Doing the right thing, or holding myself back



  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    Sweetie my honey is in the same house and I spend my time alone and cleaning working out and on MFP I take care of the kids and cook do the shopping. I dont spend much time with my honey I dont work out side the house. Please dont worry too much my sweet being around people you know and trust is better then going out and getting hit on by the creeps. In my opinion.
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    I think the crux of this question is the underlying motivation of why you are staying at home.

    If it is because you have become withdrawn, insular and depressed then no, that is clearly not healthy. If it is because you simply like your own company and find happiness in having time to yourself then that sounds like a great mindset.

    I WISH I had more free time to myself. I love my own company. Sadly, I do not have a single weekend right up until the end of the year free. I would gladly swap with you...
    Honestly I quite enjoy it. I can clean as much as I want, work out as much as I want.

    The weeks I have my kids are nothing but rush rush rush and 5 hours of sleep a night.
    So it's nice to be able to reboot.

    I think half of this is just pressure from freinds and family lol.

    Yeah, I think if you enjoy it, then there's nothing to worry about. And if you're happy, then you're doing fine! :) Nothing wrong going out once in awhile with friends, but I wouldn't push yourself and go out just to appease your family. If you're truly happy they'll see that.
  • ManicMelody
    I've been in a LDR for over 4 1/2 years, and I don't go out a lot. But, to put it simply, I'd rather be boring and skypeing with my love than out partying and having fun without him. I have time to do that when he gets here. =]

    That's kind of the way I see it. But friends and family are starting to worry that my "life is on hold". Which, I get.

    My friends worry too, and they tease me. They call me anti-social. But the truth is, none of them are in serious relationships like mine, and I take what they say with a grain of salt. My relationship is important to me, and they understand.
  • travelerkate
    travelerkate Posts: 18 Member
    The way I see it, if you are really happy in what you're doing, then why change it? However, if you are unhappy and don't feel comfortable going out, maybe find different ways to be around people...join a church (or any place of worship) if you are religious, find an open sports league, talk to people at the gym/take classes at the gym.

    Like I said, since I don't know you, I can't tell you the best places to make new friends, and I know it can be really difficult. Again, if you are perfectly content with what you're doing, don't feel like you have to be going out.
  • nothingisred
    As long as it's not because your world revolves around him, then no, not bad. But if it's because you don't want to do anything if he's not here, then I would say unhealthy.


    I've had two long term distance relationships and that's exactly what I did in both of them. My life revovled around them. I wouldn't go out with friends because I wanted to be at home talking to my boyfriend and during the week(s) I was a shell of myself until I got to see them again. It wasn't at all healthy but I didn't see it at the time. I think that's quite a common thing with LDRs because it's a BIG committment to be with somebody like that so the relationship I think is generally more intense from the word go because you have to make a lot of decisions you wouldn't usually have to in a normal relationship.

    If that's the reason you're not going out then it's not good. BUT if you feel that you would be conducting your life in pretty much the same way were you single or dating someone close by and you wouldn't be going out even then, then I think it's fine.
  • lisasdoinit
    lisasdoinit Posts: 216 Member
    i say go out. when he does arrive in town you want to have a life to share with him right? I'm not saying to go hang out at clubs, but maybe check out some classes you might find, ceramics, rock climbing, yoga, dancing..if you are worried about leeches, buy a cheap ring for your ring finger;)

    that way you have something to talk about, people to introduce him to, stories to share with him when he does arrive.