How do I lose 60 pounds?



  • slainger
    slainger Posts: 150 Member
    Be brutally honest with yourself, and log every single thing, even if it makes you go over for the day.

    This is absolutely true! This is often the first thing I tell people when I recommend MFP.
  • I need a good diet and exercise plan. I'm 23 183 lbs and 5'2". I also don't have access to a gym so I would need home routines. I also don't have treadmills and stuff like that. I want to lose all this weight in 3 to 4 months. I'm also new to exercise.

    As per the other's going to be about the healthy choices you make and how active you are (walking IS a great exercise...just try to work up a bit of a sweat doing it).

    More importantly...don't set yourself up for failure. "I want to lose 60 pounds in 3 to 4 months" is not realistic for someone who only weighs 183 lbs. To take it off AND KEEP IT OFF aim for a 1lb loss a week. Does that suck? A BIT. But remember, losing a pound is not GAINING a pound so you are actually 2 pounds ahead of the game! AND after a year, you'll have lost 52 pounds that won't come back. AND you won't have had to do anything completely drastic or unhealthy!

    One pound a week. It's hard to think in those terms...but it's the best way to do it, to do it right, and to do it in a way that will last.

    Sorry...there's just no quick fixes.
  • soniaa777
    soniaa777 Posts: 126 Member
    maybe u can pick up some workout dvds. u can also put on some music and dance. run in place.jumping jacks.
    eat veggies and lean meat-like tuna and chicken breast.
    add some friends so you can look at their diet journals and get some ideas for low calorie foods.
  • fitmommy2012
    fitmommy2012 Posts: 451 Member
    I need a good diet and exercise plan. I'm 23 183 lbs and 5'2". I also don't have access to a gym so I would need home routines. I also don't have treadmills and stuff like that. I want to lose all this weight in 3 to 4 months. I'm also new to exercise.

    I agree with everyone else, its small steps, 1 pound at a time. I tried to set HUGE goals for myself at first, and it just overwhelmed me and kept making me fall away from my plan. So now my goal is 5 pounds a month, that a little less than 1.5 pounds a week! So far I have done pretty decent, and I have not overwhelmed myself in the process.

    As for home routines, there is plenty that you can do (I actually prefer working at home to the gym, especially since I am chubby and out of shape). Running, going for walks, bicyling, jumping rope, and jumping jacks are some good cardio exercises. I do workout DVD's more than anything though. I am currently doing Turbo Fire and love it, though I have done (or should say tried) many others in the past. I have also heard great things about Jillian MIcheals workout DVD's as well. If you dont want to spend and money on DVD's - you can always find free workouts on the internet. You Tube has many workouts that you can do, just type in what you are looking for, from Zumba to Pilates, and they have just about everything. There are also other websites like Exercise TV (which offers some free workouts). You just have to do the research. Also if you have the Wii Fit, thats a good starter, especially since you have never exercised really before. I started out using that doing the Wii Fit games as well as the EA sports Active and the Zumba game. My mom used Just Dance on there too! :bigsmile: There is plenty to do, you just have to look!

    One more note, dont try to lose the weight in a way that is unsafe and unhealthy, you will just end up gaining it back and then some! :frown: Focus on healthy lifestyle changes, not on huge diets that you will never stick to. :wink: Hope that helps a little!
  • Zumba is amazing and fun. If you don't particularly like exercise, this is for you. You just dance the pounds off and it's fun. You can buy the DVD's through their own website, but I got mine on ebay. Also, I've found eating foods that I can pronounce the ingredients for has worked. And eat suggested portions. I make a smoothie in the morning of frozen blueberries (1/2 cup), frozen whole strawberries (about 4), and some skim milk and about 2 oz of vanilla greek yogurt. I just add some water to adjust the consistency. Some of my favorite snacks are 1/4 cup mixed nuts (it doesn't sound like a lot but it works), apple with 1-2 tbsp of PB, whole grain crackers with Nutella...I try to satisfy my sweet tooth with a healthier treat than candy or cakes when I can! Good luck!
  • jmuhnie
    jmuhnie Posts: 93 Member
    Losing 60 lbs in 4 months is quite a tall order. That would be a 0.5 lbs weight loss each day. 1 lb of fat is about 3500 calories, so you are thinking a 1750 calorie deficit per day. You have to eat a minimum amount to stay healthy, at 5'2" you probably can't eat enough to stay healthy and still have a deficit that large no matter how much you work out.

    1. Figure out how much you are eating in calories (this website is great for tracking).
    2. Modify what you are eating to to create a calorie deficit aiming for around 1 lb a week in deficit (500 calories down each day on avg)
    3. Pick an exercise that you can do without skipping it. Don't start a ridiculous program so that you can quite in 3 days because it is hard. Many people here use dvd workouts, netflix, P90/P90x, or simply walk/run/do stairs. Any activity is better than sitting watching tv or surfing the internet.
    4. Set small goals so that you can achieve something every week or so, goals don't have to be weight loss. My goals are to to do more time/weight each time I load in P90X. I write it all down so I can keep track. What I can't do on the program I do walking or on an elliptical machine.
    5. Get some good music to do workouts to...something with a reasonable beat.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I need a good diet and exercise plan. I'm 23 183 lbs and 5'2". I also don't have access to a gym so I would need home routines. I also don't have treadmills and stuff like that. I want to lose all this weight in 3 to 4 months. I'm also new to exercise.

    first of all, you need to set yourself a more realistic goal...

    after that its just a case of eat less, exercise more
  • bump