Mile Challenge for 10/24-10/30, open group



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Hey everyone! I'll be doing the totals so far and current member list in just a few minutes, I just finished up my run and wanted to add my miles here before I forgot! I'll be slowing it down this week and only aiming for 25 miles, since I've got a couple of sick kiddos which means no childcare or preschool for a few days, so limited time for gym adventures. Anyhow, I'll be back with updates in a few (after my shower!)

    PlunderBunneh - Group B, 2.06 miles
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Awww no, they're both poorly again? They do like ganging up on you, don't they?!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    I would love to join this group....loveme, Group B. I'll make sure I get some miles in today
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Hey everybody! What a great start to this week's challenge! Especially you, Trianaw! Almost 14 miles on day one, way to go :)
    Since I've already chatted you up on my mile update, I'll just get to the important stuff, our current members and total miles.

    The current totals are as follows:

    Group A, 15 Mile Challenge:

    Suenflet - 3 miles
    EricNCSU - 2.25 miles
    Melkadee - 3.2 miles
    Cthmom - 1.8 miles
    Msbrwnsugga -
    Lalahawley - 1 mile
    Frankeegee -
    Danajotx - 3.8 miles
    Saishalea - 1.5 miles
    Angelie28 -
    Gtrfan07 - 2.5 miles

    Group B, 25 Mile Challenge:

    PlunderBunneh - 2.06 miles
    Hjohns65 -
    Starbucksbuzz - 6.75 miles
    Lglg11 - 6.5 miles
    Tpt42087 - 2 miles
    Hate2run -
    Loveme445 -

    Group A, 35 Mile Challenge:

    Lazyspice - 5.7 miles
    Rjs3455 -
    Bethechangeuwant -
    Lstnlondry - 8 miles
    Wifeygonzo - 8.2 miles
    Trianaw - 13.77 miles
    Rialems - 9.4 miles
    Masai1214 - 4 miles

    Happy miles to all!
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hi every1 can i join?
    10/24 -- 4 miles
    10/25 -- 4 miles
  • lazyspice
    lazyspice Posts: 8,258 Member
    Group C - 6.8 miles for Tuesday :smile:
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    @ Jamaka1 - You sure can join! I'll add you to the current totals list tomorrow :)

    @ Lazyspice - I cannot remember a 48 hour period with no one being sick in the last three months. This is really getting old. Right now it's the same old stomach bug making its rounds. I'm just really thankful that it hasn't been me, *knock on wood* but normally I get sick more often and worse than everyone else. Things look good for tomorrow though, I am getting to that gym, even if I have to go tomorrow night after husband gets home!
  • bethechangeuwant
    bethechangeuwant Posts: 17 Member
    bethechangeuwant, group C - 7.0 miles for Monday :)

    Will post today's miles later in a bit. Happy trekking everybody!!
  • hate2run
    hate2run Posts: 29 Member
    Ran 5 miles today (Tuesday)....Group B
  • cthmom
    cthmom Posts: 9
    10/25/2011 4.2 miles on the elliptical. Group A
  • tpt42087
    tpt42087 Posts: 313 Member
    3 Miles walking today back is killing so I took it easy
    Group B
    5Miles down
    20Miles to go
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
    13.77 yesterday + 6.28 today= 20.05 Group A
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Group C
    7.34 miles (dogwalk)
  • Getting back on track!!

    Alirae, Group C, 6.25 miles
  • rialems
    rialems Posts: 44
    Group C - 3.1 Miles today :)
    See you all tomorrow! Good night :)
  • hjohns65
    hjohns65 Posts: 66 Member
    Hjohns Group B- 4.7 miles Monday
    Group B- 3.2 miles Tuesday
  • danajotx - group A - 1 mile
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    Wifeygonzo - group C - Tuesday 4.6 miles & Wednesday 4.3 miles (might do more tonight)
  • 3 miles done on 10/25, that's six for the week so far
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    hi every1 can i join? Group A
    10/24 -- 4 miles
    10/25 -- 4 miles