Hubby has been mugged and beaten by a gang of 10 *kitten*



  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    At least he's safe and alive, thinking about this gangs, they could have had knifes or something of the kind, so it was a bit stupid of him to punch one of the gang, but on the other hand he would have felt worse if he didn't defend himself. Oh dear, yeah, it must be scary to live where you live, it's such a pity you can't avoid members of gangs living in your neighbourhood. Perhaps you could raise a complaint signed by all the other residents and take them to court or something like that? but yeah, one doesn't want to get involved at all just in case they turn against you! Sorry to hear you don't even feel safe at home,:(
    Wow! So sorry to hear this. I doubt there's much you can do to help him at this point, but I hope you reported it.

    Never had anything like this happen, but we have been caught in the middle of a gang war for the last 4 months. We live in a nice middle class neighborhood and a guy moved in 4 houses down who is a prominent member of a gang. Apparently a member of a rival gang lives a couple blocks away, with his parents. So on the 4th of July, the guy who lives with his parents and another guy walked up and shot and killed a guy in the garage of the one who lives 4 doors down from me. About 1:00 in the morning. We heard it. Scared the Hell out of us. And ever since they have been doing drive by shootings between the two houses. We get woke up by gunfire a couple nights a month. I was standing by my bedroom window one morning last week, getting ready to go out and jog and I heard the gunshots again. I dropped to the floor because my bedroom in in the front of the house, and crawled around my bed into the hallway, thinking, this is a ridiculous way to live!

    Oh the neighbors have all complained repeatedly. I've called the District Attorney, who is an acquaintance of ours and the head of the gang unit. And we all call the cops every time there is a gunshot. They have gotten the message that the rest of us are not amused. Last week they put up a video camera and floodlights pointing toward the street on the front of both gang houses so they can get good pictures of who is doing the drivebys. Things have quieted down considerably now. I guess this is a better solution than mine. I suggested burning his house down.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    My mom and I were in a movie theatre all by ourselves for a movie. (It was a dollar movie and we thought it was funny that we had the whole theater to ourselves.) About 10 minutes into the movie a man came in and with 99% of the theatre empty he sat in the same row as us with only 1 seat seperating him from me. Looking back we were stupid to stay, but I guess we didn't want to be judgmental at the time. He promptly fell asleep. About an hour and a half into the movie, (it was the movie Family Man with Nicholas Cage. The scene where they are kissing on the stair case. I will never forget that.) I looked over at him and got the scariest jolt I have ever felt because he was staring right at me. I got up, then he and my mom got up. He literally jumped at me and out of instinct I moved out of the way. He got my mom in a bear hug. My mom was scooting to the isle, but he wouldn't let go of her. I was pounding on him, but I was 17 at the time and really didn't feel very stong. He was stoned plus he had on one of those old school puffy Starter jackets, so it seemed like he couldn't feel anything I was doing. He then, let go of my mom and ran. I ran out to the lobby after him and yelled at the security to grab him. They did. Turns out he didn't have a ticket either, so he was arrested for trespassing and assault. He ended up posting bail and leaving the state. Our Police wouldn't extradite him back and basically told us there was nothing we could do. My mom spent 2 or 3 days in the hospital because the weight of him while she was scooting messed up her knee really bad. Ultimately we just had to accept that it happened. It really sucked and was very scary.

    I would recommend calling the police, but unless he knows exactly who they are he probably won't get very far unfortunately. I hope he gets better soon. Sorry that it happened to him. It is sad what humans will sometimes do to other humans. Real sad.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    That's horrible. I'm so sorry that happened.
    I agree with the idea of just letting him talk as much or as little as he wants, and lots of extra lovin'. I hope they catch the jerks.
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    First sorry that happened to him, I was in a gang a long time ago so i understand the cowardice that comes with it, although in their minds they think they are tough. I specialize in self defense and martial arts and i also teach my wife the same and rape prevention i think what she likes the most is knowing how to pop a guys hips out of socket by a certain way you wrap your feet ..if he tries to force himself on her... but with that being said yes a few months ago i had some guys try to car jack me at a gas station in a part of a neighborhood that i usually wouldnt stop in, i had just dropped my brother off his car was broken down and so i was on my way to pick up my kids and had to stop for gas .. i get them every other weekend and was looking forward to getting them so not thinking i zip into gas station and this clown decides he wants my car he approaches me and says he will "box" me for it, i thought he was joking so i ignored him, he took it as a sign of disrespect so his 3 homies approached me as well at this point they felt we will just take it . of course i am thinking it's 6pm people are out you guys really are not that dumb, well they were he swings and i react block, crank arm judo toss he lands on the other side of car with arm broken and shoulder dislocated ... well seeing that his boys were having second thoughts i decided to persuade them further by exposing the gun i had in the car they ran off and left him, of course i never thought about the video so the police shows up a day later at my door step because the camera was able to get my llcense plate and they really didn't have much to say to me i thought i was going to jail but they told me the guy arm is broken shoulder dislocated and he is sitting in a cell waiting for monday judge appearance for attempted something or other and something about strong arm robbery and other charges they had been looking for him for a while .. you never want it to come to that but sometimes it does i had to fill out report and they asked me some questions would i go there again no .. next time could be worse .. let your husband know if nothing else it took a "gang" to beat him he can't feel bad about a bunch of cowards time will help there is something about the male super ego that when things like this happen it takes a blow .. let him know he is still a man in your eyes and continue to encourage and build his self esteem .. once he sees that he is still your hero than he will snap out of it plus it was traumatic it will take some time for him to shake it off .. hope this helped i am sure you have gotten a lot of responses by now ..
  • DiamondInTheDirt
    DiamondInTheDirt Posts: 117 Member
    Oh gosh, poor thing =[. Some people have no lives...theyre absolute idiots...i hope they pay for what they did! Is your husband gonna bring charges? Theres nothing much you can do to be honest.Just be there for him but dont force him to talk about he's feelings too much, from what i know men dont like to do this lol
  • chicagocubsfan23
    This just makes me sick! We've had our truck broken into and stuff stolen but never been mugged. It is just a shame that these kids have nothing better to do or think it's "so cool" to be part of a gang. And sad that most of them are going to end up dead or in prison.
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    geee! the first thing is to find ways for you to relax. then whatever works for him: spa, bath, music.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Where was this??? what city?????? That ghetto trash always tries to intimidate ...............................