Sexy in Six ***closed group*** Week Four!!!



  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    Monday QOTD- Chef Meg from! I get her email newsletter and she always inspires me to find a better, healthier way to make my favorite foods!

    Tuesdsay QOTD- it's pretty hard to A. find something healthy at restaurants, and B. exercise my resistance muscle when out and about! Some of the things i try to do to help myself are:

    1. Split meals with my husband (easier said than done because he doesn't like mushrooms and I do!)
    2. For a while we boycotted restaurants that didn't have nutrition information listed somewhere.
    3. Try to pick simple foods. so no casseroles at the family potluck if it could be avoided.
    4. Do feel like you have to eat a little of everything. Look at the spread and pick your very favorite things to try.
    5. Say NO to Grandma! You don't have to eat it just because you might hurt someone's feelings...Your health is worth it and they will understand if they care about you! (this one is especially hard because my Grandma is scary! lol)
    6. We also try to do dinner parties at our house where we can control the food and have found a few friends that are in the same dieting/healthy lifestyle boat as we are and are more than happy to plan healthy meals. Eat with like minded peeps!
    7. if all else fails--read the book--The Beck Diet Solution, that is.
  • kjgarcia
    kjgarcia Posts: 104 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    When going out to eat I try my best to find nutritional info ahead of time. Sometimes none is available, when that happens I try to find a similar food in the database (so what mfp diary says may not be exactly where I have eaten) and/or pick something that stands out as an obvious better choice than other items.
    Get togethers are harder. For get togethers I try to just really limit myself to small servings.
    Also, drinking lots of water, ice tea, or diet coke at the restaurant instead of an "adult beverage", shake, or full sugared drinks.
  • drgirl1023
    drgirl1023 Posts: 112 Member
    Monday QOTD - If you could have a celebrity trainer or celebrity chef come and work with you for a month, Who would you pick and why?

    I would have to say Billy Blanks - Tae Bo! He is just like a boot camp trainer! I love that type of energy that he has!
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    I tend to avoid restaurants if possible. The food always seems too salty now. I just don't enjoy it. If I can't avoid it, I get a salad, usually with grilled chicken. It seems to be the least salty. Get-togethers? Usually I bring my own food (enough for everyone) or don't eat. Family get-togethers, my dad always makes sure there is plenty of food for me to eat. Everyone once in a while you just gotta say ____ it I'm eating. I don't usually eat very much, but .....
  • Jarvis95
    Jarvis95 Posts: 157 Member
    Tuesday QOTD:

    Restos are by far one of biggest challenges. Sometimes i do horrible and other times i rock them, all depends on my self-control. here's what i do:

    -Research, if there no nutritional value I guesstimate by looking at restaurant chain menus and trying to compare. I think it's important to look at restaurant menus and not homemade stuff to guess.

    -Pre LOGGING. I find if pre-log my resto meal it helps me plan my day around it, and plan how much to eat, like can i have bread? do i need to take half home? what can i drink?

    -Consciously thinking it over- i find that if i have pre-planned, and pre-logged, then i'm more likely to stick with it when i get there because i have my game plan!! like i find i'm more likely to only eat half and take the rest home if i've though it through.


    this blog from the newspaper the Toronto Star is pretty neat:

    they get different food tested from restos so it's good for helping to get a sense of how much cals are in resto portion sizes ect. For example they found pad thai had something crazy like 1400!!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Tues: I pre plan and just try to use my best judgment. Most of the time I'm successful...unless my TOM decides I need fried cheese curds...yikes! also, thanks peanut, I downloaded the restaurant nutrition app...I can't believe the calories in all the stuff I used to eat...daily in grad school! Holy crap, no wonder I was 323 lbs!
  • emd0019
    emd0019 Posts: 179 Member
    Monday QOTD - If you could have a celebrity trainer or celebrity chef come and work with you for a month, Who would you pick and why?

    Jillian Michaels of course! I'm not sure of very many celebrity chefs but I don't want one of them to come in, the food will be too good and I will want to eat more of it than I should

    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    I usually try to plan ahead and know what I'm getting or how much of something I will allow myself to eat. That helps me stay below my calories and if I am going to exced them than I can plan on it and go to the gym beforehand.
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    Ugh! This is a really big struggle for me. I refuse to cut out restaurants all together because so often they are tied to my only time to visit with friends and family. That said, I am learning to make wise decisions. If I think a place might be in the database, that's the first place I look. A lot of places I eat aren't though, so I just try to make wise decisions. Like, I know grilled chicken is pretty healthy usually and I try to get veggies when possible. I get chicken fajitas now when I go to Mexican restaurants. I look for wheat pastas at Italian restaurants and salads with dressing on the side (not the creamy stuff, like ranch). Etc, etc. I eat really well the rest of the week and generally I do just fine even with a restaurant a day or two of the week. I do notice a big difference on how well I do depending on who I am eating with. For example, I do awesome when I'm with my parents, but pretty bad when with some friends I eat with on a regular basis. Still not sure how to handle that.
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Dolvett Quince! LOVE him on the Biggest Loser, he is exactly the type of personality that I need to Kick my *kitten* to get myself motivated! (Not to mention he is sooooo nice to look at! hehe)

    I was thinking he would be good too and he is from my area :) I like him
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    Great question btw....

    Being that my hubbs works at night and they are giving him tons of OT there isn't much time for eating out. When we do plan to go out to eat...we figure out a couple of places and I look their menus and nutrition facts up online to see where the better place to eat is AND what my best choices are. I also eat less during the day ~~like a lighter lunch~~ so that I don't go over at dinner.

    With get-togethers that would be mainly a family thing. Where we are now our family is 5 hours away and being a SAHM since I moved here I don't have many friends here. Both sides of the family know I am trying to lose weight so they usually have some really healthy choices waiting. For example this weekend I went home. Usually while we play cards at night there is a LOT of snacking. My sister went and got a bunch of veggies and instead of chips/candy/junk we had cucumbers/carrots/broccoli..etc. I am lucky that they support what I am trying to do without making me feel bad. My mother-in-law will actually call me to see if there is something special I want. Both sides keep the labels for what they are making so I can account for the calories.
  • TanyaPearce
    Tues-restaurants: I try to get fish and steamed vegs. The hardest is for me not to get tea or coke and stick to just water. All those empty calories in drinks.
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member

    to me, eating out is a TREAT! i could say i really try to stay within calories but do i every time? no. but i do try to get the tastiest/healthiest option and if i go over, hey it's a TREAT. i also like to split the meal with someone or take the rest home for dinner/lunch the next day (sometimes it's 10x better than when it was fresh on the second day lol)
  • codonnell13
    codonnell13 Posts: 52 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    I honestly rarely eat out, but when I do, I either eat a smaller lunch, or let it be a cheat day. I go for veggie entrees and I either split or take at least half home for the next day
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Like many others, I check out the nutritional information online if it is available for where I am eating out. Since reviewing different menus, it is helping me make better choices when I do go somewhere where I can't check out the menu before hand. I always drink water at meals, if a glass of wine, just one, and lots of water lol. Dessert is typically not ordered, but on the rare occasion that we do order it, we share it.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    I have to plan! For restaurants, I usually read the menu and pick what I'm going to eat first so when we get there, I don't have to worry about it.
    For get togethers, if they are at a friends house- pot luck- I bring a healthy snack so I have something to eat and I generally try to encourage everyone to eat healthy telling them my snack is only 27 calories each! LOL
    But if it's not a pot luck, I just make sure I work out that day, then eat a little less calories per snack that day so I can save them for the calorie intake at the party. And of course if they're at my house, I just try to make everything healthy.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Tuesday QOTD: I think we all struggle with eating well, especially when eating out. How do you deal with restaurants and get-togethers?

    I'm with everyone...I try and sneak a peek at the menu before going and plan ahead. The other thing (and I did this last night!!) is to stay VERY aware of your hunger/satiety signals. One of my new rules is to take my time eating and to stop eating as soon as the sensation of fullness hits. My husband is really supportive and helps me with this last part (on my instruction...he doesn't volunteer to do this) and reminds me of this rule...he usually sees when I "pause" and knows that's when I'm full. If I start eating again, he'll just ask "are you full?" The answer is usually YES!

    Quick edit: Oh, and if I do happen to go bonkers, I make sure to forget about it and start fresh ASAP.
  • 160poundgirl
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?
  • 160poundgirl
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    Yes i have!!! I lost 10 pounds on WW and dropped 2 dress sizes. Best shape of my life- in my entire adulthood. Prior to that, I was never, ever concerned about my weight. I was super skinny throughout my childhood and after gaining weight in college, I was happy with where i was. My job was giving us free WW membership so i thought what the heck! It was a miserable 3 months (membership was 90 days) of eating brown rice and vegetables. I am African so food without spices and the lack of ability to eat real, real home made food was horrible for me. I was able to keep it off for 1 year and 2 years later, i weighed in at PLUS 47lbs.......

    So this is my second (not counting the several fad diets i did because i never finished them and all i lost was water weight) and LAST time. This is different because i have the support and accountability group that worked for me with WW. I am able to TRULY eat everyday food (the African version way) and lose weight as i continue to make smart food choices and continue to exercise!!! No turning back for me...............................
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    I was always thin in high school and college. But after I graduated, I gained about 20 pounds. I did WW on my own once about ten years ago. I just bought the materials off of ebay. My then husband and I both did it, and we both lost some weight. Then I was diagnosed hypothyroid, my marriage fell apart, I was working 60+ hours a week, and the weight came back, plus some. This is the first time in those ten years since WW that I have seriously tried to lose weight again. This time feels different. I love the changes that I've already experienced and can't wait to see more of them. I've learned so much about nutrition and exercise. I am also in a better place emotionally. I really don't see myself ever going back to the old me. I have more energy and feel more confident. It also helps that I have a few cousins also doing this with me, plus the support of my MFP family.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 260 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: Ladies, have you tried to lose weight before? So is this just another "one of those times" or is this different? What makes it different? What are you doing to ensure that you are not right back where you started?

    Seems like I've been trying to lose weight all my life. What makes it different this time is looking at it as a life style change, not a diet. My goal is to be as healthy, fit and happy as I can be. A life style change is the only way to do that. Finally realizing that has made all the difference. It's not always going to be easy, and adjustments will have to be made her and there, but it's something I can do the rest of my life.

    One of the things I do ensure that I don't go back - is always remember "before". I carry a picture around of me when we were at Disney world about 3 years ago. It doesn't even look like me - I don't ever want to go back!