C-section belly help!

How do I get rid of my c-section hanging belly? I swear I have a 6 pack under that thing. Any way to get rid of it besides surgery?


  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    How do I get rid of my c-section hanging belly? I swear I have a 6 pack under that thing. Any way to get rid of it besides surgery?

    I haven't had a cesarean, but I have a similar scar that has also left me with an "apron." As I have lost, it has decreased in size. I'm at about 30 pounds lost now (I think 29.3 or something like that), and while it's still there, it isn't as noticeable. Just keep going. I don't think it'll ever go away, but you can get it to the point that it's only visible when you're naked. :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    To the OP: I've heard from others that there are ways to do it without surgery, that it just takes a long time and a lot of it is stubborn fat, that you just need to burn off and keep doing strength training. I don't think it can completely go away though without surgery :( I'm in the same boat! It sucks!
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Like they say abs are made in the kitchen. All my body fat is my abs. I have small ish boobs and medium butt. I know under my belly is hard abs b/c when I flex them its solid. One day when I reach my goal weight I'll probably take the time to see my abs, but until then I know its not going to happen. Clean food and balanced diet is where they come from.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I got so worked up I forgot to answer the Q! LOL
    I agree that "ads are made in the kitchen." After pregnancy, it's the skin that's as big a problem. I think all you can do is slim down (all over), work your abs, and see how the skin does. Give it time to see if it tightens up more, and hope for the best!
    I have extra skin, but it's starting to look better. I didn't have c-sections, so I'm not sure if it's better or worse than that. I do know that my belly button is shot-- it just doesn't look great, but I'm not a fan of post-tummy tuck belly buttons either, so I'll just live with mine. :)
    Best of luck!
  • After 3 c-sections, you can only imagine my 'skin apron'. It's disgusting. I have no idea how it will ever go back to 'normal' after I lose the weight. Good luck!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I'm wondering about that too. My "apron" is smaller now that I've lost 50+ lbs, but it's definitely still there.
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    I have had 3 c-sections as well. I am doing Turbo Jam right now and once I lose most of my weight I am going to start doing Winsor Pilates. I have heard that pilates really help. I hope it does b/c I know I had great abs before I had kids, so it's under there somewhere. =) Good luck!!
  • I have had 2 c-sections and a full hysterectomy - I only got my apron the last 12 months (yUK!!) as I am peri-menopausal all this "extra" fat has appeared in my mid section and lower tummy - prior to turning 48 I never had such a disgusting stomach - I am hoping with cardio - weights it will firm up and hopefully "disappear":sad: :sad: :sad:
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    I had 2 C-sections and I was small each time I gave birth. My doctor said I need plastic surgery to get rid of the excess skin. I gave birth to an almost 9lb baby and had only gained 20lbs during my last pregnancy so she really stretched me out. Now 6 years later that excess skin is filled with fat I am trying to get rid off. I know once I lose the weight the skin will still be there, because it was there when I was skinny.
  • daytonafitmom
    daytonafitmom Posts: 29 Member
    Hi ladies! I logged on here today to post the same thing....LOL! I have been asking my other friends about this also. I workout HARD, I do beachbody p90x and Insanity. I was fit before baby, worked out during my pregnancy, and also had a c-section. I worked out slowly after the baby (yoga/walking) until I could do ab work, etc. Then when she was 6 months, I started up my beachbody workouts again (and I always ate healthy, still do)...but I am in the same boat. I have 7-10lbs to lose, and it's also all in my belly. I have abs, you can see them, but there's that "pouch" above the scar area...URGH! how frustrating!!

    I have talked to other mommies that work out a lot, and they just said, keep doing it, keep eating right, it just takes longer. Our muscles were cut, stretched, etc.....

    Have a great day everyone, and feel free to add me as a friend and we can work through this:)
  • I have had 3 C-Sections and I asked my last OB if there is a way to get rid of it without surgury and she said no because it is mostly scare tissue. :(
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    I have had 3 C-Sections and I asked my last OB if there is a way to get rid of it without surgury and she said no because it is mostly scare tissue. :(

    I was told the same thing.
  • Lol. Scar tissue* but I think i was pretty on target the first time.
  • MrsWagz
    MrsWagz Posts: 41
    How old are you children? I had 2 c sections 16 mos apart and I have a little bit of skin, but because I have strengthened my core I feel it's not as bad.. I've learned you can't tone sagging skin and surgery is the only way to get rid of it unfortunately.. If your kids are young give yourself a chance to tone up and you may be surprised what you find your end result to be:wink:
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    I had a c section at 32. 21 years on I have been fat, I have been normal weight, I have been super fit ( 5000 metre swimathon in less than 2 hours) and a bit of a slob, I have been on low carb diets, healthy diets, low fat diets and nothing has changed with the C section overhang!

    I am of an age when I don't really care about it anymore but I suspect surgery is the only the only answer.
  • Hi
    I too have had 2 c sections - as I am losing the weight I can see the apron (or ceasarian overhang as I call it) shrinking slightly - but I think the only way for it to go completely is a tummy tuck!!!

    Good luck together we will get there x
  • Im on the same page as you!! If you find any way...let me know!!
  • gidgeclev
    gidgeclev Posts: 103 Member
    Perhaps we should just learn to love our overhangs, after all in the past before surgery we might all have died in in childbirth or our children might have died. An overhang is a small price to pay.
  • My doctor told me that there is only so much that can be done without a tummy tuck. They cut into the muscle. I have had two c-sections. After the first, I had a very small belly apron. I worked on my abs constantly and still had a little "pooch". It did get better but it definitely wasn't gone. After my second child, it was bigger - even after a lot of work, I still had a stomach apron and it was a little bigger than the first time. I have gained a significant amount of weight and I am now committed to getting in shape. I am sure that after all my hard work, I will still have lovely evidence of my c-sections but I plan on wearing some supportive undergarments to help it look smaller.

    Good luck! There are some things on our body's that we just need to embrace after we've done everything we can to make them the best they can be.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    same boat here :/