Calling all PCOS sisters!!



  • I agree!!!!! It will all fall into place without the help you just watch!
  • Hello! I have PCOS as well :-(. I was diagnosed at age 15...I will be 30 in a few days. I have never had a regular period and as much clomid I have taken to ovualate it has never worked!! Until now...... :-) I recently have lost 80lbs!!!! and last month I OVULATED for the first time ever!! I am trying not to get my hopes up on actually getting pregnant...but I feel I have made a HUGE step in the right direction! I wish I would have been motivated to do it a long time ago....Just wanted to share my success so far, and give some looking for answers some hope...I know reading stories of successful people helps me to cope. Good luck ladies! Feel free to add me if you like. :happy:
  • momofcsquared
    momofcsquared Posts: 5 Member
    I was diagnosed at age, 18 years ago. At the time I was 5'5" and 120lbs. I had all the other symptoms, but I could lose weight easily....Since the age of 16, I had only had 2-3 periods.

    Fast forward about 8 years. I still hadn't had another period, but I was PREGNANT. (yeah, shock to me

    After my son was born, I had an INCREDIBLY difficult time losing weight. I had gained about 35 lbs, and lost 15 of it fairly easily, but the other 20 would not go. Over the next 10 years I had another son (without having a period still) and gained about 30 more.

    So I am now at 5'6" and 180lbs. It's about 40lbs over what I want to be, so I'm working hard now to lose it!!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I agree!!!!! It will all fall into place without the help you just watch!

    Ive had previous patients when I worked primary care, who were told to lose weight prior to going through IVF (also because some insurances held strict guidlines for coverage as well)... By the time they dropped 25% of their weight, they were menstruating and capable of getting pregnant on their own.... it definitely can happen!
  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hello! I have PCOS as well :-(. I was diagnosed at age 15...I will be 30 in a few days. I have never had a regular period and as much clomid I have taken to ovualate it has never worked!! Until now...... :-) I recently have lost 80lbs!!!! and last month I OVULATED for the first time ever!! I am trying not to get my hopes up on actually getting pregnant...but I feel I have made a HUGE step in the right direction! I wish I would have been motivated to do it a long time ago....Just wanted to share my success so far, and give some looking for answers some hope...I know reading stories of successful people helps me to cope. Good luck ladies! Feel free to add me if you like. :happy:

    That's a GREAT report! So good to hear good news! :-) Good for you on losing so much weight too! :-)
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Hi to all, another PCOSer here. Diagnosis around 12 years ago, weight struggles all of my life (30 now). I got pregnant with my first child easily but I was at a healthy weight. After he was born I packed on the pounds which made my periods sporadic. When we decided we wanted a second child I lost 60 pounds so that I could ovulate and conceive. After my second child, I again packed on the weight and the periods went crazy again. So, three years ago I decided to lose weight once more but not to have another child but to get healthy. I have currently lost 108 lbs so, yeah, ladies with PCOS are going to have to be patient and on top of it all the time because the weight comes back on so easily! I watch my carbs/sugars, watch my calories and work out six days a week. I promise that weight loss is do-able with PCOS and when the weight is off things get better for most women with PCOS. Feel free to add me, any of you that need support!
  • misstanyamarie
    misstanyamarie Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    I have had PCOS for about 6 years. I am terrible at taking my Metformin. I recently decided to take control of my life. I still forget to take my Metformin...but by changing what I eat, I have lost 6 pounds so far. Please add me....I need motivation and a support group.
  • Hi all, I'm a PCOSer too. I was diagnosed at 19, and have been dealing with the ups and downs for 10 years. I went from weighing over 350 lbs to weighing under 200 lbs to now weighing in at over 280 lbs. It has been quite a struggle emotionally and physically. I found the hardest part with it all was eating less sugars. All I crave are sugars (bread, fruits, candy, etc.) and that has been the one thing all my doctors have said to stay away from!

    I have my friends to exercise with, and family to help with eating, but it's harder not having someone to understand the emotional roller coaster that one with PCOS can experience.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Another one here. I'm 19 now. I was diagnosed when i was 15. I didn't have my period for 8 months (I got my period at age 10 so I figured it wasn't just the normal period hasn't regulated itself yet thing) and my mom was diagnosed with PCOS so she straight up said to my doctor that might be it so we did blood tests and ultrasounds and later on she said I didn't have any cysts but my blood tests did show messed up hormone levels.

    I don't have many symptoms or at least not severe ones. I don't have much for extra hair anywhere, I have always had acne though it's gotten better in the last 5-7 years or so. I went on the pill at 15 but went off it this last June or July and haven't had a period yet (one of my things right now is trying to naturally get my period back). I'm not really overweight but almost there. I could stand to lose 10-20 pounds but find it's VERY difficult and super easy to gain weight so that's a big struggle.

    Also, before it was mentioned bout if you ovulate but don't bleed there's a higher chance of cancer, etc. How do you know if you're ovulating?

    PS Feel free to add me. :) I'm looking for some friends who understand the added struggle of PCOS.
  • Me too! I did lose the weight years ago but still needed IVF to achieve a pregnancy. I was lucky once and have a beautiful 10 year old daughter, but several subsequent attempts at IVF ended in either failure or miscarriage. I had gradually put the weight back on so am just trying to shed a couple of stone now. Low carb is the only way forward for me, nothing else works for me.
  • Another PCOS-er here!! I was diagnosed about 3 years ago.
    Have tried everything to lose weight, diet pills, shakes, you name it! Counting calories is the only thing that works.
    Ideally I would like to drop 45kg, but for now, I am aiming for 30kg.
    Would love kids some day, but not for at least 2-3 years.

    I have had the irregular periods, weight gain (about 15kg in 3 years), thinning hair, fatigue, mood swings and in the past acne.

    I started my weight loss in February, and lost about 6-7kg in about 12 weeks though my fitness pal, but than went on holiday and it stopped there. I am on here to get it going again.
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    :bigsmile: Hey ladies,

    I wanted some input on metformin. The doc called me in a script for it and I am going to start it today, any do's don'ts with this? Food I should avoid to get my weight loss going again..

  • curlygirlcami
    curlygirlcami Posts: 102 Member
    Hey! I am on Metformin also. One thing that really helps me is to stay away from sugar and white flour. I feel so much better when I don't eat lots of rice, noodles, sweets, etc. It's a bummer, but it really will help you feel better. At least it did for me. Good luck!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 263 Member
    One thing I noticed with Metformin is if you eat a high fat meal with it, you will regret it for quite a while. It does NOT like fat which is difficult if you are on a low carb diet. I couldn't eat regular eggs while I was on it because of the saturated fat in them. Just remember it takes a while for your body to adjust to it.
  • salmat77
    salmat77 Posts: 310 Member
    :bigsmile: Thanks for your adivce, hopefully i can see some results..
  • I also have PCOS. Would love anyone who wants to add me! I struggle with some of the issues for PCOS a lot... so support would be great!
  • imsmellie
    imsmellie Posts: 103 Member
    I was just diagnosed yesterday....
  • keishababy
    keishababy Posts: 1 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005. I fortunately didn't really have fertility issues, but have struggled with my weight my entire adult life. I've started using this sited regularly, and it really does make a difference when you track what you eat. I'm down 4 lbs since Sunday, and hope to keep it up.
  • justbeachy01
    justbeachy01 Posts: 53 Member
    I was diagnosed today....pretty upset. Like my weight isn't difficult enough to handle, now I learn it's going to stay that way :(

    Add me!