Healthy for the Holidays Challenge - 9/06 - 11/22



  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Helen, it sounds like you have a great plan now that you've started work...I had to adjust to that two months ago since starting work again, and like you said it is extremely difficult to balance it all. I have work, a 3 almost 4 year old, and college full time, and home things to do...I don't get as much exercise in as I'd like now, and I have to be more aware of what I'm eating. I like your game plan and we will succeed!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    last weight: 194.4
    Current Weight: 191.0

    hey all,

    I'm super excited because I've finally got my groove back and my efforts are paying off. Thank you God, finally! I had a good loss this week and now I just need to continue eating my healthy foods and planning my meals.

    Wish you all a good week!
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    Well, I won't meet the exercise challenge, because I've only worked out twicw this week, bit at least I'm back at the gym. I'm trying a new 17 bean soup for my lunches at work that I saw when I went shopping yesterday. I added some mixed vegies to it, and it looks like a hearty (and healthy) soup. (and all that lovely fiber and protien to boot!) Feeling a little better today, just need to get back in the swing of things
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    This weekend was very busy. I am feeling very connected to my food and exercise that is a good thing.

    I did have an interesting experience today at the gym. I wore my HRM and I noticed that my heart rate was faster than usual and I burned lots more calories than usual. I remembered that I didn't take my high blood pressure med (its a low dose of a beta blocker for migranes). I know that a side effect of this pill can be weight gain...but I am wondering how much this med is effecting how I lose weight. I will keep taking the meds but I plan to talk to my doctor about this at my next check up.

    I am looking forward to the weigh in this week....
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    I wont meet it either :( I completely blew my weekend again. I have no self control on the weekends. I will have gotten over 2000 calories burned though... I was active yesterday and today but I didn't log, I also didn't burn as much as I wanted though.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Well for the first time in ages I actually didn't blow my weekend! I was probably over calories on Friday and Saturday by a small amount, but nothing major. I did, however, go way over sodium for the last 3 days and I am soooo bloated today! I think my body was even starting to recognize I had too much yesterday. I had 8 glasses of water by about 3 in the afternoon and just stopped adding them after 10! I drank way more water than usual. So today is emergency sodium flush to try and not have a bad weigh in day. Here's to day full of trips to bathroom :drinker:
  • xreinvention
    xreinvention Posts: 82 Member
    Sorry about the lack of activity. We moved some friends the other weekend and last week was my TOM so I didn't weigh in (I always have a gain and it always upsets me.) But I will weigh in first thing tomorrow!
  • swillis21
    swillis21 Posts: 251 Member
    sry I've been so MIA and idk if i need to tell anyone this but I'm not going to be able to lead this coming weeks challenge, so just came on here to say that. Thanks :) And you all are doing great at supporting ea other, keep it up!
  • Tissues
    Tissues Posts: 361 Member
    Ellen I'm with you! I already have 1 liter (its 9am..) down, my goal is 5 today I'm also hitting up the gym today during my lunch hour, and BFBM when I get home to try and get as close to the 3500 calorie mark as possible. I THINK I might hit 3K, we'll see.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I'm at a conference in DC this week, so I'm doing my best to keep up. I hit 2800 out of the 3500 calories burned so far. I'll hit the gym tonite I don't think I'll get 3500, but close.

    Didn't post a recipe, but I have some great ones as bookmarks on my home computer. I'll post one next week, it's always good to have new ideas, even after the challenge week is over.

    Alacarte will bring us our challenge this week, so don't drop out on us! :noway:
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I'm spending a couple of days at my mom's, visiting with her and my DD2. We got in a nice long horseback ride yesterday, as well as some grooming. Today, we picked grapes for wine. I can't wait until I have horse chores again--it's my favorite form of exercise!
  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Hello H4H gang,
    **************************************WEEKLY CHALLENGE*******************************************

    FOOD: Seems like everyone is having a hard time with sustainability, so this week it's back to square one. Faithfully log every morsel, and measure all foods, and record water consumed. Eat what ever you like, just log it. With the holidays looming, and candies/ deserts everywhere you look it will be important to know where we stand calorically. If you didn't have time to post a recipe during last weeks challenge feel free to do so this week.

    EXERCISE: Again it's about sustainability, and this week we are deep cleaning for the holidays, yes you read it correctly, DEEP CLEANING our homes. I own a cleaning business and don't exercise too much apart from work and am still losing weight, so I know you will get a burn. We will all be very busy in the near future and wouldn't you like to be ready for guests, parties and the like?

    This is a top to bottom cleaning, leave no stone unturned. Depending on the state of each room you should spend 30 minutes to an hour or more if needed. (You will be all set to put out your seasonal decorations)

    Start in any room you like and CHOOSE A NEW ROOM EACH DAY.

    If you have HIRED HELP you can choose to exercise 3-4 times per week doing strength or cardio, but you may want to tackle cleaning the fridge, organizing a cluttered office, or re-doing your pantry etc in addition to your normal exercise.

    Say goodbye to those dust bunnies, CRANK UP THE TUNES, and enjoy your clean house.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening...

    Today was a great day. I weigh in everyday and today the number started with a 1..... I had a glimpse of this in June but have been struggling all summer. Tomorrow is my weigh in for this thread and I have my Weight Loss Challenge tomorrow night...I hope its still a number starting with a 1....

    Have a great night!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    alacarte--I like your approach to exercise. I've been spending the bulk of my exercise calories on my yard this past 6-7 months, and I look better, and so does my yard and lawn.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Love the challenges this week! My house needs a good cleaning and I've been slacking about measuring my food -I've been doing a little too much estimating.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    So...EPIC FAIL on my own challenge week!!! LOL
    I got a migraine, and it lasted for FOUR DAYS...ugh...and along with the not being able to function, and sitting in the dark, came comfort food that wouldn't upset my stomach. I won't go into details, but it wasn't pretty. :sick:
    But was feeling better yesterday, went for a nice long walk around the city with the boy, so hopefully there's not too much damage done for weigh in.
    Like Olivia, I WILL post a recipe or two...I swear! And super big thanks to those that did post. Everything sounds so YUM and I can't wait to get to the store and pick up some food to start cooking them all!!

    Steph (alacarte) I LOVE YOUR CHALLENGE!! I so need the logging this week, after being sick and logging NOTHING last week! And I'm totally all about finding exercise in 'non-gym' ways. You ROCK!! :heart:

    Here's to happy weigh ins for everyone tomorrow!!
  • hopelyss
    hopelyss Posts: 145
    Weighing in this week at 178.6

    SW: 186.6
    Week 1: 183.6
    Week 2: 180.2
    Week 3: 179.4
    Week 4: 178.6
    GW: 171
  • carrielofton
    carrielofton Posts: 89 Member
    SW MFP June 21st - 208 lbs.
    SW Challenge - 189.2 lbs.
    1st Week - 188.8 lbs.
    2nd Week - 184.8 lbs.
    3rd Week - 186.8 lbs.
    4th Week - 183.6 lbs.
    GW Challenge - 175 lbs.
    GW MFP - 137 lbs.

    I am so happy with my loss this week. I kow what I needed to do and have started making the correct changes. Good luck everyone we all can do this.
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Weighed this morning at 198.7 ( so happy to see the ones..its been a long time). I really beleive that being on this challenge and doing the challenges has really helped me break through the physical and mental barrier I had. Thank you to keep going!!

    SW 204.5

    Wk 1: 203.2
    Wk 2: 201.6
    Wk 3: 201.7
    Wk 4: 198.7
  • agirl11
    agirl11 Posts: 37 Member
    No change last week but this week I am down 242.4!!!! YES!!!!