Eating exercise cals: Is it bad to....



  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    I never had to eat back my exercise calories. Still lost lbs either way. Although if I ever felt hungry after a workout and I had calories left, then I would eat something til the hunger went away.
  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    if im not mistaken, as im still learning, after a meal, the glucose created is stored in your muscles as glycogen. In theory, unless this glycogen is burned as fuel, it will ultimately be stored as fat. so, one can assume that if you ate at 5pm and stayed active until 9pm, you would have a less of a chance of storing glycogen as fat, rather than a person who ate at 9pm and went straight to bed.

    but as i said, you are right, and i am wrong

    have a good night :)
  • allijoy13
    allijoy13 Posts: 66 Member
    Of course, this is just one web site, but I did just read something very similar in my nutrition text book.

    A 2011 study conducted by researchers from Northwestern University demonstrates that there is a link between your body's circadian rhythm, or the natural wake/sleep cycle that humans experience, and your metabolism. Your body is hardwired to gear down at night, which lowers your metabolism whether you are awake or asleep. A disruption in your natural wake/sleep cycle also has an effect of slowing your metabolism by causing your body to produce more hormones that are related to feelings of hunger and weight gain.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Your body digests and burns calories 24/7. The myth about eating too late is just that, a myth. Plus, if you know you are going to work out, try eating those calories earlier in the day, spread them out.

    And if you are under by a few, and aren't hungry, don't worry about eating them.

    This is what I do. While I was trying to lose weight and was exercising (I'm pregnant now and am not counting calories) I'd plan my day the night before. I'd estimate my calorie burn and plan my meals and snacks accordingly.
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    I'm wondering if ti's okay to eat them the next day. I had about 1100 calories left to reach my goal at the end of the night. (2400 calorie burn for a 4.5 hour bike ride). I did make up for it the next day. Hope that isn't too bad! I can't eat much before or during the ride as I'll get stomach pains.
  • BHealthyBeHappy
    BHealthyBeHappy Posts: 19 Member
    before you saying its a myth, check out if its a myth, your body functions and nervous system do slow down at bedtime

    rule of thumb, I would not eat after 8pm

    no, your body will not just let the food sit in your belly without digesting it

    but, your body WILL send more of a percentage to be stored as FAT rather than keeping it in reserve for potential energy for a person who ate at 5pm and still was wide awake being relatively active

  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    before you go saying its a myth, check out if its a myth, your body functions and nervous system do slow down at bedtime

    rule of thumb, I would not eat after 8pm

    no, your body will not just let the food sit in your belly without digesting it

    but, your body WILL send more of a percentage to be stored as FAT rather than keeping it in reserve for potential energy for a person who ate at 5pm and still was wide awake being relatively active

    Yep, I am also going to agree with this! ^
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    before you go saying its a myth, check out if its a myth, your body functions and nervous system do slow down at bedtime

    rule of thumb, I would not eat after 8pm

    no, your body will not just let the food sit in your belly without digesting it

    but, your body WILL send more of a percentage to be stored as FAT rather than keeping it in reserve for potential energy for a person who ate at 5pm and still was wide awake being relatively active

    Ok, so theoretically -

    Day 1 - I eat 1600 calories in 3 meals, I burn 400 calories after I have eaten dinner then I go to bed.
    Day 2 - I eat 1200 calories in 2 meals, I burn 400 calories (therefore creating an extra deficit, perhaps which could be taken from my fat stores) then I eat the extra 400 calories to total 1600 calories before I go to bed.

    There is not going to be a difference here and it has nothing to do with whether or not you burn less calories when you are sleeping. It has to do with the fact that the time of day that you create your calorie deficit is irrelevant - in your theory, you are assuming that you actually have to have already eaten the food to be burning the calories (and therefore need to time to burn calories after eating) which is not true.
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    before you go saying its a myth, check out if its a myth, your body functions and nervous system do slow down at bedtime

    rule of thumb, I would not eat after 8pm

    no, your body will not just let the food sit in your belly without digesting it

    but, your body WILL send more of a percentage to be stored as FAT rather than keeping it in reserve for potential energy for a person who ate at 5pm and still was wide awake being relatively active

    I would love to see the actual clinical study that shows this. Everything I have see shows the exact opposite. Your BMR does not slow down during the night significantly. Also, it is at night that your muscles and other parts of your body are repaired. To do that repairing your body needs food.

    BasalMR is always the same, and you are always over it
    your metabolic ratio does slow down (closer to BMR during sleep)... still... doesnt matter in that case... its just a matter of input - output
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    before you go saying its a myth, check out if its a myth, your body functions and nervous system do slow down at bedtime

    rule of thumb, I would not eat after 8pm

    no, your body will not just let the food sit in your belly without digesting it

    but, your body WILL send more of a percentage to be stored as FAT rather than keeping it in reserve for potential energy for a person who ate at 5pm and still was wide awake being relatively active

    Yep, I am also going to agree with this! ^

    It is correct, but since your INTAKE, is always the same and your KCAL BURNED are also the same, the KCAL DEFICIT doesnt change and you lose weight at the same speed.

    it gets stored as fat... but gets burnt anyway
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    So, on my workout days, I always find myself scrambling to eat my exercise calories at the end of the day. Is it bad to consume these calories later in the evening? I hate the idea of food just sitting on my belly a few hours before bedtime?

    When you sleep your metabolism is slower, so you might gain weight if you eat right before going to sleep. Sleeping is when your metabolism is the slowest. It is bad if you are trying to lose or maintain weight.

    Just dont eat right before bed. Give your body time to digest the food. You will sleep better if you do this. Take care xoxoxo:wink:

    Sleep helps you lose weight.. not gain it. Please show a study that says you gain weight if you eat right before you sleep.. cause I'd def. like to see that!
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Please show a study that says you gain weight if you eat right before you sleep.. cause I'd def. like to see that!

    I found one that says that people who eat before you sleep tend to gain weight because they eat more Kcal average than the other group who didn't do it!!! -- CONFOUNDING FACTORS FTW. That's why they don't recommend to eat before going to bed... but if you are counting your kcals successfully, for the same number of kcals, IT DOESNT MATTER
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Please show a study that says you gain weight if you eat right before you sleep.. cause I'd def. like to see that!

    I found one that says that people who eat before you sleep tend to gain weight because they eat more Kcal average than the other group who didn't do it!!! -- CONFOUNDING FACTORS FTW. That's why they don't recommend to eat before going to bed... but if you are counting your kcals successfully, for the same number of kcals, IT DOESNT MATTER
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    I'm wondering if ti's okay to eat them the next day. I had about 1100 calories left to reach my goal at the end of the night. (2400 calorie burn for a 4.5 hour bike ride). I did make up for it the next day. Hope that isn't too bad! I can't eat much before or during the ride as I'll get stomach pains.
    You can actual look at weight loss on a weekly basis.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Please show a study that says you gain weight if you eat right before you sleep.. cause I'd def. like to see that!

    I found one that says that people who eat before you sleep tend to gain weight because they eat more Kcal average than the other group who didn't do it!!! -- CONFOUNDING FACTORS FTW. That's why they don't recommend to eat before going to bed... but if you are counting your kcals successfully, for the same number of kcals, IT DOESNT MATTER

    I see a double post but the study is where? Oh right, it's not because your prob. making this up...
  • dolphin9803
    If your confused after reading all that do what I do ask ur doc.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    If your confused after reading all that do what I do ask ur doc.

    Unfortunately, many doctors are rather clueless about weight loss. It's actually a different science. You are better off talking to a registered dietician or at least a nutritionist. At least this is what I have seen from my personal experience and have seen from the experiences of others on here.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    stupid internet and triple posting
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    please delete
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    It doesnt matter what time you eat them. Your body does not shut off at any time of night or while you sleep


    100% correct. :)

    I am SO GLAD to hear this, guys. I always eat late, not fattening food but just later than most people I know as I get home late. Music to my ears.