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    This is interesting because I have always wondered if it was just me or what? I am not sure if it is because you feel better about yourself so then you exude positive energy to people and they feed off of you.... I have notice people treat me a little different. Also more attention from all kinds of guys. Sometimes snotty looks from girls <
    which I like, LOL!
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    Unfortunately yes big time. I do not know the ratio of my attitude vs. others attitude in the cause of this, but when I was thinner I was reinforced constantly, and people seemed to like me more. Heck, they gave me a chance and actually talked to me. Now as others have said, I am thoroughly invisible... :(

    I am really hoping that I can get the weight down again before I'm too old !!! My personality comes in to play a lot with this.... I'm happer when I don't feel inadequate, and confident and more likely to try new things and put myself out there because I know people will tend to support me rather than ignore me.
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    OH yes! People are more likely to talk with you when you are thinner vs me being almost 100 pounds heavier. Also what I really notice is how much more seriously you are taking and consideration you are given at Job interviews! It kinda sad, I am just as good an employee at 300 pounds as I am at 200 pounds! Oh well what you gonna do!

    It might not be fair, or right. But since I'm looking for a job - and I've dropped almost 35 lbs from my 4'11" frame - I'll take it!

    Show me the money!!!! :bigsmile:
  • FelizMi
    FelizMi Posts: 79 Member
    Yes, I notice a big difference, but I think a lot of it has to do with I smile more now because, even though I'm not anywhere close to my goal, I am finally happy with myself for accomplishing what I have, and I just plain feel better. So I guess my change in attitude just makes me more approachable.

    One negative side effect, though, is that I'm getting more attention from men, and not the kind of attention I want. They aren't interested in getting to know me, or seriously dating me. They don't even want to go out on a date, the immediately ask if I want to come over or can they come over, but when I suggest going out somewhere instead to get to know each other, they got plans, lol. I guess I'm in that in between stage, cute and small enough to hit the sack with, but not enough to take home to momma, SMH.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    I definately have, the women that live in the neighborhood, most of them that I haven't met before glance, wave, and smile at me while I am out jogging or running. Some actually strike up conversation with me, asking me about my workout and stuff like that. They'll ask where I live, if I live in the neighborhood. I usually respond, my wife and I live or we live down the street. It's a pretty good size neighborhood.
  • brugge220
    brugge220 Posts: 12 Member
    It is sad isn't it that you are treated differently when the only thing that has changed is the way you look. I am not a bad person regardless of how much I weigh. It is a pity that people dont see the beauitful person that is there in all of us ...
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    unfortunately not, i've lost a lot of weight but around here I'm still considered big bc all the girls my age r naturally thin or really fit :( but I'll get there someday hopefully next summer I'll be at my goal :)
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