"Who Wants to Be a Hot Mom " Group 7



  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    I'm out of town for a girls weekend, so I weighed in early. Down about a pound to 153.4. Still an overall gain of about 6 pounds and I'm 16 weeks along now, so I'm good with that.

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    sorry for not posting last week I had no change from last week. I thought I posted it.
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies - Weigh in for the week...147.6 lbs!! That's a 1.6 lb. loss for the past week and a 21.4 lb. loss since beginning the Hot Moms Challenge!! I am feeling so good this week. I did a 4 mile run on Monday and a 5 mile run on Wednesday evening, while my younger daughter was having soccer practice. She and I are also running a 5K tomorrow night...excited about a night time run...we get glow-in-the-dark t-shirts and many will be running in costumes...should be fun!! My husband was out of town for half the week, so I just got to make my own food, which is much easier to make healthy choices. I did well foodwise this week.

    I have finally gone shopping and am wearing some clothes that actually fit, rather than the baggy, too-big clothes that I have been wearing. I am having so much fun shopping and buying size 8s and mediums. I even pulled the "skinny" clothes from the back of the closet the other day, and they all fit, except for one pair of jeans that are my "goal pants". Many of the things that I had hidden back there have not fit in 8-11 years, I was soooo excited!! I have also been getting lots of complements, and the positive reinforcement is fueling me on. Now that I am wearing clothes that actually fit, and accentuate my new shape, people are really noticing. One co-worker told me that I look like I have had a total body makeover and that I look 10 years younger!! Love it!! And the young, hot, single, totally buff guy at work, who knows I have been running and working out, told me that all my working out is paying off because I look "yummy". I am sure that I was blushing like a school girl...lol!! Even us married for 21 years, over 40 moms still like to be noticed and complemented by a nice looking guy...lol!! Well, that was my week, ladies...I hope yours has been just as fabulous!! Hope you have a great weekend planned!! Tammy
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I kept it off, but we will see if it stick around for next week. 149.6
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    sorry for not posting last week I had no change from last week. I thought I posted it.

    I looked and I did post but must have been over looked.

    On another note I got 3 home cooked meals in today being the 3rd. Tom is going to be a gym day. this week was so busy I felt like I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I needed the rest

    Forgot to weigh in this morning so I will tom
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies - Weigh in for the week...147.6 lbs!! That's a 1.6 lb. loss for the past week and a 21.4 lb. loss since beginning the Hot Moms Challenge!! I am feeling so good this week. I did a 4 mile run on Monday and a 5 mile run on Wednesday evening, while my younger daughter was having soccer practice. She and I are also running a 5K tomorrow night...excited about a night time run...we get glow-in-the-dark t-shirts and many will be running in costumes...should be fun!! My husband was out of town for half the week, so I just got to make my own food, which is much easier to make healthy choices. I did well foodwise this week.

    I have finally gone shopping and am wearing some clothes that actually fit, rather than the baggy, too-big clothes that I have been wearing. I am having so much fun shopping and buying size 8s and mediums. I even pulled the "skinny" clothes from the back of the closet the other day, and they all fit, except for one pair of jeans that are my "goal pants". Many of the things that I had hidden back there have not fit in 8-11 years, I was soooo excited!! I have also been getting lots of complements, and the positive reinforcement is fueling me on. Now that I am wearing clothes that actually fit, and accentuate my new shape, people are really noticing. One co-worker told me that I look like I have had a total body makeover and that I look 10 years younger!! Love it!! And the young, hot, single, totally buff guy at work, who knows I have been running and working out, told me that all my working out is paying off because I look "yummy". I am sure that I was blushing like a school girl...lol!! Even us married for 21 years, over 40 moms still like to be noticed and complemented by a nice looking guy...lol!! Well, that was my week, ladies...I hope yours has been just as fabulous!! Hope you have a great weekend planned!! Tammy

    CONGRATS TAMMY!! That is such a great feeling when the complements come rolling in and the single digit clothes start fitting. So happy for you!! I am already planning my comeback after this pregnancy, and running is definitely going to be back on my list. I can't keep my HR low enough right now to run while pregnant but can't wait to get back to it.

    Keep up the AWESOME work--you're doing amazing!!
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    sorry for not posting last week I had no change from last week. I thought I posted it.

    I looked and I did post but must have been over looked.

    On another note I got 3 home cooked meals in today being the 3rd. Tom is going to be a gym day. this week was so busy I felt like I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I needed the rest

    Forgot to weigh in this morning so I will tom

    Sorry I missed your post, Sarah. I'll be more careful for this week, and will fill in your weight from last week. :)
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    ~~~ WEIGH IN 10-22 -11 ~~

    I lost 1 lb. since last weigh in. Im at a 152.2 now (my 1st weight goal :bigsmile: ).

    That's a total of 14.2 lbs lost since starting Hot Moms.

    p.s. Yesterday I wore my size 14 jeans to work. They were very baggy, but buying a belt is cheaper than buying new clothes...so on goes the belt and off to work I go. Well, after work, I had to do some shopping for a wedding that's today and I decided to try on some jeans (Lee Riders). I grabbed a 10 and yes they fit, but still a little loose. So for the heck of it, I grabbed a size 8 and they FIT! I left the store w/the 8's. Now, I probably couldn't do that with another brand, but w/ I could with these!
  • helena98
    helena98 Posts: 327
    New weekly chart posted! Come see which Hot Mom has already reached her goal weight!!

  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    well this is the second week I have stayed the same. So this week I am going to try step up the workouts this week.

    As for my goals this week

    1. cook 3 homemade meals
    done with some leftovers

    2. go to the gym 3x this week
    went to the gym 2x this week

    So 1 goal done one almost done.

    Goals for next week is to focus on workouts

    1. Go to the gym 3x this week

    2. Start EA Sports 30 day challenge and complete week 1.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Went to fitness class last night, she ran it like Jillian's 30 day shred, but did it as 3-2-2, we did 4 circuits. Burned 395 cals.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hey ladies!! I've trimmed down the chart a bit and cut out those who haven't weighed in for the last 3-4 weeks. We're missing a couple weigh-in's this week, so hopefully those who are missing in action are still staying with it!!!


    I had a great 4-day weekend with girlfriends from school. Lots of shopping and got in a great calorie burn on a 2 hour hike. We also decided that our girls trip next year may be to San Francisco to run a half marathon sponsored by Nike where you receive a little Tiffany necklace rather than a medal.

    Goals for me this week:
    1. Make it to Zumba Thursday night
    2. Elliptical or treadmill intervals Saturday and/or Sunday
    3. 8 glasses of water per day
    4. Get to the store to get more fruits and veggies--goal of 3-4 servings per day to start.
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    Sorry for not weighing in! My doctor put me on new medication and it really screwed up my healthy eating! But im going to do my best to
  • amers55
    amers55 Posts: 46
    Oops! ^ going to stay on track as best I can now that I changed my meds
  • tamcrit
    tamcrit Posts: 340 Member
    Hey ladies!! I've trimmed down the chart a bit and cut out those who haven't weighed in for the last 3-4 weeks. We're missing a couple weigh-in's this week, so hopefully those who are missing in action are still staying with it!!!


    I had a great 4-day weekend with girlfriends from school. Lots of shopping and got in a great calorie burn on a 2 hour hike. We also decided that our girls trip next year may be to San Francisco to run a half marathon sponsored by Nike where you receive a little Tiffany necklace rather than a medal.

    Goals for me this week:
    1. Make it to Zumba Thursday night
    2. Elliptical or treadmill intervals Saturday and/or Sunday
    3. 8 glasses of water per day
    4. Get to the store to get more fruits and veggies--goal of 3-4 servings per day to start.

    Heather - I soooo want to do the Nike Half in San Fran...I am all about the race bling, especially when it comes from Tiffany's. A friend of mine ran it this year, and the necklace was super cute!! It sells out quickly, and they do it by random drawing. I believe registration for the drawing is in March/April...just wanted you to have a heads up if you want to do it. I didn't get in for it this year, so am hoping to make it next year.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,523 Member
    [Heather - I soooo want to do the Nike Half in San Fran...I am all about the race bling, especially when it comes from Tiffany's. A friend of mine ran it this year, and the necklace was super cute!! It sells out quickly, and they do it by random drawing. I believe registration for the drawing is in March/April...just wanted you to have a heads up if you want to do it. I didn't get in for it this year, so am hoping to make it next year.

    I heard that it is a HUGE race and that there is a lottery. My friend is going to create our team and enter us, because I think that you're correct and registration is in late March or early April--and I'll kind of be busy having a baby right around then!!!

    It sounds like a fun race, I just hope that I have enough time to train. I can only run very short intervals these days due to the HR restrictions during pregnancy. If I run more than a couple minutes my HR gets into the high 150's, and my target is supposed to bey 140-150. Oh well--if our group is selected I definitely won't be running to win, just to finish!!! :)
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    ~~ WEIGH IN 10/28/11 ~~

    I lost 0.8 lbs putting me at 151.4 :drinker:
  • Babbe
    Babbe Posts: 143 Member
    After a 2 week of no loss or gain, I have a gain this week. I am up 0.9 lbs. So I am 143.3 lbs. I am not liking the way the scale is going. I think I am going to work on the gym and my water intake this coming week.

    As for the goals of this week.
    1. gym 3x this week
    I got there once this week and maybe 2 if I can get there tom.

    2. Start EA Sports and finish week one
    I have done this every night so far and will tonight and tom as well.
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    Ugh I forgot to post last week. I was 146.0

    This week I'm 144.0 so i surpassed my intermediate goal!! I only have 9 pounds to go...whoo hooo..:drinker:

    I hope everyone is doing well. :heart:
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member