Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #13



  • julietsingleton
    julietsingleton Posts: 126 Member
    2lb down this week
    Now 186lb
    Yay me
    (On night shifts this week though so not sure how i will do for weigh in next week)
  • Cateyes0831
    Cateyes0831 Posts: 160 Member
    Soooo.....Tom has come to visit :ohwell:

    CW: 282.6 (same again)
  • patty9013
    patty9013 Posts: 230 Member
    I am ashamed to admit my weight is 198.5. I just can't seem to get it back together but I am trying to get back. I have been thru a lot the last few months. But I am starting to feel crappy because of the way I have been eating. Time to dget back to it!!!:heart:
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    CW: 203.4

    Finally two weeks of losses in a row!

    You all are an inspiration :)
  • jiminyc
    jiminyc Posts: 63 Member
    CW - 241
    Bidding farewell to two more pounds!

    Had a good week this week, making better choices and staying more disciplined. I didn't do any late night snacking and I think that made a difference.

    Meditation was challenging this week, but rewarding, too. My mind is always churning, so it felt nice to put it on mute for a while and think clearly. Thanks for another awesome challenge - I feel like these are really helping me grow as a person.

  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    weigh in 317 going back down
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    5lb lost this week!:happy:
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    CW: 222.8

    It seems like I have been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds each week!!!! Ack!!!!!
  • caitlinlws
    caitlinlws Posts: 401 Member
    CW=154.2 ugh I guess it could be worse for the terrible week I had
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
    CW; 280.6

    A little bit of a loss! I'll take it for now.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    WOW - Great Job Friends!!! Lots of losers :bigsmile:

    Well I am very happy to report that I did my exercise yesterday! I had a busy day and forced myself to go out and do a walk/run training to hit the next level of my running class. It was about 4 when I made it out and as I was driving to the place I was going to run I looked at the temp and said "maybe I should go to the gym and run or maybe skip it!" It was 93!!! I wasn't feeling very good either..light headed and just kind of off. (note lots of excuses to not go) I got to the park and got started to the bike path, walked awhile then started to run 12 legs felt heavy and I wasn't sure I could do it. I pushed on listening to my tunes and looking at the beautiful day around me. I made it to 12 mins with NO PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I walked 1 min then ran 8 more mins!!! I cooled down with a nice walk then got to my car and stretched then sat in the shade and enjoyed my success! Push on my friends the reward of knowing you did it is so worth it...not to mention it helps with your weight loss!!!

    Neurotice Virgo ~ Yes girl you need to lighten up on yourself!!! I hope you got to your exercise yesterday :wink: You have come so far with your weight loss just move forward and enjoy the popsicles :bigsmile: I love Weight Watchers fudgcicles

    Patty ~ Oh please don't be ashamed!!!!!!!!! We have all been there. Time to move forward and stop the negatvie talk. Stay in touch and focus on 1 -2 things don't overwhelm yourself. Like when we started this group maybe focus on getting in your water and fruits and veggies. I know how hard it is to focus on you when you have alot of stress. But when we are off track we are just hurting ourselves. I remember a long time ago when I was a fast food frequent flyer I would be stressed and drive thru and get a burger and fries....oh it was soooooooo good and I felt like CRAP afterward. Then I would say to that didn't help my stress that was like saying let's just screw Judy and keep her far from her goal!!!! Not Cool.... Be good to yourself!!!! We are here for you :smile:

    Jenn ~ WTG on your Zombie walk sounds fun!!!

    Well I am out of town tonight for work...... a school show tomorrow, so that means burritos, stuffed bread sticks, cookies and mac and cheese will be all around me :angry: We have to set up tonight so not sure about exercise.

    I hope you all had a great weekend!! Here's to a gret new week!
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    sfalk: great loss! woohooo 5 lbs that's incredible!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @PositivePower - Your name really fits you! Very positive! :bigsmile: I love it!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    5lb lost this week!:happy:

    That is SO cool!!! Congratulations!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Just checking in... I see a lot of losses -- great job! :smile:
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 527 Member
    I've decided what I want for Christmas!!! Go to this link, & check it out! I swear, I would be very motivated to exercise!
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    10 arms
    29 waist
    21 1/2 thigh
    33 bust

    Have a Terrific Tuesday! :smile:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I've decided what I want for Christmas!!! Go to this link, & check it out! I swear, I would be very motivated to exercise!

    that was great! I want it too haha :smile:
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Angie, how is Ody doing lately? :flowerforyou:
  • liz4214
    liz4214 Posts: 63 Member
    I've decided what I want for Christmas!!! Go to this link, & check it out! I swear, I would be very motivated to exercise!

    This was great. Loved it!