Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • Michelle228
    Michelle228 Posts: 69 Member
    Im still here! :) Sorry its been a long week . Besides turning 35 and my brother coming home for 2 wks before he is shipped off to not sure where I had a very close friend pass away and that hit me pretty hard. No weight loss for me this week but no gain either TOM's here right now so hopefully next week there will be a good weight loss. I am getting compliments though everyone is noticing that im losing weight and that makes me feel amazing so im sticking with this till i get where I wanna be :) So my weight this week is still 304
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    joyfully announcing that I am 159, FINALLY!!!!!!!

    I've been in the low 160s for what feels like forever, on Friday I was showing 159, over the weekend shot up b/c of TOM and heavy exercise on the weekend, but this morning the magic number of 159 showed up again. I'm so pumped to blast through the 150 and get to goal weight. So close I can almost taste it, and it tastes better than all those things that helped me put the weight on :love:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred again. Yesterday was L1D2. My muscles are sore but it's just another reason why I need to stick with it. It feels good to be bonding with Jillian again. :laugh:

    Happy Wednesday!! :flowerforyou:
  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    Sorry, forgot to post yesterday!

    SW: 186.6
    Week 1: 183.6
    Week 2: 180.2
    Week 3: 179.4
    Week 4: 178.6
    Week 5: 177.0
    Week 6: 176.0
    Week 7: 174.5
    GW: 171
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm so happy for you Olivia! I know you've been battling getting into the 150's for awhile now, woohoo!!! I thought I'd never get there, I swear my body wanted to live at 162 for it wants to live at 153, lol..nothing is ever good enough! My goal weight is 150 and I'm dying to get there. Sandbug, like you, this weather with its ups and downs has made me want to bunker up and eat, especially since we've all been sick here...but I think about last winter and where I was and how my eating was just completely out of control, I'm so glad to at least have a handle on it this year.
    Congrats to everyone, even if we are making baby steps or not losing like we want, we are making healthy habits :)
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred again. Yesterday was L1D2. My muscles are sore but it's just another reason why I need to stick with it. It feels good to be bonding with Jillian again. :laugh:

    Happy Wednesday!! :flowerforyou:

    Great Ailene!! I need to pick it back up myself...its such a great challenging workout like no other!
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    I am soon going to wear the yo-yo queen's crown if things dont change around here!! Weigh-in for this week 210.4.:grumble: Started weight training and also TOM appeared so hopefully.... ? AWESOME work, Olivia!!!!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Pssst....(said in a whisper)...I think I found my Mojo, again....heeheehee

    Not weighing this week, on purpose. Going to get my body back used to what it should be doing/receiving...looking forward to next week's weigh in.
  • 1erica60
    1erica60 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm glad for you, Leslie! Hope I can follow in your footsteps and start seeing the right numbers on the scale! Forgot yesterday to do mesurements- did them this morning and its a big NSV!!! 1 inch lost on both my hips and just below bellybutton (where all my fat tends to hang out!:laugh: )!! What a great way to start the day because I was really blue bout the numbers on the scale!

    Catie- Enjoy every minute with your family! Its a real blessing to have grandparents that are celebrating 65 years of marriage!:flowerforyou:
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    I'm glad for you, Leslie! Hope I can follow in your footsteps and start seeing the right numbers on the scale! Forgot yesterday to do mesurements- did them this morning and its a big NSV!!! 1 inch lost on both my hips and just below bellybutton (where all my fat tends to hang out!:laugh: )!! What a great way to start the day because I was really blue bout the numbers on the scale!

    Thanks, Erica! I'm sure you will find your Mojo, too! It sneaks back up on ya, just make sure you're paying attention so you don't miss him, LOL :bigsmile: Congrats on the awesome NSV!!!
  • Leslie, hoping I find my Mojo as well, excited to see what the numbers will look like when you do weigh in next time! Hope everyone is having a great day. I personally am loving it, Fridays are my favorite because it means the weekend is coming, aka lots of family time!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Pssst....(said in a whisper)...I think I found my Mojo, again....heeheehee

    Not weighing this week, on purpose. Going to get my body back used to what it should be doing/receiving...looking forward to next week's weigh in.

    No surprise we found our mojo together. even when we keep missing each other, we're still connected woman. Together we will rock this weightloss thing! :flowerforyou:

    And congrats to so many of you who have also done so well these last 2 weeks. I see lots of people posting successes and losses. Keep up the great work!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Man it great to see so many people doing so good this week! I'm having a pretty good week overall and if I can make through the weekend I think I'll have another good loss this week too, yay!

    So I had a bit of an odd experience at work this week. As many of you know since I'm always complaining about it my work has been buying us food all the time recently and this week was no exception. On thursday we had pizza brought for us and for some reason a different manager also got us bagels for breakfast. Well if I had to pick two ulitmate weaknesses that would be both of them. I ate a ton, I didn't feel good afterwards, and I went hugely over my calories for the day. On Friday yet a different manager was buying us lunch as well which turned out to be boxed lunches from Jimmy John's. So I thought that was great becuase I could get the 200 calorie unwich (sandwich made as a lettuce wrap) and wouldn't have to be all stressed out about going over calories yet again. So the lunch came with a cookie which I said I didn't want and asked if they would just order me two pickles instead. The person ordering the lunches refused to do it and said I had to get the cookie. This was not a matter of they don't substitute or anything like that, she wouldn't even just not order a cookie for me when I asked her to do that. Then her and another girl started giving me a really hard time about ordering the unwich and then about my eating in general. What the heck? I've never encountered this before, but it was almost like intentional sabotage. Why would they order me food I said I don't want that would just go to waste? And earlier in the week they were actually making fun of me for how much I eat (I have 3-4 low cal snacks spaced out over the day). Why would you make fun of someone eating healthy, what is wrong with these two girls? I just don't get why you would act like that, I never say anything to them about how they eat. Well, at any rate I gave the cookie away so I guess I'll at least call that my NSV for the week for resisting temptation :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoying their Halloween festivities!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Got outside today for a 3m run; it's only my 2nd outside run since dealing with this ridiculous hip injury. So far, so good.

    Happy Saturday everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Man it great to see so many people doing so good this week! I'm having a pretty good week overall and if I can make through the weekend I think I'll have another good loss this week too, yay!

    So I had a bit of an odd experience at work this week. As many of you know since I'm always complaining about it my work has been buying us food all the time recently and this week was no exception. On thursday we had pizza brought for us and for some reason a different manager also got us bagels for breakfast. Well if I had to pick two ulitmate weaknesses that would be both of them. I ate a ton, I didn't feel good afterwards, and I went hugely over my calories for the day. On Friday yet a different manager was buying us lunch as well which turned out to be boxed lunches from Jimmy John's. So I thought that was great becuase I could get the 200 calorie unwich (sandwich made as a lettuce wrap) and wouldn't have to be all stressed out about going over calories yet again. So the lunch came with a cookie which I said I didn't want and asked if they would just order me two pickles instead. The person ordering the lunches refused to do it and said I had to get the cookie. This was not a matter of they don't substitute or anything like that, she wouldn't even just not order a cookie for me when I asked her to do that. Then her and another girl started giving me a really hard time about ordering the unwich and then about my eating in general. What the heck? I've never encountered this before, but it was almost like intentional sabotage. Why would they order me food I said I don't want that would just go to waste? And earlier in the week they were actually making fun of me for how much I eat (I have 3-4 low cal snacks spaced out over the day). Why would you make fun of someone eating healthy, what is wrong with these two girls? I just don't get why you would act like that, I never say anything to them about how they eat. Well, at any rate I gave the cookie away so I guess I'll at least call that my NSV for the week for resisting temptation :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoying their Halloween festivities!

    What a terrible thing for them to do and how sad. That's so not ok on so many levels. Maybe they're insecure and/or threatened by your healthy eating. I find so many people poke fun or say inappropriate things when they are insecure about themselves and feel threatened. I've also noticed that once someone gets healthy and their body shows it with a healthy weight, people target them, not realizing that healthy is a lifestyle, not just a diet that people go on then they can stop. I've seen this with thinner people lots, when they order healthy food and others do not, they give them a hard time, basically saying that b/c they are thin they should eat whatever they want. Makes no sense but does happen.

    Hopefully these women get off their high horse and if they don't, then I would suggest telling them to stop. You don't need their negativity undermining your great work!
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Man it great to see so many people doing so good this week! I'm having a pretty good week overall and if I can make through the weekend I think I'll have another good loss this week too, yay!

    So I had a bit of an odd experience at work this week. As many of you know since I'm always complaining about it my work has been buying us food all the time recently and this week was no exception. On thursday we had pizza brought for us and for some reason a different manager also got us bagels for breakfast. Well if I had to pick two ulitmate weaknesses that would be both of them. I ate a ton, I didn't feel good afterwards, and I went hugely over my calories for the day. On Friday yet a different manager was buying us lunch as well which turned out to be boxed lunches from Jimmy John's. So I thought that was great becuase I could get the 200 calorie unwich (sandwich made as a lettuce wrap) and wouldn't have to be all stressed out about going over calories yet again. So the lunch came with a cookie which I said I didn't want and asked if they would just order me two pickles instead. The person ordering the lunches refused to do it and said I had to get the cookie. This was not a matter of they don't substitute or anything like that, she wouldn't even just not order a cookie for me when I asked her to do that. Then her and another girl started giving me a really hard time about ordering the unwich and then about my eating in general. What the heck? I've never encountered this before, but it was almost like intentional sabotage. Why would they order me food I said I don't want that would just go to waste? And earlier in the week they were actually making fun of me for how much I eat (I have 3-4 low cal snacks spaced out over the day). Why would you make fun of someone eating healthy, what is wrong with these two girls? I just don't get why you would act like that, I never say anything to them about how they eat. Well, at any rate I gave the cookie away so I guess I'll at least call that my NSV for the week for resisting temptation :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoying their Halloween festivities!

    I used to have the same problem at of the girls I work with always makes these decadent breakfast sandwiches. One day she was really ragging on me, because I had said 'no, thank you' when she had saved me one. It got to the point where I just started crying and went off on her saying " My problem with food is like being an alcoholic. I can't control it, and it's a real addiction. You wouldn't push a drink on an alcoholic, would you? " She finally got it, and has made a total turn around concerning me and treats.
    I'm super proud of you for standing up for yourself! Part of the work we have to do is getting the people around us to REALLY understand what we're going through and to stop with the sabotaging behavior. It sucks that it has to be part of 'our' job, but it's a reality. Some people get it, some never will. Ultimately YOU are what matters, and BRAVO to you!!!
  • I'm finding my mojo :glasses: this week! I just did a 65 minute power walking outside with 4pound weights. The weather here in the midwest is beautiful.

    NVS for me.... first time in 25 years I have NOT bought a piece of Halloween candy to give out (or eat myself). I'm sad and happy all in one. We are going to a Halloween party tonight but no treats for me. :bigsmile:

    Everyone have a great Halloween week end and enjoy your families.
  • Man it great to see so many people doing so good this week! I'm having a pretty good week overall and if I can make through the weekend I think I'll have another good loss this week too, yay!

    So I had a bit of an odd experience at work this week. As many of you know since I'm always complaining about it my work has been buying us food all the time recently and this week was no exception. On thursday we had pizza brought for us and for some reason a different manager also got us bagels for breakfast. Well if I had to pick two ulitmate weaknesses that would be both of them. I ate a ton, I didn't feel good afterwards, and I went hugely over my calories for the day. On Friday yet a different manager was buying us lunch as well which turned out to be boxed lunches from Jimmy John's. So I thought that was great becuase I could get the 200 calorie unwich (sandwich made as a lettuce wrap) and wouldn't have to be all stressed out about going over calories yet again. So the lunch came with a cookie which I said I didn't want and asked if they would just order me two pickles instead. The person ordering the lunches refused to do it and said I had to get the cookie. This was not a matter of they don't substitute or anything like that, she wouldn't even just not order a cookie for me when I asked her to do that. Then her and another girl started giving me a really hard time about ordering the unwich and then about my eating in general. What the heck? I've never encountered this before, but it was almost like intentional sabotage. Why would they order me food I said I don't want that would just go to waste? And earlier in the week they were actually making fun of me for how much I eat (I have 3-4 low cal snacks spaced out over the day). Why would you make fun of someone eating healthy, what is wrong with these two girls? I just don't get why you would act like that, I never say anything to them about how they eat. Well, at any rate I gave the cookie away so I guess I'll at least call that my NSV for the week for resisting temptation :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend and enjoying their Halloween festivities!

    Women can be so rude. I'm glad you stood up for yourself. You are the better person. Take care of yourself.
  • Sweet! You rock:glasses:
  • Ugh! That's how I feel. I'm beating myself up because I can't seem to get any motivation to exercise. I've fallen into eating way to many sweets! With Halloween around the corner, it's everywhere! I try not to even bring it in the house, but my daughters talked me into getting some nutty bars while we were on vacation. They came back home with us and now they are yelling at me to eat them...Oh the pressure!

    So, I'm going to get into my weight loss story and remind myself of why I'm doing this and how far I've come. The weight loss part came around in June of this year when I started Insanity. My decisions up until that point is what led me there. I've always viewed myself as being bigger than other girls my age, especially in high school. Looking back now I can't believe how wrong I was! I got married while I was in college and pregnant. This is where the weight gain started. Living a healthy lifestyle was not part of our lives. I completed college, started grad school, had another daughter, got a full time job as a park ranger, and got a divorce (all within the span of two years). No my life wasn't busy at all...:noway: Anyway, since I was pretty active as a park ranger, I didn't gain much more weight, leveling off somewhere in the 170s (where I am now). Unfortunately, the salary of a park ranger does not support a single mom and her two girls. So, I started a profession I always said I would never get into, teaching. This is when I started packing on the pounds, between struggles with depression, exhaustion, and girl scout cookies, I reached 210 pounds this past spring. I knew I had to do something. I didn't like me. I didn't have energy. I didn't want to do anything. A friend of mine was doing Insanity, so her enthusiasm spilled over to me, enough so that I purchased the outrageously expensive workout set on ebay. I've never invested money so wisely. It took about 2 months to arrive, but I was able to start right as school was getting out for the summer. I spent the whole summer developing healthy eating and workout habits, so that when school started back I could continue my new healthy lifestyle. It's been difficult, between girl scout meetings, soccer practice and games, dance practice, and church suppers. I'm exhausted when I get home and struggle to get a workout in. I'm also taking courses for my PhD online, so that's one more wrench thrown in my schedule. That brings me to the struggles I have now. I'm still dropping pounds, but my habits are wavering. I grab too many bad foods because they are convenient. I fall into bed at the end of the day instead of putting on my workout clothes. I'm burning myself out and I know it, but I don't know how to fix it. I keep saying to myself that I just have to make it through to summer. Then my PhD courses will be over, and I'll hopefully be at my goal weight.

    Hang in there! You will get through this stressfull time. Can you get up earlier to get your work out in before you start your day? Good for you on taking PhD classes online.