HELP! I am not losing weight :(

Okay, I joined MFP on September 30. Joined a gym on October 3rd. Since joining the gym, I've worked out no less than 45 minutes, six days a week. I've worked up to 75-90 minutes, mostly cardio (tredmil and bike) and I do some weight lifting so I can tone some problem areas. Most days I don't even come close to consuming my allotted calories for the day (something I am working on). I try to consume 1200 but most days, after exercising as much as I do, 1200 is too much. I've only lost 2 lbs. I'm not completely discouraged. I am not a quitter!! But I'm frustrated. I've lost a total of 54 lbs before switching gears and beginning this new phase in my weight loss journey.

I would love to know what I'm doing wrong. I'm exercising as much as time allows. I should be losing something, working out six days a week (no less than 60 minutes each workout). First week, lost 2; second week, lost .5 and third week gained .5. Not sure what more I could be doing!!! Any help is appreciated :)


  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    I hear ya! Same here!
  • Joannie1987
    Joannie1987 Posts: 28 Member
    Maybe as you are lifting weight you are gaining muscle and tonning?
  • Meggy247
    Meggy247 Posts: 77 Member
    Congrats on your dedication. Have you taken measurements? Bet you are smaller!
  • DesertSunsetRain
    I think you have it backwards. When you work out that much 1200 isn't enough.

    Maybe you need to get some more.
  • ladyarkham
    ladyarkham Posts: 14 Member
    You may be building muscle in place of fat - are you taking measurements? Have you noticed a change in how your clothes fit?

    You may be under-eating, which is causing your body to hang onto fat as hard as possible. Do you ever take breaks from the diet? One day of eating plenty of healthy food may help shock your system off of its plateau.

    How far are you from your goal weight? Your body may naturally rest at a weight near your goal.
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    Are you logging your food? And if you are, can you open your diary for some of us to check it out?
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    2 pounds is still a loss. You have GOT to eat 1200 a day especially if you are working out that much or your body won't move. Try measuring yourself also. Lots of people have inch loss, but no weight loss. You may be replacing fat with new muscle keeping it "looking" like your weight is not changing. Can I look at your diary? Feel free to puruse mine and see. I mix it up so my metabolism never has a chance to even out and it seems to be working.
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Up your calories. In order for your body to work out at that level you need to fuel it. I don't know that you've been at it long enough to actually be in "starvation mode" but you're surely heading there.
  • stargazerjana
    stargazerjana Posts: 18 Member
    Maybe as you are lifting weight you are gaining muscle and tonning?
    I agree! Are you measuring and checking to see if you are losing inches?
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Most days I don't even come close to consuming my allotted calories for the day (something I am working on). I try to consume 1200 but most days, after exercising as much as I do, 1200 is too much.

    Um, you answered your own question with this statement. Eat your calories PLUS your exercise calories (most of them anyway). You are not fueling your body enough.
    BJBLAINE Posts: 4 Member
    Suggestion - exercise 60 minutes of something each day - but really control your calorie intake - make sure that you have you goals realistically set for weight....very hard to exercise off - exercise is the plus. Let me know in about a week. Just read some of the other posts - they are absolutely correct - I eat 1200 day at 5'1" and stay about a 100 pounds - you have to eat the calories it tells you to eat. Hope this helps.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    You're not eating enough ! You're burning massive calories & eating the bare minimum--puts your body into a "starvation mode." I'd up your caloric intake--& I'll bet you see a difference.

  • Princessa1982
    i can not see your diary so I have no clue what foods you are eating. I would say though that if you are doing that much cardio, you need WELL over 1200 cal a day, as you should net 1200 a day (meaning thats what your body should get, on top of whatever you burn) Personally, i think you are doing too much cardio. Somoene once told me that 60 mins of cardio 4-5 times a week was all that was needed and best and then of course whatever strength training you do (i do not have any scientific evidence, just what was told to me)
    It is also possible that you have lost inches as you may be toning up as well. Do your clothes feel looser at all?

    My suggestion is change the foods you are eating, switch the cardio you do and get in some swimming or something completely different (whatever that may be for you). The shock to your body will surly help you lose some weight!
  • Lahdidahdah
    I also recommend the type of calories you are eating. I have found that when 40% of my calories come from fat, I won't lose weight. :-)
  • youvegottobekidding
    I got a little confused are you consuming 1200 calories but you have exercise calories left over or are you not even getting in your 1200? I am no expert on weight loss, but I read A LOT and everything says you should NOT consume less than 1200 calories. I don't think that you need to eat your exercise calories but you should be eating your alloted 1200, this way your body has the fuel to help it burn the excess weight that you want to lose.
  • hbart500
    hbart500 Posts: 304 Member
    You need to eat those calories :) even small snacks throughout the day/between your meals help a lot and add up. Especially with working out you need the extra energy and fuel for your body.
  • seancook3
    l also dont seem to be shifting weight more putting it on, on the scales and i have thrown out all the junk food and im on the 30 day shred work out as well as an hour jog about 4 times a week however i was wondering if the foods i still eat are affecting this such as bread, pasta and jacket potatoes? could anyone help?:smile:
  • jrobyn44
    I think your gaining muscle during your workout...
  • FitnessDivaK
    From your post, it seems like you're not eating enough. If you're barely consuming 1200 cals per day and working out on top of that, your body may be in starvation mode - holding on to calories instead of burning them. You need to find a healthy balance between eating and working out because your body needs the fuel. Also, depending on your eating patterns your metabolism could be slowing down. Although you're working out, which helps your metabolism, if your body has nothing to metabolize, you're defeating yourself.

    My advice would be to EAT MORE. Make sure that you're hitting a minimum of 1200 cals per day...even more on days when you work out. It seems backward, but if you eat more, you will lose :-)
  • riyahroyce
    definitely up your calories (by 200 or 300, I'd say, but I'm not an expert). What my diet buddy and i do is allow ourselves treats on the weekends, usually a dinner of hamburgers and mac n cheese (small portions!). Your body is trying to hang onto your fat; it needs the extra calories to assure it you won't starve to death if it returns to burning fat. Up the cals and maintain the same level of exercise. These other friends are right, too, that your muscles must be toning and adding pounds to your weight.

    Major kudos on your dedication and progress so far!! Dont be discouraged...getting to eat more is delicious news!