what is the 1 exercise you hate to do and why?



  • NicoleMarie0409
    Planks :(
    Guess I am not strong enough yet
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    I usually really don't feel like running, and sometimes it's miserable 'cause it hurts. But then I get a runner's high.

    I hate step aerobics so I never did them again.

    I often don't like rowing because it hurts my shoulders and back. Just something about the way I have to sit gets me all tense.
  • gradgal01
    gradgal01 Posts: 46 Member
    Burpees. They have a funny name but they are no fun.

    AGREED. I want to die during them, and then my knees cry for several days afterward. :-\
  • ddivaalicia
    ddivaalicia Posts: 9 Member
    I would say crunches and anything to do with ab work. #SUCKS OAN: i must be #losing because I don't know what half of these exercises yall are naming:(
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Sit ups, crunches...because they hurt my stomach, neck, shoulders, and tail bone... :)
  • trixylewis
    trixylewis Posts: 197 Member
    i too hate jumping jacks, my dds hurt and i tinkle! :noway:

    and lunges!
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I Hate the stupid pull up things my trainer insists on. I have actually offered him extra money if we can skip them because I feel like I'm in grade school again when I do them.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    downward facing dog into cobra, and then back.

    Hate. It.
  • buddha5050
    buddha5050 Posts: 40 Member
    squats for me. While in high school I tore my MCL and dislocated my knee while playing football. Needles to say they can be painfull.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Putting on my sneakers and workout clothes and getting my butt out the door :grumble: once I do that, I can do anything but that's always the worst part!

    I used to hate running but now I kind of crave it. Can't really think of anything else I dislike over anything though. I CANNOT get into pilates or yoga though. Zzzzzz.
  • jezmarie89
    back and side kicks. i cnt ever do them right
  • AussieGem
    AussieGem Posts: 96 Member
    ANTERIOR LUNGES!! I love Jillian but I hate htese with a passion. I dont know what it is. My arms hurt and those side to side lunges are hard for me to do for some reason. I dont understand why - I think that I am just a little gumby at them.

    I also have a love/hate relationship with my crosstrainer. I love to do it but even with music I find it to be as boring as watching paint dry (If you face a wall, thats what you would actually be doing!!!)
  • anphi14
    anphi14 Posts: 57 Member
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Don't like ankle express, never have. I admire those that do run, but I don't ever see myself doing that can't seem to get into it.
  • soon2b_1fitmama
    all of them lol
    well i do like running.. that's the only one i like though :D
  • syguy
    syguy Posts: 35
    I hate doing *kitten* (or my trainers version of them) - assume pressup position, do a pressup, squat thrust then a star jump and then squat down and do a big frog leap then rinse and repeat.

    A few of those and you know you are working out :)
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    For all the 'tinkling' ladies - Pelvic Floor girls, Pelvic Floor. Twenty a day, everyday. Ten quick and then ten slow. It works.

    Anyway...I don't like Jumping Jacks, purely because I can hear a click when jumping back in. That's not my knees or back or anything other than my pouch flapping against my stomache. I absolutely hate that. The day I don't here the click I'll know I'm on the right track.

    Lunges, they just mess my knees up no matter my form. I'm hoping this is a weight thing as they never used to do it.
  • nothingisred
    Burpees. They have a funny name but they are no fun.


    I used to hate running too but I've got used to it now, I'll do it of my own accord now and not just when my trainer gets me doing it.

    I won't do burpees of my own accord though!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Definitely crunches!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I'm another one in the I hate jumping jacks club LOL. I just hate them because they bother my ankles. Also, I hate yoga. I have tried and tried to get into yoga because I know it would be good for me, but it is just SO BORING I can't stand it. Even though it is challenging it's still boring, and unlike other challenging things, I dont' feel great after it. I think I need to give up on the idea of ever doing yoga because I think I will never like it!