Bridesmaid Bootcamp - Summer Weddings 2012 (OPEN GROUP)

nomoreexcuses121 Posts: 57
edited October 4 in Motivation and Support
I'm looking for all those bridesmaids or groomsmen that are interested in dropping pounds for that 2012 wedding that you'll be in.

I thought it would be fun to make a group for some extra motivation! Here is the format I was thinking of using:

Weigh in every Friday.

Current weight :
Current size:
Goal weight:
Goal size:
Wedding date:

Obviously some of us will have different end dates so I'm going to make the cut off August 31, 2012.

I will limit our group to 25 people so that it is easier to keep track of everyone.

Maybe at the end we could post pictures in our dresses (or tuxedos) of how great we look!

The first weigh in will be Friday, October 21st.
I'll create a spreadsheet on google so that we can update our weight on there instead of having to post it on here every week.

Message me if you have any questions. I am open to any suggestions on structure for this group!

I'll start us off:

Current weight :164
Current size: 12
Goal weight: 130
Goal size: 8
Wedding date: June 30, 2012


  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member

    This is so perfect :) TY for starting this thread. I started last september and lost 56 lbs my may but then gained 15 lbs back during the summer :( Now mt baby sister is getting married and I'm the Matron of Honor and Everyone is expecting to see a skinny kara LOL! I also want to finish what I started and reach my goal. I hope i have to take my dress in a lot for the wedding :)

    A littler about myself: My name is Kara, I'm a 29 year old wife and mother of 2. I run a family daycare from my home. My children and husband now understand that mommy has to put her first sometimes and they now support me and that helps so much! Every single person in my family is un healthy so it is not easy at all :)

    I'm looking forward to this thread and am very excited. This is just what i need right now :)
  • DaChozn
    DaChozn Posts: 134 Member
    Does it have to be Summer Weddings? I'll be a Fall bridesmaid in 2012. If you don't want to make an exception I'm totally cool with that. Just let me know! :)

    Current weight : 184
    Current size: 14
    Goal weight: 160 (then assess when I'm there)
    Goal size: 10 or 12
    Wedding date: October 2012, not sure about day (a yr from now thank goodness!)

    I started in March this year at 232 lbs and am nearly at the 50 lb mark but have been on a bit of plateau for 6 or so weeks. This might be a bit of a motivational kick in the pants for me. I work full time and I'm in my first semester in grad school.
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    I can't believe nobody else has joined :(
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    Yay, can I join? My little brother is getting married next year and I'm very excited for him. Technically I'm standing as a groomsman because one of my soon-to-be sister in law's best friends is a guy, so he's standing as a bridesmaid (I know, confusing right :) I still get to wear a cute dress though)

    Current weight : 195
    Current size: 16ish
    Goal weight: right now I'm aiming for 150 (pre-pregnancy weight) but will love to ultimately be 130ish
    Goal size: I have no idea, so long as the dress fits me well
    Wedding date: June 16, 2012

    I've always wanted to join a group, but they all seem to be closed. How exactly does this work?
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I'd love to join! My daughter is getting married 07/21/2012 and I although I don't have a lot of weight to lose my body is definately not toned - if you know what I mean. Is this still on?
  • Anyone can join! We can all motivate each other :-) Our first weigh in is this Friday, October 21st

    I have another thread that I posted where there are a couple others. I'm hoping we can get to a group of about 25.
  • I can't believe nobody else has joined :(

    Me too! Maybe we are planning too far in advance :-)

    I am getting fitted for my dress the week of Thanksgiving so I need to start now! :happy:
  • Karasene
    Karasene Posts: 140 Member
    I can't believe nobody else has joined :(

    Me too! Maybe we are planning too far in advance :-)

    I am getting fitted for my dress the week of Thanksgiving so I need to start now! :happy:

    I have already gotten my dress but i am hoping to have it taken in alot. I had to buy a bigger size so my boobs would fit :(
  • MayaRLehman
    MayaRLehman Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in! I am getting married September 15, 2012 so the August cut-off is perfect. My last dress fitting will be a little before that. Not sure how well I will do but I'd love to try to at least tone up and drop a few by then!

    Current weight : 164
    Current size: 8
    Goal weight: 140
    Goal size: 6
    Wedding date: September 15, 2012

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    I'm actually going to BE the bride, but I definitely need the motivation if that's ok with all of you?? I posted on the other site, I will make sure to stay on this Message Board from now on.
  • DaChozn
    DaChozn Posts: 134 Member
    My first weigh in will be less than stellar because of a friend's 30th bday tonight lol! But I'll be jumping back on my wagon starting the next day!
  • I'm in! I am getting married September 15, 2012 so the August cut-off is perfect. My last dress fitting will be a little before that. Not sure how well I will do but I'd love to try to at least tone up and drop a few by then!

    Current weight : 164
    Current size: 8
    Goal weight: 140
    Goal size: 6
    Wedding date: September 15, 2012

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    I'm actually going to BE the bride, but I definitely need the motivation if that's ok with all of you?? I posted on the other site, I will make sure to stay on this Message Board from now on.

    As long as you still want to be in the group I'm more than happy to have you! :smile:
  • I made a spreadsheet on google for us to keep track of our weight loss. If everyone wants to post on here I can transfer it to the spreadsheet, or you can click the link and update your weight yourself.

    Here's the link:

    Also, I was thinking that each week we could take turns coming up with goal for the group.
    We can go in alphabetical order, so that would start with anacsitham5.

    Hope everyone had a good first weigh in!
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    When I stepped on the scale this morning it read 193.8 woo hoo :)
  • I am in I have my best friend getting married back in my home town and I dont want to be fat around everyone since the last time they all saw me I was skinny. My goals is to be 125 by then which is in July and is also the day of my birthday!

    CW 168.5
    current size: 13
    GW 125
    goal size: 7
    Wedding date: July 28, 2012
  • MayaRLehman
    MayaRLehman Posts: 7 Member
    Umm I need tips for someone that sits at a desk for over 9 hours a day. It drives me nuts that I am not active for my entire day, not to mention I then have an hour and forty minute commute each way. Who else has a desk job and how do you not eat all day because come 3 pm all I want to do is snack!!
  • drink what and eat at a schedule: eat breakfast at the same time a light 100 calorie or less snack a couple hours later then lunch then a light snack inbewteen lunch and supper. the part about not being active do a quick ten min walk on a lunch break or quick in the morning to get some exerice in
  • Boo_08
    Boo_08 Posts: 94 Member
    Well I'm a little late to the party but hoping I can still join. I'm the one getting married though (June 30, 2012), hope thats ok!
  • no prob! Feel free to add your info to the spreadsheet.

    We weigh in every Friday.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks for the spreadsheet, it makes it so much easier!
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    So I'm crossing my fingers for a decent weigh-in tomorrow. TOM hit and I just feel like crap....
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